Luke Keith’s 1891 Diary

  • The entries from January 1 through February 14 were first written in the back of his 1890 diary and are basically identical to what he then wrote in his 1891 diary. Anything from 1890 that clarifies or adds to the 1891 entries is noted in brackets.

Jan 1 – Nancy and the girls[2] came. [Nancy brot painting. Rainy day.] Lois[3] and Ida Barber[4] came over. Will and Lizzie Brown[5] here. Verry wet day. Not much taring around.

Jan 2 – Hannah[6] went over to Wm Blakes. Nancy and girls went home on Evening train.

Jan 3 – Went over to Burg[7] to mill took 4 bushels corn & rye for feed. Hannah went to Kalamazoo.

Jan 4 – Very fine day. No one here [but Sally,[8] myself and Ethan[9]]. Hannah down to Nancys.

Jan 5 – Took Hannah over to Ida Barbers. Gave Dick Lamkin my [ulster] overcoat. Not very cold snowed in afternoon. [Snows like fun[10] this Evening.] Ethan went over after Hannah in Evening.

Jan 6 – Hannah went to Mrs Howlets this morning. I worked in Barn and cornhouse and done the chores as usual.

Jan 7 – Mercury 3 Abz[11] fine day. Sarah[12] and I went down to Alvin Lees.[13] Mr Allerton[14] moving. He sold his farm to Mr Miller of Kalamazoo for a stock farm.

Jan 8 – 4 Abz nice day. Mr Allertons family left for their new home up north.

Jan 9 – Ethel Crosfield a visiting here this afternoon. Ed Harmon load wood [two cords] this afternoon.

Jan 10 – Home as usual all right. Nice warm day. Repaired wire fence.

Jan 11 – At home. No one here. No snow and first rate wheeling.

Jan 12 – 33 Abz. Washing. Some blustrous rather rough in Evening.

Jan 13 – Nice weather some cold north wind. Ed brot load wood [two cords]. Mrs R. G. Smith[15] came over.

Jan 14 – The two Hannahs went to Mr Mires this morning. I turned two knobs for Lois cupboard. Very fine day. All well. Hens making all the Eggs they can afford for 20 cts pr doz.

Jan 15 – Pleasant day. Woking on Lamkins wagon jack. Some wind. [Nice wheeling no snow.] Roads smooth as a floor.

Jan 16 – Pleasant. Worked on jack some. Ground [froze] hard as a rock rather hard on Horses they drive so like old split foot. [Rather hard on wheat.]

Jan 17 – Took Hannah over to Lois in the fore part of the day. Went over after her about 4 PM. Bot one Bushel potatoes paid one Dollar for them. [Will Clark[16] there.] Ethan took his mother[17] over to George Blakes in Evening. Mr Wood and wife there.

Jan 18 – At home all day. No one here. None of the Christians called to see if they could get Hannah to work for them two or three days in May or August.

Jan 19 – [Went to mill.] Jim[18] came home to day. I made a pounder. Will Clark came over stayed all night. Hannah went to John Blakes this morning.

Jan 20 – Mercury 30 Abz. Jim started for Chicago[19] on the 8.25 AM train.

Jan 21 – Will here. I went over to burg afternoon took over 8 doz Eggs 18 cts pr doz. Will went back home with me found Charley [Clark][20] there.

Jan 22 – Took Sarah over to Lois to quilting.

Jan 23 – Mended Dels[21] razor. Mr Woods folks called just at night. They went down to Mrs Streators[22] stayed all night. They are moving a part of the Alphadelphia Mansion[23] up to the burg for a foundry and machine shop. Fine weather.

Jan 24 – At work in shop some. Split some wood and various small jobs such as feed the hens and fetch in the Hogs and milk.

Jan 25 – Mr Woods folks came to day. [George] Blakes and [Harry] Wilsons folks came over in Evening also Ida Barber.

Jan 26 – Mr Woods folks here all had seance[24] in Evening. Charley Town[25] came over. Very nice pleasant weather.

Jan 27 – Very nice day. Mr Woods folks left for home. I took Hannah over to Ida Barbers in morning went and brot her home in Evening. She went up to Charley Ogdens this Evening.

Jan 28 – Mr Wilcox came and got Lamkins jack.

Jan 29 – Shelled corn for Bill and Fans[26] feed. Rainy day not very cold. Mrs Henry Clinton Buried to day.

Jan 30 – Went to mill [took 4 bushels corn and rye]. Fine day. Got this Diary to day. Lois brot it up from Kalamazoo. Will Clark sent it.

Jan 31 – Took 4 Doz Eggs over to Lois 16 cts pr doz. Nice day for a winter day nicest kind of wheeling.

Feb 1 – At home [all day. No one here.] Fine weather [no snow]. Lots folks out to church. I expect they went that way I did not go to see where they went.

Feb 2 – Mended Hannahs rule [put zinc on the end]. Hannah at home all day.

Feb 3 – Doing chores as usual. Not very cold some blustrous about two inches snow.

Feb 4 – Pretty cold wind some snow very cold night.

Feb 5 – Mercury 34 in Evening. Worked in shop [some on ax helve]. Ethan finished the moddle. Charley took it up to Culls[27] in Evening.

Feb 6 – Fixed the pounder. Ed Harmon brot two cords wood. Paid him $16 sixteen Dollars.

Feb 7 – Worked in shop some. Fine day [no snow]. Went over and got Lois.

Feb 8 – At home. All right. No one came to day.

Feb 9 – Went over to burg got half bushel potatoes 50 cts. Have got the poor House into town in front of Grove St.

Feb 10 – Worked in shop some [on ax helves]. Nice day. Charley Town went to Battle Creek with the moddle.

Feb 11 – Hannah went to Shelbyville.[28] She sent her clock up by town [home].

Feb 12 – Fine day. Put a new valve in pump at the barn. Went up to the saw mill.

Feb 13 – Took the old saddle to peaces. They got the poor House [the Alphadelphia Mansion][29] a cross the Rail Road to day. Admiral Porter died to day.[30]

Feb 14 – Warm day. Cleaned out the shop. The Grand Trunk Rail Road was surveyed a cross my farm to day [from Battle Creek to Kalamazoo]. Steaks set for the line. General W. T. Sherman died to day.[31]

Feb 15 – Not very cold rather nice day. Hannah up to Lous.[32] Lou some better.

Feb 16 – Very foggy all day. Surveyors no work to day. Charley Town started this Evening for Toronto Canada.[33]

Feb 17 – Moved the turning lathe to day. Very rainy day quite foggy in afternoon.

Feb 18 – Mercury 19 Abz. Worked in cornhouse sorted my corn and moved things around generally. Mr Randals[34] auction to day. Cold north east wind. Schroder and Olin drawing lumber down to the stock farm the J. T. Allerton[35] farm the Miller farm now.

Feb 19 – Went over to burg in afternoon. The Railroad surveyors out to day. Mr Randal and his new wife[36] drove in to enquire something about the title to his farm he has sold out. Rained and snowed in night.

Feb 20 – Rainy morning very sloppy rained most of the day. Bad day to be out not much teaming. Schroders team drawing lumber for Mr Miller at the stock farm west of the Keith farm on the river road.

Feb 21 – Pleasant day quite cool wind. Went over to the burg in morning after Lois. I shelled some corn for to make the jonny cake[37] and de mush and milk.[38]

Feb 22 – Home to day not go to church. Hannah up to Shelbyville. Sick with the grip. Nice day.

Feb 23 – Went over to burg just at night. Got a letter from Nancy said she was some better. Mrs Thomas Durkees remains was brot to the burg to day for interment.[39] Also Wesley Strubles. Fine day Mercury 50 at 2 P.M. The new barn was raised this afternoon on the Allerton farm. Filed saw for Mr Randal. Mr Frank Austin died to day.[40]

Feb 24 – Mercury 57 Abz just at night. Shelled corn. Rainy day high wind very much like April weather. Ethan went over to the office no mail. No had the cutter out yet this winter.

Feb 25 – Took two bushels wheat to mill. Rather cold wind. Mr Dick Barber and Charley came over here. Mr Frank Austin was buried to day.

Feb 26 – Cold snowey day. D. Harris[41] here to dinner. Wm Ralph[42] called here to see Dee. I worked in shop some. Cul Town went to Allegan with load of goods for Mr Rodney Addams.

Feb 27 – Cold windy day. Took 5½ bushels corn and rye to mill. Hannah came home from Shelbyville. Nancy came home with her. Snowed in the night.

Feb 28 – About 5 inches snow this morning rather blustrous cold wind with sunshine. Not doing much to day.

Mar 1 – Mercury 12 Blow zero. At home. Hannah and Nancy here. Lois and Ina[43] came over. Lizzie Brown came down in afternoon.

Mar 2 – Mercury 15 Ab zero. Went over and got Lois. She came over to help Hannah tye some comforters. Mr Randal moving to day. Not very cold some snow.

Mar 3 – Nancy went over to Lois at noon. She goes home on the Evening train. Snow all day. Mr Randal moving some more things to day.

Mar 4 – At work in shop. Some cold wind. Mr Randal left for his new home.

Mar 5 – Cold wind. Work around house and shop some. Logs and wood being hawled to the burg and mill.

Mar 6 – Very blustrous snowed and blowed all day. Went over to burg got the mail and steak beef.

Mar 7 – Went up to Herb Earls[44] got some turnips. Elva, Luella & her brother came down in Evening.

Mar 8 – Rain some this morning. No one here to day after Hannah. Cool wind.

Mar 9 – Worked in shop some. Snow most all gone some. Logs and wood going to the burg.

Mar 10 – Hannah went over to R. G. Smiths this morning to make a dress for Mrs Smith. Mercury up in the forties. Martin Milham[45] called in awhile about noon.

Mar 11 – Worked in shop cut out some ax helves. Charley Town got home to day from Canada and York state, Ohio and various other towns. Rained afternoon and Evening.

Mar 12 – Worked some in shop. Not very cold. George Milham[46] got his stone boat[47] plank.

Mar 13 – Worked in shop all day. Cold windy day. Hard going not much going on here.

Mar 14 – Cold blustring day snowed and blowed all day. Not do much but chores. Hannah working for Mrs Emily Commings. Some sleighing.

Mar 15 – At home. Cold wind some blustrous bad day for the Tristians to get to church.

Mar 16 – Some wind not very cold. Went over to burg in afternoon. Ina came home with me stayed all night. Ethan went to Kalamazoo on the 9.15 train Evening. Hannah went to Mrs McNaughtons this morning.

Mar 17 – Mercury 24 at six A.M. cold south west wind. Chored around worked in shop some. Went over to burg in Evening after Ethan he not come. Mercury 42 in Evening. Dr. Wm Sprague of Pavilion Wyoming Co. N.Y. buried to day.[48]

Mar 18 – Mercury 37 in morning. Washing day. Ethan came on noon train. Some wind no snow. Hannah sewing at the burg this week. Very much mud now days.

Mar 19 – Cold south west wind. Made helve for the splitting ax. Ethan went over to burg in Evening.

Mar 20 – At home choring around as usual. Not much work.

Mar 21 – Working around house and shop. Ethan not doing much in shop. Some muddy cold wind.

Mar 22 – Jesse Earl[49] came down awhile in afternoon. Frank Crossfield[50] and cousin came down in Evening. Mrs Wesley Merryman died this morning.[51]

Mar 23 – Went over to burg at noon got Lois satchel for Ethan. He is going to Kalamazoo to help Hanks folks[52] move.

Mar 24 – Took Hannah over to R. G. Smiths this morning. Took over seven doz eggs to Skinner[53] 15 cts pr doz. Got some hay of Charley Town. Ina came over stayed all night. Mr Stephen Comfort of Jamestown N.Y. died this morning Ae. 84 years.[54]

Mar 25 – Took corn and rye to mill. Ina came over stayed all night. Went down to Mr Simmons. Ed Harmon brot two cords wood.

Mar 26 – Washing in fore noon. Mary An Oscar[55] came this forenoon. I took her over to the 2 oclock train. Ethan came home on the six oclock train. I went over after Hannah. Ed Harmon brot two cords wood.

Mar 27 – All right. Choring around as usual. I went down to Mr Simmons to see about the dray.

Mar 28 – Not much work to day. Not verry well. Ethan making patterns.

Mar 29 – Ethan and Hannah went down to Marts. Nice day.

Mar 30 – Mr Simmons brot twenty five hundered and seventy bbls hay. Ed Harmon brot two cords wood. Rained hard.

Mar 31 – Some ledle rainy day. I went up to Schrams to see about getting some seed potatoes.

Apr 1 – Rainy day not do much to day. Worked in shop some. Ethan work on patterns. Hannah home sick not go up to Sates to work.

Apr 2 – Hannah up to Sates to day. Worked in shop some. I. D. L. Schram[56] here a while to day. Snowed some.

Apr 3 – Took two bushels wheat to mill. Some snow to day cold wind. Made button hook for Bes. Turned one for Lelah.[57]

Apr 4 – Made handle to Hannahs button hook.

Apr 5 – Went up to Herbs in morning then went over to Bennet House[58] after Ed and Mage Allen. They came over and stayed all day. Edwin Flanders sick.

Apr 6 – Snow two inches deep this morning. Went over to town meeting in afternoon saw Robert Jickling and Walter Huntington.

Apr 7 – Ethan took Hanah over to Ripley Commings in morning she did not stay. Henry Crawford[59] came stayed all night. Nice day.

Apr 8 – Went over to burg in morning after Lois. Ed and Madge came over. Henry left for home[60] on the one twenty train. Ethan took Lois and Ed over in Evening. Very dark.

Apr 9 – Wating on the grip. Not do something.

Apr 10 – Tending to the grip. Quite damp. Rained some in the night.

Apr 11 – Looks stormy cool wind.

No entries from April 12 to 25 and then sporadically until September 14

Apr 26 – G. A. Lockhart Died this morning.[61] Edwin Flanders and wife[62] called here in afternoon. Elva and Lizzie, Will Owens and Cllara Milham.[63]

Apr 28 – Mr Lockhart buried to day.

May 12 – Paid Beckwith and Wells Bills.

May 16 – Will Brown took some wheat to mill. Verry dry.

May 18 – Big fire in Perry Wyoming County NY.

May 19 – Will Brown got out manure in forenoon.

May 20 – Will got out manure in afternoon. Mrs Geo Blake came over. Had a shower. Mr Earl and Mrs called to see Hannah. Rained in the night.

May 23 – Mrs Isaac Clark died to day.[64]

May 25 – Mrs Clark buried to day. Will Brown plowed the potatoe ground. Mrs A. B. Sumner Buried to day.[65]

May 26 – D came this Evening stayed all night.

May 27 – D went home on the one thirty five pm train. Got some potatoes of Schram $10. Paid Edwin Flanders ten Dollars.

Jun 3 – Lou went home on the one thirty five pm train. Paid Doc McBeth $2.00 two Dollars at the Depo at Galesburg.

Jun 4 – Received two barrels potatoes from Shelbyville. A cold day for June.

Jun 10 – Jim and Cory wer married to day.[66] Verry nice day. Dell, Lois, Ethan, Hannah and Charley, Nancy and the girls went to the wedding. Took some wheat to mill.

Jun 12 – Will Clark came over this afternoon. Pleasant day.

Jun 20 – Clara Clark[67] came to day.

Jun 21 – Sarah and I went down to Nancys.

Jun 22 – Jim and Cora started for Chicago. Came to Hanks. Took the 3 oclock train for South Haven. Mrs Kellog killd her self to night.[68]

Jun 23 – Ed Allen came to Hanks in fore noon. We started for home about one PM. Bot oil stove $1.80 one pr shoes $2.00 one pail .30.

Jun 24 – Lois came over stayed all day. Verry hot.

Jun 25 – Took Clara over to burg this morning. Clara and Lois went to Kalamazoo. Got my watch at Wilsons charges $1.00.

Jul 4 – Hannah went to Kalamazoo to day.

Jul 5 – Doctor Motram,[69] old Mrs Schroder[70] and Al Mot[71] wer all buried to day. Ethan went to Kalamazoo after Hannah.

Jul 6 – George Addams died to day.[72]

Jul 7 – The Binder went up to I. D. L. Schrams this afternoon.

Jul 11 – Bes went home to day. Ina came home. McCormic and his Experts from Chicago came to see the Binder work.

Jul 12 – Charley finished cutting Schrams wheat.

Jul 13 – Went to mill to day took wheat and corn and rye. Lost the umbrella. Got my small hand ax tempered. Had a big wind and rain storm.

Aug 7 – Took Bag wheat to mill one bushel corn.

Aug 8 – Went to mill took bag of wheat one bushel corn. Very hot and dry.

Aug 9 – Had a little rain just at night.

Aug 12 – Went to Kalamazoo with Nancy and Lela stayed all night.

Aug 13 – Came home. Lelah came back with me.

Aug 14 – Mr Sallmon from Ackron Ohio came here to see the Binder work. Was here to tea. Doctor Rogers of Scots came here he sayed to tea. Charley went up to Culls. Hannah went to Erastus Towns.[73] Had a thunder shower in afternoon.

Aug 15 – Clara Milham came up in forenoon stayed to dinner.

Aug 17 – Sarah and I went to Shelbyville to day. Found Lou some better.

Aug 31 – Cora came to Kalamazoo on the Chicago Express 7 PM.

Sep 1 – Left Shelby for Kalamazoo. Stayed to Nancys all night. Found Cora there. She went to Shelbyville on the 7 PM train.

Sep 2 – At Nancys all day. Warm day.

Sep 3 – Got home just at night.

Sep 14 – Went up to Scots to day after medicin for Hannah and myself. Lois went with me.

Sep 15 – Hannah went to Union Citty to day.

Sep 16 – The plums came to day from Perry[74] all right. Very warm mercury 92. Clearing out the upper part of the buggy house.

Sep 17 – Went over to burg in morning got shugar, tea and coffee. Clara Milham and Will Owens wer married this morning before breakfast.[75] Ethan cutting corn.

Sep 18 – Went over to George Blakes stayed all day. Very hot rained quite hard when we came home.

Sep 19 – Lois and I went to Kalamazoo went to Nancys saw Mrs Owens. Stayed all day.

Sep 20 – Very warm day. At home all day. No one here.

Sep 21 – Went over to the 1.30 PM train after Hannah.[76] She came from Union Citty. Very hot mercury up in the ninetys now days.

Sep 22 – Hannah went up to Flanders. E Hopkins brot the hubs and spokes for his wheel Barrow wheels. Ras and Tip[77] came down this Evening to see Hannah.

Sep 23 – Turned out Hubs for Hopkins wheels. Very hot is getting dry a gain a good shower would help wheat and grass cowcumbers and young pigs. R.G. called in a while. He had been up to Mr Halls to make his will. Mercury 93 in shade.

Sep 24 – Worked on Hopkins wheels. Put spokes into one hub.

Sep 25 – Morticed one hub got out some spokes. R.G. came over in Evening. Fullerton Chesebrow and Jo Neff working at the school house building, wood house and privy.

Sep 26 – Went over to burg got some mortor of Mr. D. Vose for Hannah. Ethan and Hannah worked over to the house all day. Very warm and dry.

Sep 27 – At home. Mercury 95 in shade at 2 PM. Mr Crosfield came down a while towards night.

Sep 28 – Finished Hopkins whees. Put spokes in one hub. Fullrton Chesebrow and Jo Neff worked for Hannah cut door way between setting and parlor.

Sep 29 – Went up to I.D.L. Schrams got some peaches. Schrams folks went up to Mr Swaddles to Mr Swaddles birth day party. He was 80 years old.[78]

Sep 30 – Some cooler. Lois here to day. She came over to help Hannah. I put the top on my violin to day put in a new bass bar and filled in the Belly in the center.

Oct 1 – Put the finger board on the old Fiddlein and strung it up. Ethan, Hannah and Lois working over to the Town House. Nice hot weather.

Oct 2 – Moved Hannahs things over to the Town House. Ras brung down three bags taturze. Ras, Cull and Charley Scott[79] cutting C. D. Towns corn.

Oct 3 – I dug some potatoes. Carried Hannahs sewing machine over to the Town House. Ras and Charley came down and cut and picked corn. Drew one load down. Ethan and Hannah went to Kalamazoo this afternoon noon. Very hot and dry. They stayed all night.

Oct 4 – At home. No one here. Nice warm day. Ethan and Hannah came home.

Oct 5 – Went up to Culs got straw to put in beds. Went over to burg after Lois. Went up to Jesse Earls got some tomatoes.

Oct 6 – Set some glass over to the Town House. Nice day mercury 44.

Oct 7 – Went over to burg in the morning got shugar, flour, salt, tea and coffee. Went to Kalamazoo took Nancy home. Stayed all night. Lizzie and children[80] wer there.

Oct 8 – At Nancys. Some frost. C. D. Towne came home. Spect they layed together all night mabby.

Oct 9 – Filed two saws for E. P. Flanders. Drew in the pumpkins. Ethan dug some potatoes. Ras and Charley Scott Town plowing for C. D. Towne.

Oct 10 – Lou and Cora came to day. Nice weather for this season of the year. Worked in shop some.

Oct 11 – All at home. Lois came over. Ras and Culs folks all down to Charleys. Jesse Earl called here a while.

Oct 12 – All hands went over to Charleys to tea. I went over and got Lois. Turned rooling pin for Cora.

Oct 13 – Mercury 38 in morning. Put handle on Lous pairing knife. Made cloths stick for Cora. Lou and Cora went over to Lois in afternoon and stay the night. Charley shipped a lot of hogs to day.

Oct 14 – Took Sarah over to Lois. Went down to Mr Ralphs with Lou. Lou and Cora left for home on the one twenty seven P.M. train. Rained some in the afternoon. Hopkins got his wheels.

Oct 15 – Chored around the house and barn all day. Some nice day pleasant and cool. I am 78 years old to day. Had ten chickens born to day.

Oct 16 – Pulled the beans and fixed the coop for the hen and chickens. Very fine pleasant day. Ethan husked sweet corn and popcorn.

Oct 17 – Working round as usual. Cleaned out the buggy house overhead. Picked up some potatoes. Ethan finished diging and husked the sweet corn. Some letle rainy wet, &c.[81]

Oct 18 – Nice day. At home all day. Charley and Hannah came over just at night.

Oct 19 – Worked around the yard and garden. Put straw and weeds on the bean stack. Picked up all the old crocks and bottles around yard put them into the glory hole.[82] Charley thrashed his rye and oats to day.

Oct 20 – Worked around hous and garden. Will Johnson took his Engine and separator away to day. Hannah bot cow of Mr James Little to day paid thirty dollars.

Oct 21 – We drew in six loads corn and husked some. Very fine day. Mr Little moved to Galesburg to day.

Oct 22 – Repaired cornhouse in forenoon. Husked corn in afternoon. Hank came up on the six oclock train. Nice day pleasant and dry. Alvin Lee called in a few minutes at noon.

Oct 23 – Husked corn all day. Hank went home on the one oclock P.M train. Two strangers drove in at noon wanted to know if they could drive up threw my lot to the woods. They wanted to see if they see any rabbits. Fine weather for October.

Oct 24 – Husked corn in forenoon finished drawing in in afternoon. Clared the lot. Very fine day sprinkled some about one oclock P.M.

Oct 25 – At home. Put over in Charleys lot with his cow. They got into his cornfield. Was out all night. We not find them. Charley and Hannah went up to Tip Towns.

Oct 26 – Helped some about washing. Got some medicine of Dr C. H Walker of Kalamazoo. Ethan husked corn.

Oct 27 – Worked in shop on Will Caywoods squair. Very nice weather. Ethan husking.

Oct 28 – Worked on Caywoods square. Pleasant and dry. Wheat wants a little more rain looks very well considering the chance it has no frost yet to speak of.

Oct 29 – Finished Caywoods square. Finished husking. Went over to Hannahs to supper. Mrs John Powers and Mrs Dewey wer there to day. Very nice warm day mercury 42 in the morning.

Oct 30 – Thrashed and cleaned up the beans gathered the walnuts and dug out the corn stibble in the garden. Warm Indian summer weather mercury 53 in shade rained in the night.

Oct 31 – Mercury 59 at noon. Churned and done varias things. Nice weather rained in morning strong south west wind all day. Charley John horse sick in afternoon.

Nov 1 – At home all day. Pleasant some wind. Will Caywood got his squair in the Evening of the first day.

Nov 2 – Fixed the cellar windows. Shiny day. Put some shingles on the buggy house. Cull commenced drilling Charley rye. Mercury 22 in the morning. This is Fathers[83] 100 and 7th Birth day.

Nov 3 – Prepared feed to grind. Shelled corn and put up corn, oats and rye. There was a big fire in the burg in the night. Two drug stores burned Burdicks and Browns.

Nov 4 – Went to mill got corn, rye and oats ground for Bill and Fan. C. D. Towne went to Fiting[?] creek to day.

Nov 5 – Chored round house and barn. Got some walnuts. Ethan put the cabbage in cellar. Cool wind mercury 27 in morning.

Nov 6 – Mercury 27. Burned some brush and other rubbish on the hill. Eva Blake came over. Charley and Hannah went up to Rass.

Nov 7 – Went to Kalamazoo to Nancys. Fine day. Got there about dark stayed all night. Rained some in the night.

Nov 8 – At Hanks. Rained all day not go out much. Lost my whissle that Ancel Lee[84] gave me.

Nov 9 – At Hanks. No get out. Rained all day and all night.

Nov 10 – At Hanks. Rained all day and all night. Went up town in the morning with Lelah and Bes to ge them some rubbers. Madge Allen came just dark to see if Nancy could down to Mr Shafers in the morning to see her mother who is sick.

Nov 11 – Left Hanks about nine oclock for home. Rained all the way home got some wet not much.

Nov 12 – No rain to day. Ed Harmon brot load wood. Went up in the woods. Found things all right.

Nov 13 – Went over to burg in morning bot some flour and soup bone. Ed Harmon bot load hard wood. I bot one sack graham flour one violin E string.

Nov 14 – Chored around house some. Went up to Culls got crosscut saw. We not any. Ethan making ironing board. Snowed some in Evening.

Nov 15 – At home all day. Rainy day. Jesse Earl came down just at night.

Nov 16 – Washed and chored around all day. Some stormy night. Ethan and I sawed up the tree into wood for to burn in de stove sah. Some snow in the night.

Nov 17 – Stormy day. Not very much work done here. Sawed out stuf fore streight Edge and yard stick.

Nov 18 – Fixed up chicken coop for the young chickens.

Nov 19 – Went down to Marts to mill got feed ground. Ed Harmon brot load wood just at night. Rained when he came. Shelled corn to take to mill. Cool and damp day.

Nov 20 – Went down to Marts to mill. Rather cold wind from the south west rained most of the night.

Nov 21 – Rainy morning mercury 52. Went over to the burg in morning after Lois. Banked up the well house and back stoop. Hannah and Charley came over in afternoon. Etta Ralph and Cory Harris[85] called here just at night.

Nov 22 – Mercury 52. At home all day. Rainy. I churned most of the day. Charles and Hanah went up to Culs.

Nov 23 – Done not much but chores. Some rainy day in afternoon. Ethan finished the ironing board and repaired Inas chair and helped Hannah wash.

Nov 24 – Mercury 29. Fixed up the well at the house and the one at the barn. Some cold day quite a strong wind.

Nov 25 – Mercury 29 in the morning snowed some in fore noon. Went over to burg at noon took dinner with Dell and Lois. Went after the mail just at night. Ed Harmon brot fifteen bushels wheat from E. P. Flanders.

Nov 26 – Lelah and Bess came came up to Thanksgiving. Nice day some stormy. Tin pedler came and bot old plow.

Nov 27 – Nancy came to day. Snowed and blowd. Took the folks over to Hannahs at noon on the sleigh. First sleigh ride of the seson. Snowed all day some not very hard as the saying is.

Nov 28 – Nancy and girls here all day. They went home on the Evening accomodation. Cold Evening. Ethan took Nancy over to the train. The girls went over with Charley.

Nov 29 – At home all day. Nice day. Some sleighs running. Charley and Hannah went down to Mr Peas at Comstock. Mercury 7 Above zero at 7.30 AM.

Nov 30 – At home working around doing chores. Went up in woods with sleigh. Drew down a short log.

Dec 1 – Worked in shop some and tinkered around. Went over and got Charleys ax and helve.

Dec 2 – Nice day. Hung ax for Charley. Went over to Hannahs churned a while. Ethan went to Kalamazoo on noon train. Mercury 44 in Evening.

Dec 3 – Mercury 46 in morning. Churned at home in the morning. Went over to Charleys in morning cleaned up some rye. Got ½ bushel to grind. Went over and churned for Hannah after dinner. Lois there to day sewing. Quite a strong south west wind all day and Evening.

Dec 4 – Cold south west wind. Pulled turnips and put them in the cellar.

Dec 5 – Not verry well. Not do much to day. Ethan splitting wood up in the woods. Some cold wind. Ed Harmon brot one load wood. Ethan broke two mawls.[86]

Dec 6 – Mercury 27 Abz. At home all day. Very snowey day snowed all day cold north East wind.

Dec 7 – Cold blutering day. Some sleighs running not very good sleighing. Made mawl for C. D. Town.

Dec 8 – Made me silf a mawl sor be gabers. Hannah got the red bed spread to put up between the setting room and parlor.

Dec 9 – Mercury 34 Abz nice pleasant day. Dressed out a streight edge and measureing rule six feet long. Cleaned out one eve trough done the chores and churned. Snow about gone. Mr David Vosburg died this morning Ae. 86 years.

Dec 10 – Mercury 34 in the morning. Worked in shop most of the day. Cora Harris called here a while in the afternoon. Nice pleasant day south west wind.

Dec 11 – Mercury 24 in morning nice pleasant day no wind. Went down to Marts got some 52 lbs rye ground. Mercury 29 in evening some wind at night when we came home. Mr Vosburg buried to day.

Dec 12 – Mercury 24 in morn. Finished my long rule and streight edge. Very nice day mercury 33 in Evening. Ethan over to the burg.

Dec 13 – At home. No one here. Fine day. Charley and Hannah here in the Evening. No snow.

Dec 14 – Mercury 4. Ethan went to Kalamazoo on the 8.20 train. Rained all day. Fan and Bill out in lot all day. They got wet but no hurt them. Mercury 44 in afternoon. Aunt Sally Turner died this morning 7 am.[87]

Dec 15 – Mercury 57 Abz in morn. Rained some. George Milham came up to let us know of Aunt Sallys death. Jesse Earl came in he was hunting up for Theodore some he had lent to some one in the neighborhood he did not find some here.

Dec 16 – Cold windy day. Ed Harmon brot load wood. Aunt Sally Turner buried to day. Old Mr Gates father of L.M. and G.M. Gates of Kalamazoo and Comstock Died to day in Rochester N.Y.[88]

Dec 17 – Mercury 21 in the morn cold wind all day not much cloudy. Not very well no work. Mrs Pease came up to Hannahs to have some work done. George and Eva over to Charleys in Evening. Ethan went over to the burg this Evening.

Dec 18 – Went over to the burg in forenoon got lamp chimneys, ginger, dried beef &c. Paid my tax $4.82. Left my watch with Wilson.

Dec 19 – Mercury pleasant sunshiny day. I drew 4 loads wood from the woods. Very good wheeling. Lots wood going to the burg.

Dec 20 – At home as usual. No one here. All well. Nice weather for winter no snow good wheling.

Dec 21 – Doing chores as always. Fine pleasant day. Lots wood going to town. Cattle getting part of their living out lots hay going to town.

Dec 22 – Mercury 52 cool south west wind. I pulled the last of the turnips. Lois came over to Hannahs. Mrs Pease went home. Cull drew load straw.

Dec 23 – Mercury 43 nice fall weather pleasat sun shown all day no frost in the ground. Edwin Flanders called here in Evening. I paid him $20 Dollars. Maggie Collins died this morning.[89] She was teaching in the high school in the burg.

Dec 24 – Mercury. Went over to the burg after oil and the mail. Maggie was taken to her home at Vicksburg to day. Went to Kalamazoo on the 8.20 train A.M.

Dec 25 – Mercury 43 in morning. Went over to Hannahs in the afternoon to oysters and chicken. Mercury 54 at one oclock P.M. Extra nice day.

Dec 26 – Mercury 20 Abz in morning cold north wind all day some snow in the are all day rough day to be out. Cull brot plank for the water tank.

Dec 27 – Mercury nice day. Will and Liz Brown called just at night. Charley and Hannah here in Evening.

Dec 28 – Cold south west wind all day. Cull brot rods and timber for tank. I split up one of the old stumps in the lane south of the barn.

Dec 29 – Went over to burg in forenoon got my watch. Fine weather good wheling.

Dec 30 – Went over to Lois in morning and post office. George Blake and wife came over stayed the Evening. Bot Diary 25 cts.

Dec 31 – Lelah, Bes and Laverne came up to day. Nice day rained some. Mr Kinney got the old Cherry Bedstead. Wil and Lizzie, Charley and Hannah came over to dinner.


[1] Known better, and referred to, as Luke

[2] Daughter and granddaughters, Nancy, Lela and Bess Brown

[3] Daughter, Lois (Keith) Clark Skinner

[4] Ida Barber married Eugene Howe in 1882, however, the 1900 census shows Ida as a widow and she and her children were listed as Barber (not Howe). Ethan Keith’s diary entry of September 22, 1884 shows: Ida (Barber) Howe left Mr Howe to day. He feels real bad about it

[5] Neighbors, Willis & Elizabeth (Ogden) Brown; Willis was Nancy’s brother-in-law

[6] Daughter, Hannah Keith

[7] Galesburg, Michigan

[8] Nickname for his wife

[9] His son, Ethan Keith

[10] Luke uses this phrase quite often. The Oxford Dictionary gives its meaning as “vigorously or quickly”

[11] Above zero

[12] Wife, Sarah (Crawford) Keith

[13] Alvin Lee was the son of Luke’s first cousin, Charles Lee, & Juliana Davis

[14] Neighbor, John T. Allerton

[15] Neighbor, Hannah (Flint) Smith, the wife of Russel G. Smith

[16] His grandson, William Clark, who was the son of his daughter Lois

[17] Don’t know why he referred to his wife this way

[18] His son, James Clinton Keith

[19] Jim lived in Chicago

[20] His grandson, Charles Clark, who was the son of his daughter Lois

[21] His son-in-law, Adelbert Skinner, who was married to his daughter Lois

[22] Neighbor, Laura Ann (Rawson) Streator

[23] For more information, see

[24] The Keith family, as well as several of their neighbors, were believers in Spiritualism and participated in seances

[25] Neighbor, Charles Towne

[26] His horse and cow

[27] Cullen Towne, Charley Towne’s brother

[28] Shelbyville, Michigan, where his daughter Lou and her family lived

[29] In 1948 the Alphadelphia Association sold its property to Kalamazoo County and the county used the mansion for its poor house. Now it was apparently going to be used as a foundry and machine shop (see January 23rd entry)

[30] From David Dixon Porter (June 8, 1813 – February 13, 1891) was a United States Navy admiral and a member of one of the most distinguished families in the history of the U.S. Navy. Porter began naval service as a midshipman at the age of 10 years under his father, Commodore David Porter, on the frigate USS John Adams. Promoted as the second U.S. Navy officer ever to attain the rank of admiral, after his adoptive brother David G. Farragut, Porter helped improve the Navy as the Superintendent of the U.S. Naval Academy after significant service in the American Civil War

[31] From William Tecumseh Sherman (February 8, 1820 – February 14, 1891) was an American soldier, businessman, educator, and author. He served as a general in the Union Army during the American Civil War (1861–65), receiving recognition for his command of military strategy as well as criticism for the harshness of the scorched earth policies he implemented in conducting total war against the Confederate States

[32] His daughter, Louese (Keith) Harris

[33] Regarding Ethan’s grain carrier invention

[34] Neighbor, Nathan L. Randall

[35] Former neighbor, John T. Allerton

[36] Susan (Cross) Murcell. Nathan’s first wife, Jane, died September 16, 1890 and Nathan married Susan on December 24, 1890

[37] Johnnycake is like a pancake except it is made with cornmeal

[38] Luke quite often used silly language in his diaries

[39] shows that Polly (McAllister) Durkee died in Colon, St. Joseph County, Michigan on February 19, 1891 and she is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery in Galesburg, Michigan

[40] While the Michigan death record shows that he died February 3, 1891, and the Oak Grove Cemetery records confirm that he died February 23, 1891

[41] His daughter Louese’s husband, Daniel D. Harris, Jr., who went by the nicknames D. and D.D.

[42] Neighbor, and D. Harris’ uncle

[43] His granddaughter, and Lois’ daughter, Ina Skinner

[44] Neighbor and “shirttail relative”

[45] The husband of Luke’s late niece, Lucy (Lee) Milham

[46] Martin Milham’s son

[47] A type of sled for moving heavy objects such as stones or hay bales

[48] A cousin of his second wife, Jerusha Crittenden. While shows he died March 10, 1891, North America, Family Histories at gives a date of death of March 16, 1891, which is more in keeping with a burial date of March 17

[49] Neighbor and “shirttail relative”; the father of Herb Earl

[50] Jesse Earl’s son-in-law; he was married to Elva Earl

[51] Michigan death records reveal that Eleanor (Osborn) Merriman died in Charleston, Michigan on March 22, 1891 and shows she is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[52] His daughter Nancy and her husband, Henry Brown, and family

[53] His son-in-law, Adelbert Skinner

[54] confirms that he died March 24, 1891 and is buried in Lakeview Cemetery, Jamestown, New York. Stephen Comfort was the uncle of Luke’s wife Sarah

[55] Believe he is referring to Mary Ann (Batey) Keith, the wife of his nephew, James “Oscar” Keith

[56] Neighbor, Isaac D. L. Schram

[57] Bess and Lela Brown, his granddaughters

[58] A hotel in Galesburg

[59] His wife Sarah’s brother

[60] South Bend, Indiana

[61] Michigan death records show that George Lockhart died on April 26, 1891 and state that he was living in the Comstock Poor House at the time of death. shows he is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[62] Neighbors, Edwin & Mary Ellen (Smith) Flanders

[63] Clara Milham was the daughter of Luke’s late niece, Lucy (Lee), & Martin Milham, and she would marry William Owens on September 17, 1891

[64] Michigan death records show that Jane (French) Clark died in Charleston, Kalamazoo County, Michigan on May 23, 1891

[65] shows that Harriet (Frazer) Sumner died May 22, 1891 and is buried in Shafter Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[66] His son, James, married Cora Meredith

[67] Clara (Youngs) Clark, the wife of his grandson, Charles Clark

[68] shows that Sarah (Brown) Kellogg was despondent and committed suicide by taking a mixture of morphine and nux vomica. She died June 22, 1891 in Kalamazoo, Michigan and is buried in Mountain Home Cemetery in Kalamazoo

[69] Michigan death records reveal that William Mattram died in Kalamazoo, Michigan on July 2, 1891 and shows he is buried in Mountain Home Cemetery, Kalamazoo, Michigan

[70] Michigan death records show that “Mary Schroeder” died in Comstock, Michigan on July 3, 1891. Oak Grove Cemetery records show that “Maria (Carp) Shroder” died July 3, 1891

[71] No records were found

[72] While the Michigan death record shows his date of death as July 8, the Oak Grove Cemetery records agree with Luke’s diary entry showing he died July 6, 1891

[73] Believe he is referring to Erasmus Towne, Charley Towne’s brother

[74] Perry, New York

[75] Michigan marriage records show that they were married in Kalamazoo on the 16th, although a newspaper clipping (source unknown) had the words Sept 17th 1891 handwritten in

[76] Since this is the date that Hannah married Charles Towne, it is curious that Luke didn’t mention the marriage in his diary. Also since he makes no mention of Charley, perhaps Charley was working at Union City and could not come home with her. Family story is that Charley had tuberculosis and his sister told Hannah that it would be better to marry him even though she would soon be a widow, than to remain an old maid. Most likely, because of this, it would seem that Luke was displeased with the marriage and this was his way of not acknowledging it

[77] Erasmus & Eunice (Wood) Towne

[78] Samuel Ward Swaddel

[79] The son of Eunice (Wood) Scott Towne. His biological father was Joseph Scott (he & Eunice were married in 1865). The 1870 census shows him and his mother, Eunice (with the last name of Scott), living with Eunice’s parents, Simeon & Reliance Wood. Whether Joseph Scott died or left the family is unknown. Eunice then married Erasmus Towne in 1871 when Charles was about two years old and he then went by the name of Charles Wood Scott Towne

[80] Ray and Perry Brown

[81] Etc.

[82] Down the outhouse pit

[83] Charles Luke Keith Sr., also known as Luke

[84] His paternal first cousin

[85] Believe this to be Hetta (Burgess) Ralph and her granddaughter, Cora Harris (D. Harris’ sister)

[86] A maul is a tool with a heavy head and a handle, used for tasks such as ramming, crushing, and driving wedges

[87] Sarah (Davis) Turner, who was the wife of Jesse Turner, Luke’s cousin. shows she is buried in Riverside Cemetery in Kalamazoo, Michigan

[88] New York death records show that Reynold Marvin Gates died in Mendon, Monroe County, New York on December 16, 1891 and shows he is buried in North Bloomfield Cemetery, Ontario County, New York. Reynold Gates was the father of Lyman M. Gates and Gustavus M. Gates

[89] Michigan death records show that Maggie Collins, age 27, died in Galesburg, Michigan of heart failure on December 23, 1891 and shows she is buried in Schoolcraft Township Cemetery, Vicksburg, Michigan

Luke Keith’s 1891 Diary

Luke Keith’s 1887 Diary


Jan 1 – Mercury 2 Abz.[2] Jim[3] went to Kalamazoo after Sarah.[4] Very cold day good sleighing. I not very well.

Jan 2 – Mercury 22 below zero. At home all day. Ethan and Hannah[5] went down to Marts.[6]

Jan 3 – Mercury 5 Abz. Went over to burg.[7] Went to Mr Ralphs. Bot violin strings 50¢. Hannah went up to cals[?].

Jan 4 – Mercury 5 below. Made wood box. Charley Rowland here in afternoon.

Jan 5 – Mercury 19 Abz. Pleasant. Hannah went over to Mr Ralphs. Lois[8] came over. Lizzie Crawford[9] came to H A Browns[10] to day from Chicago.

Jan 6 – Went down to Mrs Streators[11] took Hannah down there. Cold stormy day. Bes[12] here. Went down to Mrs Browns.[13]

Jan 7 – Mercury 15 below. Jim and Henry Webster went to scotts[14] to sell his Buggy. He no see Webster not much.

Jan 8 – Jim went to Kalamazoo took stove down to H A Browns. Cold day. Bessy here. Mr Clapp Died to night.[15]

Jan 9 – Jim and Henry Webster went up to Scots. Stor[m]ing day snowed all day. Some folks out to church.

Jan 10 – Mercury 8 Abz. No work to day. Cold day. Ethan went to Kalamazoo.

Jan 11 – Mercury 10 below cold and blustrous quite a blizzard. Theodore[16] called in in fore noon. Cold blustring day. Mr E. M. Clapp buried to day. Ethan came home.

Jan 12 – Mercury 26 Abz in morning. Jim went up to scotts to take Harness to Webster.

Jan 13 – Mercury 33 Abz. Went over to burg in forenoon got Ethans shoes mended. Not so very cold some rain this Evening.

Jan 14 – At home. Not much work. Liz Crawford came.

Jan 15 – Went over to burg got my boots tapt 60¢. Henry Crawford[17] came from Jackson.

Jan 16 – Henry and Lizzie here. Hannah at home. George Blake and wife[18] here in Evening.

Jan 17 – Mercury 26 Abz stormy been mooch wind, snow flies, very much bluster. Henry went back to Jackson.

Jan 18 – Mercury 10 below. Cleaned up wheat. Very cold blustring day. Lizzie here. Lots snow hard sleighing. Gallusha braking road.

Jan 19 – Old Mr Schroder Died this morning.[19] Cap Rowlands sister Buried to day.[20] Went over to Mill took 5½ bushels wheat. Jerusha Rowland.

Jan 20 – Went over to burg in morning after grist. Ethan went over in afternoon. Bill[21] got down in snow drift broke harness.

Jan 21 – Went over in afternoon got harness mended. Old Mr Schroder buried to day. Jim and Lizzie went over to a dance.

Jan 22 – At home. No work to day. Not very well. Snow melting very fast.

Jan 23 – Mercury 53 Abz. Rainy day, very sloppy, snow running very fast.

Jan 24 – Hannah and Lizzy went to Kalamazoo.

Jan 25 – Went over to burg bot medicine 1.00. Not very well.

Jan 26 – Ethan went over to Burg. Paid Beckwith 1.00 one dollar for medicine Jo Smith chopping to day.

Jan 27 – Went over to burg in morning bot some lard and pork. Jo chopping. Lizzie came back to day.

Jan 28 – Jo chopping. Not very cold.

Jan 29 – Wright & Jim drew wood in afternoon. Nice day. Mr Flanders[22] got ax helves. Mrs Brown and Lizzie here.

Jan 30 – Mercury 19 Abz snows and blows like the mischief. No one here but Lizzie.

Jan 31 – No work. Not very well.

Feb 1 – Cold windy day. Took Lizzie over to cars. She went to Battlecreek to Mrs Grahams. Jim went to Kalamazoo.

Feb 2 – No work. Jim chopping for Mrs Brown.

Feb 3 – Went down to Marts. Nice day some wind. Mart grinding. Got letter from D.[23] Jay[24] very sick.

Feb 4 – Mercury 11 Abz. Jim took Hannah to Kalamazoo she went up to Shelby.[25] Jay very sick. Lois went up to Shelby. Edwin Flanders[26] brot me a Wiandot Rooster.

Feb 5 – Mr Right drew wood in fore noon paid him 75 cts. Hannah up to Shelby.

Feb 6 – At home. Rainy day. Jim went down to Alvin Lees[27] to see Julian Darling.

Feb 7 – Went over to burg after Hannah. She no come. Jay no better. Rany day no work.

Feb 8 – Mercury 55 Abz rainy day. Went over to the office got no letter. Hannah no come. Jim went up to Howlands Burg after Nellie Giddings. Some thunder in morning. Stranger got his violin.

Feb 9 – Mercury[28] very nice pleasant day. Went up to Levy Woods with Cyrus Streator. Nice October day.

Feb 10 – Went over to burg after Hannah. She no come. Fifty years to night I bot my violin paid $30.00.[29]

Feb 11 – Cold stormy day. Went to Shelby Ville. Found Jay no better.

Feb 12 – At Shelby Ville. Jay no better. Jay Died about five oclock P.M.[30]

Feb 13 – At Shelby. Cold day. Nancy[31] and Lois here.

Feb 14 – Left for home half past Twelve noon for home. Nancy went on Eight oclock train. D. started with Jay at twelve noon got home a bout six Evening.

Feb 15 – Jay Buried to day up East on the Old Flanders farm.[32] Ethan paid Mr Lewis $2.00 the minister.

Feb 16 – Pleasant cold day. Ethan, Jim and Lizzy went to Kalamazoo. Ethan and I went up to Jays grave in morning. Ethan paid Oatman $2.00 & Labit[33] $4.00. Mrs Rumry Buried to day.

Feb 17 – Not very well no work. Rainy day. No one here.

Feb 18 – Went up East to grave yard all right. Cold and stormy. Bot coffeepot of Dick Lamkins 80 cts.

Feb 19 – At home all day. Hard cold no work. Hannah came home in Evening.

Feb 20 – At home. No one here. Cool cloudy day.

Feb 21 – Not very well hard cold. Went over to burg in morning. Came around by the grave yard.

Feb 22 – Nice day not very cold. Went up to Levy Woods. Heard from Jay.[34] Old Mrs Olin buried to day. Mary Allerton Married.[35]

Feb 23 – Rather a cool day. Took Ethan over to burg he went up to Shelby Ville. Peat[36] one year old to day. Ed Schram got his ax.

Feb 24 – Not very well. No work but chores. Ethan and Jim up to Shelby Ville.

Feb 25 – Took Sarah over to Lois. No snow some wind.

Feb 26 – Cold stormy day. Hannah came home with Ed Flanders. I went over to burg with Ed after the mail.

Feb 27 – Mercury 13 Abz. At home. Cold blustring day. Mrs Quays team ranaway ran between the cherry tree and fence and stopt them. Schuyler had them.

Feb 28 – Mercury 11 Abz nice pleasant day. Harry[37] took Hannah to Kalamazoo.

Mar 1 – Mercury 46 Abz nice pleasant still day. Jim came home from Shelby Ville. Lou[38] and children[39] all right.

Mar 2 – Not very well no work. Ethan up to Lous.

Mar 3 – Jim went down to Kalamazoo after Hannah and Nancy. Very nice day.

Mar 4 – Pleasant day. Marenas Caywood Killed to day.[40] His horses run with him.

Mar 5 – Not very well no work. Ethan to Lous yet. Jim and Hannah down to Mrs Browns.

Mar 6 – Mr Orra Bush Died.[41] Marenas Caywood buried to day. Jim and Hannah went to funeral. Sate[42] stayed all night.

Mar 7 – I not very well. Jim drew load wood for A. R Skinner.[43] Jim took Sate home this morning.

Mar 8 – Took Nancy over to burg she went home. Took Hannah over to Nells at noon. Mr Lewis called here. Sold him some hens. Nice day. Henry W. Beohr[44] Died to day.

Mar 9 – Took five hens over to Mr Lewis this morning. Hannah went to Allertons.

Mar 10 – At home no work. Jim at home.

Mar 11 – Not very well. Ethan working on moddle.

Mar 12 – No work not much done.

Mar 13 – Cold windy day. Expected Hellen and Adelpha[45] here. No come.

Mar 14 – Hannah went up to Ras Towns.[46] I filed saw for John Wright one for Hat & Libby Taylor.[47]

Mar 15 – Nice pleasant day. Ethan and Jim went to Kalamazoo. Jim started for Dacota. Took Peter[48] up to culls to Bull.

Mar 16 – Went over to office get no letter from Lou. Floyd[49] some better. Rial Coe died to day.

Mar 17 – Went over to burg. Cold wind some dusty. Pleasant and dry. Ethan making moddle for Whitford.

Mar 18 – Cut some lims of the old apple tree. Went over to burg after mail. Cold wind. Ethan finished moddle.

Mar 19 – Not very well. Not much work but chores. Pleasant weather dry and dusty.

Mar 20 – At home. Pleasant day. Ethan, Hannah and Lelah went up to cemetry where Jay was buried.

Mar 21 – Some colder, rain some in afternoon. Went over to burg. Hannah went to Caywoods this morning.

Mar 22 – Took Sarah to Kalamazoo she went up to Lous. Cold wind disagreable day to be out.

Mar 23 – Pleasant morning. At home not very well. Went over to burg in afternoon.

Mar 24 – No work to day. Cold wind. Sarah up to Lous. Hannah down to Mr Caywoods.

Mar 25 – Cool wind. Went down to Marts to Mill. Hellen and Adelpha. Saw Ruthann York.[50] A. Simmonds paid 25¢.

Mar 26 – At home. No one here but Ethan and my self. Hannah came home in Evening.

Mar 27 – Cold blustring day, snow and wind.

Mar 28 – Mercury 7 Abz. Hannah went up to Net Towns in morning. I put top on violin.

Mar 29 – Cold, mercury 1 below zero at six morning. Ground covered with snow. Clara[51] came down in afternoon.

Mar 30 – Clara went home. Sarah came home. Got one bushel potatoes of Town. Jesse Crawford[52] came up in Evening.

Mar 31 – Not very well no work. Pleasant nice weather.

Apr 1 – Went over to burg. Del and Lois went out to their farm.

Apr 2 – Went over to burg after the mail. Jesse here.

Apr 3 – At home. Hellen, Clara and Adelpha came up.

Apr 4 – At home. Very blustrous, snows and blows like the mischief.

Apr 5 – Cold wind. No work. Jesse here.

Apr 6 – Jesse went home. Claud[53] here. Sate and Delpha came. Sate came over to help Hannah.

Apr 7 – Very nice pleasant day. Albert Town[54] here with Claud. Ethan took Delpha down to Katharines.

Apr 8 – Trimed Trees. Nice pleasant day. Got letter from Lou. Children better. Set Hen to day.

Apr 9 – Nice pleasant morning. At home all day. No work. Not very well. Mary Randal Died to day.[55]

Apr 10 – Went down to Katharines. Nice day. Had some warm Shugar.

Apr 11 – Nice pleasant day. Mary Randal Buried to day.

Apr 12 – Chored round. Repaired pump at barn. Nice warm day. Bot clover seed $2.25 cts.

Apr 13 – Nice pleasant day. Mr Wm Scott Buried to day.[56] Dell came over ground tools. Ethan sowed clover seed.

Apr 14 – At home. Trimed some trees. Went over got Lois. Expected Katharine up she no come. Charley Cory came over.

Apr 15 – Lois here. Trimed some trees. Not much work. Not ver well.

Apr 16 – Not much done but chores. No one here.

Apr 17 – Went to Kalamazoo to Lou she was at Nancys. Some cool wind.

Apr 18 – Pleasant Except cold north East wind.

Apr 19 – Cut some brush in orchard. Ethan went to Kalamazoo. Nettie Bradley died in night.[57]

Apr 20 – Del came over and got out manure. Some rain not much.

Apr 21 – Trimmed and grubed out some old peach trees. Ethan went to Kalamazoo with C. Town.[58] Nancy sick.

Apr 22 – Nettie Bradley Today buried to day. Mr Ogden got my Buggy. Hannah went to Pattersons. Whitford got the Eggs $1.30¢ 13 Doz.

Apr 23 – Blustrous morning some snow.

Apr 24 – At home all day. No one here. All well as usual. Nancy sick.

Apr 25 – Not much work chored round some milk cow feed de pig. Cold wind.

Apr 26 – Went to Kalamazoo. Nancy some better.

Apr 27 – Worked roun. Repaired door out the Barn yard. Will Brown[59] plowed garden. Pleasant day.

Apr 28 – Pleasant nice day. Went up to Mr Flanders in afternoon.

Apr 29 – Cleaned up orchard. Took out berry bushes and trimed some trees.

Apr 30 – Burned Apple Tree brush. Charley commenced plowing for corn. Mr Buthere Beckwith buried to day.[60]

May 1 – Had some thunder this morning rained some ledle.

May 2 – Dell came over in afternoon helped draw manure. Nice warm day.

May 3 – Dell came over in morning got the horse and wagon to draw manure.

May 4 – Warm day. Ethan and Hannah went down to Kalamazoo to see about Jesses dress. Put handle on fork.

May 5 – Worked round garden and in shop some. Spread manure on west garden.

May 6 – Charleys man plowed west garden. Ethan painting Blinds for Lois.

May 7 – Fan calve some time. Worked in garden some and went over got carriage repaired. Ethan finished painting Blinds.

May 8 – Mr Cornell Died this morning. I took Bess down to Mrs Browns. Will and Claud went fishing got some trout.

May 9 – Pleasant morning. Ethan and Hannah went to Kalamazoo to see Nancy. Lelah came home with them. Charley planted corn. Mr Byington Died in night.[61]

May 10 – Ethan cultivated strawberries this morning. Mr Cornell buried to day. Nancy had a Sirgical operation performed to day.[62]

May 11 – Not very well to day. Mr Imus buried to day.[63] Jesse Crawford here to day to have her dress made. She went home on 9 30 train.

May 12 – Ethan went to Kalamazoo after Lou. Nancy some better. Warm day.

May 13 – Went over to burg in morning after Lous Trunk and cab. Not much done to day.

May 14 – Hoed in garden in forenoon. Warm day. Mr George Stewart took morphine. He Died Ten Oclock P.M.[64]

May 15 – At home. Very warm and dry. Lou here. Very dry. Want rain. Ina[65] came over.

May 16 – Went over to burg got Postal from Mrs Brown. Nancy better. George Stewart Buried to day.

May 17 – Went over to burg hoed some not much.

May 18 – Plowed out garden and hoed it. Warm and dry we want rain. Wheat begins to show the want of rain.

May 19 – Sarah went to Kalamazoo to take care of Nancy. She went down with Will and Lizzy Brown.[66]

May 20 – Mercury 99 in shade nice warm morning. Hannah went down to Mr Franklins.

May 21 – Mercury 100 in shade at 2 PM. Went over to burg bot groceries. Hannah went to Isherwoods. Whitford got Eggs 9 Doz 90 cts.

May 22 – Mercury 98 in shade. Katharine and Clara came up. Had a nice shower in night. Lou and I went up to cemetry.

May 23 – Mercury 80 in shade some rainy day. Fan dropt a nice Jersey Heifer calf 10 oclock AM. Fan went 290 days.

May 24 – Lou here. I worked in garden. Warm day.

May 25 – Hoed some, killed some bugs. D. came over a while in afternoon. He went home on night train. Hannah came home from Tip Towns.[67]

May 26 – Lou and children went up to Em Ralphs.[68]

May 27 – Hoed some in garden. Cleaned out the cistern. Went over after Lois. Ina came over they stayed all night.

May 28 – Repaired fence up on west line west side of corn. Whitford got 6½ Doz Eggs 65¢. Lois one Doz 10¢. Lou went down to Mr Browns.

May 29 – Sarah came home Ethan went after her. Hiram[69] came with them.

May 30 – At home. Hiram here he left on night train for home.[70]

May 31 – I went and took Sarah back to Kalamazoo. Nancy was getting a long first rate.

Jun 1 – At home. Lou here. Not much done rainy day. Hannah over to Nells.

Jun 2 – Rainy. Lou and the children went over to Mr Ralphs and Lois.

Jun 3 – At home. Sarah down to Kalamazoo. Hoed some in garden. Got some cabbage plants of Hat and Lib.

Jun 4 – Shelled some corn cleaned out corn house. Whitford got 3 Doz and 4 Eggs 33 cts. H. D. Streator[71] paid 25 cts.

Jun 5 – At home all day. No one here. Sarah to Nancys yet. Nancy no better. Rained some in night.

Jun 6 – Mercury 84 in shade rainy some. Ethan and Lois went to Kalamazoo. Lee Milham came up after the long Ladder. 50 years to day I started for Michigan.[72]

Jun 7 – At [home] hoed some chored round. Got two bushels wheat of Charley Town took it to the new mill. Rained in night lightning struck Mr Smiths house.

Jun 8 – Went down to Katharines to see Hellen. She goes to Idaho.[73] Rainy day some.

Jun 9 – Cloudy some mist cool wind.

Jun 10 – At home. Hoed some in garden. Very warm.

Jun 11 – Some hot. Every thing growing very fast. Ina here. Lois to Kalamazoo.

Jun 12 – At home. Warm day, Ethan and Hannah went down to Alvin Lees.

Jun 13 – Very hot. Hoed potatoes. Some dry.

Jun 14 – Finished hoing potatoes in west lot. Will Brown and Fred Kranklin shearing sheep for Charley Town.

Jun 15 – Mercury 94 in shade very hot. Mr David Carson Buried to day.[74]

Jun 16 – Edna Henry and Loulu Crawford[75] came here. Warm very hot.

Jun 17 – Edna and Lu Lu here. Lizzie Crawford came. Had a rain and wind storm. Alvin and George called here.

Jun 18 – Lizzie and Lou went over to Lois stayed all night. Kate Crawford[76] came on noon train.

Jun 19 – Kate and Edna here. Lizzie and Lou over to Lois.

Jun 20 – Edna, Lizzie and Lu Lu here. Very warm. Old Mrs Smith buried to day.

Jun 21 – Cloudy. Lois and Ina here. Mr Peter Johnson Buried to day.[77]

Jun 22 – Edna, Lizzy and Lu Lu went to Battlecreek to day.

Jun 23 – Sarah and I went down to Nancys. Cool day. Nancy is doing well rather on the gain.

Jun 24 – Pleasant and cool in morning.

Jun 25 – Took Ednas trunks over to burg. The girls went up to Lous.

Jun 26 – Nice morning. Finished putting poison on the potatoes this morning.

Jun 27 – Took Sarah over to Lois. I hoed potatoes, cabbage and beans. Ground siccle for Mr Randal.

Jun 28 – Choring. Charley cutting wheat. Started the new Binder. Fixed spear for Morry Randal.

Jun 29 – At home. Not much done. Ethan and Sarah went to Kalamazoo. Hot day.

Jun 30 – Charley Ford cut the wheat East of Barn. Fine day shower in afternoon.

Jul 1 – Hoed some in garden. Warm day.

Jul 2 – Henry Webster and Clarence Thresher Drew in the wheat. Had a nice shower.

Jul 3 – Some rain warm. No one here.

Jul 4 – Went over to burg in forenoon after Lois. Took over 10¾ lbs Butter 10¢ pr lbs. N. L. Randal[78] paid 30¢.

Jul 5 – Very hot. Sarah went down to Mr Randals. I drew in six shocks wheat. Went over to burg.

Jul 6 – Worked in garden some. Lois and Charley[79] came over in afternoon.

Jul 7 – Went down to Mrs Browns got my plow. Ethan plowed out potatoes.

Jul 8 – Very hot. Not much done but chores.

Jul 9 – Hoed in garden some. Willie Giddings raked wheat stubble. Had a nice shower. Whitford got 11 Doz Eggs 10 cts pr Doz.

Jul 10 – At home all day. Not much done.

Jul 11 – Mercury 100 very hot. Hoed some. Very dry. Mr Isted cut Taylor girls wheat. Charley Ford drew in the rakings.

Jul 12 – Mercury 104 in shade. Went over to burg in morning. Got the Ring bolt to buggy mended 20¢.

Jul 13 – Mercury 106 in shade. Worked in shop some painted springs. Took out tooth for Theodore. Ethan, Will Brown and the girls went to Gull.[80] Lizzie Crawford started for Iowa on night train.

Jul 14 – Very hot and dry. Not much done. Dixie Harris[81] came over. D and Lou here. Hank and Nancy came up on Six oclock train.

Jul 15 – Nancy here feeling very comfortable. Very hot and dry Mercury runs from 93 to 104 now days.

Jul 16 – Mercury 105 in ___. Not much work now days. Pastures getting very dry.

Jul 17 – Mercury 108 in shade. Nancy and children here.

Jul 18 – Whitford got Eggs 10½ Doz 1.05. {Robbie Henry died to day.}[82] Hoed some in garden. Mr Pattersons Barns burnt this morning.

Jul 19 – Sick. No work to day. Very dry. Grass in yard all dried up.

Jul 20 – Mercury 100 in shade. Not very well.

Jul 21 – Took some corn to mill. Very hot. Not much done. Worked on cradle some.

Jul 22 – Finished cradle. Put springs on wagon seat. Nancy down to Mrs Browns.

Jul 23 – Nancy down to Mrs Browns. Hoed some in garden. Went over to burg at noon. Hot and very dry.

Jul 24 – Mercury 85 some wind. Hannah at home to day. Hannah went to Caywoods.

Jul 25 – 94 in shade. Went over to burg got tyre set on one of the carriage wheest [wheels] 80¢. Bot Horse Net 75¢. 40 Years to day Jerusha Cruttenden and I wer married in Covington Gensee Co. N Y.[83]

Jul 26 – Worked round house and garden. Very hot and dry hardly a green thing to be seen. Pastures all dried up.

Jul 27 – Cut drilled corn in forenoon. Went down to Katharines in afternoon. No rain yet some. Mercury runs high.

Jul 28 – Very hot 100 in shade. Not much work to day. Nancy and bes here. Ethan casting chain links for machine.

Jul 29 – 98 in shade hot and dry no rain. Pastures dry as a Powder house.

Jul 30 – 100 in shade. Mrs Freer here. I hoed some in garden.

Jul 31 – 100. Mrs Streator called here. Very hot day. All at home.

Aug 1 – 106. No work. Gefired hot. No signs of rain. Hannah over to Fans sewing for Nell Wilkins.

Aug 2 – 100 very dry hot as ever. Worked on Jims violin repairing top making it thinner. Went over brot Lois over.

Aug 3 – 98 very hot. Nancy went down to Mrs Browns at night. Hank came up. Ina over here.

Aug 4 – 100. Went down to Mrs Browns repaired her tables. Had a little shower.

Aug 5 – Repaired pump at Barn. Cooler in afternoon. Cloudy looks some like rain.

Aug 6 – Not much done. Worked in shop. Some cooler to day.

Aug 7 – At home all day. Worked on Jims violin.

Aug 8 – Took Eggs over 11 Doz 11 cts pr Doz. Bot Hat 20¢.

Aug 9 – 103, 2 PM in shade. Worked in Barn repairing floor. Hannah went up to Mr Powers. Mrs Randall here in Evening. Coes Barns Burnt this morning.

Aug 10 – 104, 2 PM in shade. Repairing Barn floor. Shortened Harry Streators Gun Stock. Had a nice rain in night.

Aug 11 – 80 in shade. Worked in barn. Cloudy rain some.

Aug 12 – Worked in Barn repairing floor. Warm and dry. Nancy came just at night.

Aug 13 – Will Johnson thrashed my wheat in afternoon 58 bushels. Nice day.

Aug 14 – Mrs Gilson Brot Hannah home. Had a heavy shower rained hard. Soaked the ground good.

Aug 15 – Nancy and children here. Choring round. Not very well.

Aug 16 – Cleaned up some wheat.

Aug 17 – Went to Mill. Worked round house and shop some.

Aug 18 – Worked in shop on Charleys wagon pole. Nice day.

Aug 19 – Went up to Augusta with Dell[84] to see a farm he talks of trading for.

Aug 20 – Put straw in Barn. Fine day.

Aug 21 – Nancy and children here. Claude not very well. Rained some. Hoed the cabbage.

Aug 22 – Worked in shop some on wagon pole. Hank and Will Plank[85] came on comodation at night.

Aug 23 – Took Hannah down to Katharines. Will and Hank went home. Rained some at night.

Aug 24 – Took Sarah and Nancy over to Barbers.[86] Nice cool day.

Aug 25 – Nancy and children over to Lois they came home at night. Hannah went up to Dar Russels.

Aug 26 – Dug my Early Rose potatoes. Katharine and children came up to day. Hannah came home. Stella came down just at night.

Aug 27 – All here Nancy and children. Nice day.

Aug 28 – Fine day. No one here except famlee &c.

Aug 29 – Went over to burg three times. Hannah went to Shelby Ville.

Aug 30 – Warm day. Cut weeds on East road up the hill. Taylor Girls thrashed their wheat and oats.

Aug 31 – Will Brown thrashed to day. Warm day. Nancy went home. Right got his saw 25¢. Mr Forbush Died in night.[87]

Sep 1 – The Boys cut the corn south of orchard to day.

Sep 2 – Some ledle rain this morning. Not much done. Mr Forbush buried to day.

Sep 3 – Choring round. Not very well.

Sep 4 – Went up to cemetry to Jays grave and to Lois.

Sep 5 – Went over to R. G Smiths office got some writing done.

Sep 6 – Ed Rowland got Eggs 8 doz 90¢. Sarah went up to Hats in afternoon.

Sep 7 – Took Sarah over to Hoags[88] in afternoon. Charly finished cutting the corn.

Sep 8 – Not much done fixed cutter and painted some. Nice pleasant day. Bina Earl[89] here in afternoon.

Sep 9 – Some rainy in morning. Not much work.

Sep 10 – At home. Went over to burg in fore noon.

Sep 11 – At home all day. Went down to Will Browns in morning he went to Kalamazoo.

Sep 12 – Went over to burg in morning at noon and at night got.

Sep 13 – Went over to burg. Got grapes of Mrs Blake. Went over at noon got thill[90] for carriage 40¢. Jo York hurt today.

Sep 14 – Put thill into the carriage. Mrs Hall called here. Ed Rowland go[t] 5 doz & 3 Eggs 63 cts.

Sep 15 – Fine day. Worked on cutter and carriage thill. J. M. York Died To day.[91]

Sep 16 – Put trimmings on carriage thill and painted cutter. Shanyard called here I gave him 20 cts.

Sep 17 – Painting some and choring round.

Sep 18 – At home. No one here to day.

Sep 19 – Painted cutter thills. Went over to burg at noon. Sold some Butter to Cord Beach for cash no trade.

Sep 20 – Pleasant morning. Working round choring and doing nothing.

Sep 21 – Went to Kalamazoo called on Jess Turner.[92] Rained some. Ida Newton Died this Morning.[93]

Sep 22 – Ida Newton buried to day. Pleasant afternoon.

Sep 23 – Nice day. Worked on road shoveled dirt all day.[94]

Sep 24 – Worked in shop on Caywoods machine. Worked on road in afternoon. Went over to Burg in Evening to Colin Concert[?].

Sep 25 – Went down to Katharines. Some cool. All well.

Sep 26 – Worked on road. Finished triming the trees on the crossing down near the Bridge.

Sep 27 – Worked round house and Barn. Husked some ledle corn.

Sep 28 – Sarah went over to Fan Towns.[95] I dug potatoes in afternoon.

Sep 29 – Not very well. Went up to Mr Flanders[96] got load Apples. Rainy night. Sarah went down to Mrs Browns.

Sep 30 – Not much work. Rainy day.

Oct 1 – Rainy not very cold. At home. All well.

Oct 2 – Sate came over at night to help Hannah.

Oct 3 – Went over to burg in morning after Lois. She came over to help Hannah.

Oct 4 – Hannah started for Ohio went with the Olin Excursion. She went to Ravana.

Oct 5 – Worked on hog pen. Ethan went to Kalamazoo with Charley Town after lumber for Binder frame. No got some.

Oct 6 – Very nice day. Worked in hog pen. Went over to burg in morning. Ethan went to Kalamazoo to Fair. Sold 7½ lbs Butter to Beach 20¢ pr lb.

Oct 7 – Mercury 74 in shade rainy forenoon. Sarah went over to Forbush.[97] I worked on Hogpen. Nice afternoon.

Oct 8 – Mercury 72 at noon. Put Dick in pen. I set glass in windows at school House in afternoon. Set 10 lights.

Oct 9 – At home all day. Not go to church to day. Rained hard all day.

Oct 10 – Went to Mill took four bushels wheat.

Oct 11 – Drew in corn and husked some. George Tomlinson[98] came stayed all night.

Oct 12 – Took George to Kalamazoo he went to Allegan.[99] We went up to the Asylum saw William Tomlinson.[100] Mary Plank[101] came up with _____.

Oct 13 – Husked some corn drew the pumpkins cut some wood and drew it down. Fine day. Sarah cleaning house. Took up and cleaned the carpet.

Oct 14 – Bot nine clamps 45¢. Dug potatoes in forenoon. Went over to burg. Let Beach have Butter and Eggs 7 Doz 15¢ pr doz Butter. Mary came up here.

Oct 15 – No work lame Back. Nice day. Mary went down to Mr Simmons in afternoon. I am 74 years old to day Got potatoes of from ____.

Oct 16 – At home Went to down to Katharines.

Oct 17 – Worked round barn husked some corn.

Oct 18 – Choring Around getting ready to go to Shelby Ville.

Oct 19 – Ethan took us to Kalamazoo. We went up to Lous in Evening.

Oct 20 – At the Harris House in Shelby Ville all right.

Oct 21 – At the Harris house. Split some wood done some chores.

Oct 22 – At Lous. Mrs Plank[102] came down on the One Oclock train.

Oct 23 – At the Harris House. Some windy. Mrs Plank here. Wind blew very hard in Evening.

Oct 24 – Mrs Plank went home on morning train. Nice day. Split some wood.

Oct 25 – At D. D. Harris in Shelby Ville. Boles making cheese. Ball play at Shelby to day.

Oct 26 – Split some wood carry some up stairs. Split some for Engin.

Oct 27 – Working on cupboard and doing chores. Nice day. Mr and Mrs Wood came down a while.

Oct 28 – Working on cupboard some. Warm day.

Oct 29 – Work on cupboard. All well as usual. Cheese factory shut down to day.

Oct 30 – Went up to Mr Woods had a good visit. Went home by the way of Selkirk Lake.

Oct 31 – Started for home on noon train. Went to Kalamazoo stayed to Nancys.

Nov 1 – Ethan came down with the horse. We came home with the horse. Ethan came on the cars.[103]

Nov 2 – I took Lois home in morning. No work to day but chores.

Nov 3 – At work round house and barn. Cut some wood drawed some down.

Nov 4 – Went down to Katharines. Put up her partition in parlor.

Nov 5 – Not mutch done. Very nice weather Indian summer. Very smoky.

Nov 6 – At home. No one here. Fine day. Hannah went up to Mr Flanders in Evening.

Nov 7 – Mrs Elan Huntington buried to day.[104] Worked in barn some. Made plant stand for Mrs Randal 50¢. Went over to burg in Evening to hear Mr Blair lecture.

Nov 8 – Took the old Farming Mill to peaces. Nice dry weather, smoky.

Nov 9 – Went up to the Mill. Got Theodores wrenches to repair the pump. Rain some. Fixed stables so could put the cows in.

Nov 10 – Sorted the Apples. Charley drew in corn and corn fodder. Cold wind.

Nov 11 – Nice pleasant day. Worked round barn. Stoped up some holes put on some shingles.

Nov 12 – Filed saw for I D L Schram.[105] Went up to the mill got load sawdust to put in well.

Nov 13 – Mr Daniels called here a while. Ethan and Hannah went down to H. A. Browns Kalamazoo. Nice pleasant day.

Nov 14 – Fixed the well at the Barn. Very nice day rained just at night. Drawed load of wood.

Nov 15 – Worked round barn some fixed pump. Hannah sewing for Mrs Olmsted.

Nov 16 – [no entry]

Nov 17 – Cut some wood. Went over to burg. Fix pump.

Nov 18 – Went over to burg got plank for platform. Lou came on six forty train.

Nov 19 – Filed saw for Mr Randal 15¢ one for Dod Sumner 15¢. Snowed in the night.

Nov 20 – 28 Abz about 3 inches snow. Nancy, Lelah, Lou, Vern and Floyd here. Mrs T. B. Lord died in the night.[106]

Nov 21 – Nancy and Lelah went home on 11.40 train. Cold wind.

Nov 22 – 38 Abz nice day, smoky. Put rivet in Jays knife one in Lous curling iron. H. D. Streator paid me 25 cts for cutting of gun stock.

Nov 23 – Lois and Sate here all day. Ethan took them home in Evening. Mrs T. B. Lord buried to day.

Nov 24 – Went over to burg in morning. Bot pork 1 barrel of Jo Smith 1.50. Some rainy day.

Nov 25 – Took Lou over to burg in forenoon. Jim came home to day.

Nov 26 – Rainy morning. Jim took Hannah down to Galushas in morning. I went over to burg at night after Lou. Rained hard all night.

Nov 27 – Snowed and rained stormy day. Oscar Caton Carleton and wife[107] called here to see Hannah.

Nov 28 – Cold wind snow some. Jim cut some wood. I drew two loads. Jim went down got cask to seald pigs in.

Nov 29 – Nice day. Killed Dick pig he weighed 282 lbs. Took cask home.

Nov 30 – Chored round. Jim cut some wood. I drawed two loads. Cold wind.

Dec 1 – Took Plymoth Rock Rooster over to Fanny Town and one Wyandot Rooster over for Erastus Town.[108] Charley and Mate Ford[109] here in Evening.

Dec 2 – Got Ethans watch. I cut of Fred Franklins gun stock. He paid 50¢. Went over to Burg at noon took letters over. Rainy day. Robert Emmet played at the Rink to night. Saw Jim Holden.

Dec 3 – Rainy day. Hannah went to Gus Gates to work. Jim cut some wood. I drew two loads wood.

Dec 4 – 54 Abz some sprinkly. Warm for December. Old Mrs Forbush Died this morning.[110] Emily McCausey Died this morning.[111]

Dec 5 – Tim Whitcomb brot 1970 lbs Hay. Nice day for Gustavus Gates.

Dec 6 – Very fine day. I paid Mr Gus Gates $11.75 cts for Hay delivered yesterday. Got Charleys Mill and cleaned up wheat. Mrs Em McCausey Buried to Day.

Dec 7 – Went to Mill took 4 bushels wheat. Bot midlings 75¢. Went to Mrs Forbush funeral in afternoon. Very nice day.

Dec 8 – Oat Hill and Jim chopping. Cut big oak tree. Nice day.

Dec 9 – Jim cut some wood I drew three loads. Nice day. Took Sarah down to Mrs Streators in afternoon. Mrs Hubbard Lewis Died.[112]

Dec 10 – Very stormy rained all day. Jim helped Will Brown Butcher. Mrs H Lewis Buried to day. Snowed in night. Galesburg Bank Burglarised. One man shot. Charley Cory shot one fo [sic] the gang.

Dec 11 – 34 snows some. At home all day. Big times at the burg to day.

Dec 12 – At home choring some. Ethan took Rooster down to Mrs Browns.

Dec 13 – Oat and Jim chopping. Fine weather. Shaved out helve for Fred. Mart called here in Evening Et supper.

Dec 14 – Oat and Jim chopping. Nice day. Went down to Mrs Browns took Hanks cask down to put his Beef in.

Dec 15 – Took [S]arah over to Lois. Ethan and Jim went to Kalamazoo. Ethans Knife came from Toledo.

Dec 16 – Jim Huling wood for Will Brown. Will Brown brot quater Beef this Evening. Jim Lawrence the Bank Robber that Charley Cory shot in the Burg Died to day.

Dec 17 – Drawed two loads wood. Jim worked for Arthur Armes.[113] The man that Cory shot went Anarbor on the night Express.

Dec 18 – Jim went to Augusta. Ethan went over to Lois.

Dec 19 – Drawed, worked round, worked round barn and house. The Burglar went to Anarbor to day.

Dec 20 – Went over to Burg took over Butter 4½ lbs 18¢ pr lb 1.91 cts for Butter and cream.

Dec 21 – B. Vosburg Died to day.[114] Went over to Burg in morning after Lois. Nice windy day very much cold. Hannah came home Mr H Gilson brot her.

Dec 22 – Cold snowey Blustring day. Dodings but chores to day. Charley Town got Peater to day. Peter had a calf to day.

Dec 23 – Cold blustrous day. Not much done to day.

Dec 24 – Took Hannah up to Mr Flanders this morning. Drawed two loads wood in afternoon. Barnard Vosburg Buried to day.

Dec 25 – At home all day. Not very cold.

Dec 26 – Worked on Theodores cross head. Bess came up here. Mary Ann and Inez[115] came. Charley Town paid $30 Dollars for Pete.

Dec 27 – 33. Took Mary up to Mrs Bateys[116] in morning. Went over to burg in afternoon. Snowed like fun.[117] Got sack Graham flour 25 ____ ____. Arthur Arms Killed Ring to day.

Dec 28 – 10 Abz very Blustrous day snows and blows snow flies. Drew two loads wood. Very cold day. Very few teams moving. Bes came up stayed all night.

Dec 29 – Lizzie came up after Bes. Went over to Burg Bot btl salt $1.00 Bot 88 Diary 25¢. Paid my Tax $7.71 cts.

Dec 30 – At home. Worked in shop some and chored round.

Dec 31 – Put cutter thills on. Went down after Bes. Mr Caywoods Brother road with me as far as Mrs Browns. Rainy afternoon.


Sir William Keith 3d Vol 186 Page


[1] Charles Luke Keith Jr., known better, and referred to, as Luke

[2] Above zero

[3] His son, James Clinton Keith

[4] His wife, Sarah (Crawford) Keith

[5] His son and daughter, Ethan Bradley Keith and Hannah Jerusha Keith

[6] His late niece Lucy (Lee) Milham’s husband, Martin Milham. Lucy was the daughter of his sister, Catherine (Keith) Bradley Lee

[7] Galesburg, Michigan

[8] His daughter, Lois (Keith) Clark Skinner

[9] Believe he is referring to Melissa Crawford, his wife Sarah’s niece. Melissa was referred to as Lizzie and was the daughter of Robert and Louisa (McCann) Crawford

[10] His son-in-law, Henry Ambrose Brown

[11] Neighbor, Laura Ann (Rawson) Streator

[12] His granddaughter, Bess Brown

[13] Henry Brown’s mother, Matilda (Allen) Brown

[14] Scotts, Michigan

[15] shows that Edwin M. Clapp died January 8, 1887 and is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[16] Theodore Earl, neighbor and “shirttail relative”

[17] His brother-in-law, Henry Clay Crawford

[18] Believe he is referring to George & Mary (Forbush) Blake

[19] Michigan death records reveal that William Schroder died in Comstock on January 19, 1887 and Oak Grove Cemetery records show his name as Wilhalm Schroder

[20] Oak Grove Cemetery records show that Jerusha Rowland died in 1887 and is buried in Lot 164; also buried in Lot 164 are Ezra C. (2-21-1824 – 11-25-1908) and Daniel T. (1825-1885). Since her brother Daniel was listed as “insane” in the 1880 census, it is assumed that her brother Ezra is the one referred to as Cap

[21] His horse

[22] His neighbor, Joseph Flanders

[23] His son-in-law, Daniel D. Harris, Jr., known as D or D.D.

[24] His grandson, Jay Keith Harris

[25] Shelbyville, Michigan, where his daughter Lou’s family lived

[26] Edwin Flanders, the son of Joseph Flanders (see footnote to January 29th entry)

[27] The son of Charles & Juliana (Davis) Lee. Charles Lee was Luke’s paternal first cousin

[28] Luke didn’t enter the reading of the thermometer

[29] Worth about $800.00 in 2019

[30] Jay Keith Harris was 3 years 10 months old when he died of scarlet fever. Michigan death records record his date of death as February 14, 1887 contrary to Luke’s entries. Jay was originally buried on “the Old Flanders farm” but later moved to Oak Grove Cemetery. Family story is that the quinine (I think it was) that they gave Jay during his illness preserved his body. Why they opened the coffin during the move is unknown, but his body was perfectly preserved. They wanted Louese to come and see him, but she refused

[31] His daughter, Nancy (Keith) Brown

[32] According to the Riverside Cemetery records on, Joseph & Amanda Flanders were the pioneer homesteaders of the property

[33] Henry Labbitt, the undertaker. See copy of his ad from the 10-30-1880 Galesburgh Express attached

[34] The Keith family, as well as several of their neighbors, were believers in Spiritualism and participated in seances, so it is presumed Luke is referring to his grandson who died on February 12th. See Nancy Brown’s February 26th letter which also seems to refer to this

[35] Michigan marriage records show that Mary Allerton married Addison Irving Plank in Galesburg, Michigan on February 22, 1887

[36] Luke’s diary entry for February 23, 1886 reads: Fan had a calf to day it droped 12 noon.

[37] Neighbor Harry Streator

[38] His daughter, Louese (Keith) Harris

[39] LaVerne and Floyd Harris

[40] Michigan death records confirm that Marenus Caywood died on March 4th in Comstock, Michigan, and shows he was buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, Comstock, Michigan. Sadly, Marenus died only six months after his marriage to Mary Fisher

[41] Michigan death records show that Orra Bush died on March 7 in Kalamazoo, Michigan and reveals that he is buried in Lawler Cemetery, Augusta, Michigan

[42] Sarah Skinner, the sister of Adelbert Skinner, Luke’s son-in-law

[43] His son-in-law, Adelbert Skinner

[44] Hard to decipher the last name. Could possibly be Beach

[45] His niece, Helen (Bradley) York, and her daughter, Marion Adelphia York. Helen was the daughter of Luke’s sister, Catherine (Keith) Bradley York, and her first husband, Ethan Bradley

[46] Neighbor Erasmus Towne

[47] Harriet Taylor and her sister, Flora Elizabeth “Libby” (Taylor) Schram. Libby had been married to Isaac Schram, however by 1880 they were divorced and Hattie and Libby were living together

[48] See footnotes to February 23 and December 22

[49] His grandson, Floyd Harris

[50] Ruth Ann (Fletcher) York was the widow of Edwin York. Edwin and Helen (Bradley) York’s husband, Joseph York, were brothers

[51] Clara (Youngs) Clark, the wife of his grandson, Charles Clark

[52] His wife Sarah’s niece, the daughter of Hiram Crawford, Jr.

[53] His grandson, Claude Keith Brown

[54] His neighbor, Albert Towne

[55] Michigan death records reveal that Mary Randall, the 28-year-old daughter of Nathan & Jane Randall, died April 9, 1887 in Comstock, Michigan and shows she is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[56] Michigan death records show that William Scott died in Galesburg of consumption at the age of 56 on April 18, 1887; this conflicts with Luke’s entry that he was buried on the 13th of April

[57] Michigan death records show that Nettie Bradley, the 16-year-old daughter of Samuel & Harriett (Burgess) Bradley, died of rheumatism of the heart on April 7 in Comstock. Rheumatism of the heart is a complication of rheumatic fever in which the heart valves are damaged. Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory disease that begins with strep throat

[58] Neighbor Charles Towne, who was the son of Albert Towne (see footnote to April 7th entry)

[59] Hank Brown’s brother, Willis Brown

[60] Michigan death records show that Berthier Beckwith died in Charleston, Michigan on April 28, 1887 and, although it gives his date of death as May 1, 1887, shows that he is buried in Augusta Cemetery, Augusta, Michigan

[61] Michigan death records show that Randall Byington died May 8, 1887 in Galesburg, Michigan and shows he is buried in Riverside Cemetery in Galesburg

[62] A note written by Nancy’s granddaughter, Dorothy (Recoschewitz) Langmayer, noted that Nancy had one of the first hysterectomies (perhaps in the area). It was performed with the use of chloroform in May of 1884 when she was 32 years of age. Seven doctors assisted in the operation which was performed in Henry and Nancy’s living room. While Nancy was 32 years old in 1884, it is not known if this is the surgical operation Luke wrote about and that Dorothy was mistaken with her information, or if this was some other operation

[63] reveals that Alonzo Imus died May 9, 1887 and is buried in Lawler Cemetery, Augusta, Michigan

[64] The Kalamazoo Daily Telegraph, May 14, 1887, p.2, reported that George Stewart, “age about 70”, died in Galesburg, Michigan, from an overdose of morphine. shows he is buried in the Galesburg City Cemetery

[65] His granddaughter, Ina Skinner

[66] Willis & Elizabeth (Ogden) Brown; Willis was Hank Brown’s brother and Matilda Brown’s son (see footnotes to January 5th and 6th entries)

[67] Eunice (Wood) Towne, the wife of Erasmus Towne

[68] Neighbor, Emaline (Stone) Ralph

[69] His wife Sarah’s brother, Hiram Crawford Jr.

[70] Chicago, Illinois

[71] Neighbor, Henry “Harry” Streator

[72] From New York

[73] According to the [September 1887] obituary of Helen’s husband, Joseph M. York, “His health was poor, and he went to Colorado eight years ago, and came here to Idaho with poor health. Mrs. York had remained in Michigan with her daughter all these years, partly to take care of her aged mother and sister’s children, hoping that Mr. York would regain his health and get located so that they would have a home to go to. The daughter had poor health and they made arrangements to come to Idaho, and arrived at Kuna on the 2nd of July last.”

[74] shows that he is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[75] Edna (Crawford) Henry and Lulu Crawford were the daughters of his wife Sarah’s brother, Robert & Louisa (McCann) Crawford

[76] Katherine (Atcheson) Crawford, the wife of Hiram Crawford Jr. who was the brother of his wife Sarah

[77] shows that Peter Johnson died in Galesburg, Michigan on June 18, 1887 and is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery in Galesburg

[78] Neighbor, Nathan L. Randall

[79] His grandson (and daughter Lois’ son), Charles Clark

[80] Gull Lake

[81] Believe he is referring to Dexa (Strait) Harris, who was the sister-in-law of D. D. Harris (see footnote to February 3rd entry)

[82] Robert E. Henry, the four-year-old son of Edna (Crawford) and Emmett Henry, and the grandson of Robert & Louisa (McCann) Crawford, died in LeClaire, Scott County, Iowa, from Summer Complaint, which was a major cause of childhood death in the late 1800s. It was usually the result of drinking spoiled milk and caused watery diarrhea and vomiting, bringing on severe dehydration. It occurred chiefly between the months of April and October

[83] Luke was engaged to Jerusha Crittenden/Cruttenden, but then Minerva Payson came to town and Luke broke his engagement to Jerusha and married Minerva on April 23, 1839. They had two children: Lois and Henry. Minerva died just four years after they were married. He then married his first love, Jerusha, on July 25, 1847, however she died just a little over a year later. Luke then married Sarah Crawford on November 14, 1849 and they had six children: Ethan, Nancy, William (died in infancy), Hannah, Louese and James. In the evenings Luke would go to the cemetery and play his violin at the graves of his first two wives

[84] His son-in-law, Adelbert Skinner

[85] The son of William & Harriett (Groat) Plank who had been neighbors of the Keiths in Comstock until they moved to Grand Rapids in 1873

[86] Neighbors, Richard & Mary (Knowles) Barber

[87] Michigan death records show that George Forbush died in Galesburg, Michigan on August 31, 1887 at the age of 81 and reveals he is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery in Galesburg

[88] Abel & Sarah “Jane” (Mason) Hoag. Luke’s wife Sarah and Jane were good friends

[89] Neighbor, Albina Earl, who was the daughter of neighbors and “shirt tail relative,” Jesse & Mary (Clapp) Earl

[90] The long shafts between which an animal is fastened when pulling a wagon

[91] Joseph M. York, the husband of his niece, Helen (Bradley) York (see footnote to June 8th entry). According to his obituary, he was attempting to “fix his shoe to the hind wheel of the front wagon. While fixing the shoe to make the wheel run onto it, his horses started and in attempting to catch hold of the lines he made a misstep and fell under the wagon so that the hind wheel of his front wagon and both forward and hind wheels of the trail wagon ran over his legs, partially lengthwise, crushing both bones of his right leg just below the knee and crushing the thigh bone of the left leg. The wheels all ran over his legs in the same place, each one doing its terrible work in grinding the bones and flesh to a jelly. His right arm was caught some way, probably by the shoe, and the flesh torn on the inside from the elbow to the wrist, laying the cords all bare.”

[92] His maternal first cousin

[93] Ida (Lee) Newton, the granddaughter of his first cousin, Charles & Juliana (Davis) Lee

[94] The men of Comstock were required to work on the roads a certain number of days based on how many acres they owned. To see more, go to

[95] His neighbor, Frances Towne

[96] His neighbor, Joseph Flanders

[97] Assume he means Almira (Dane) Forbush, whose husband George had recently died (see footnote to August 31st entry)

[98] The husband of Luke’s niece, Marion (Sprague) Tomlinson, who lived in Perry, Wyoming County, New York

[99] Allegan, Michigan

[100] William’s relationship to George Tomlinson is unknown at this time; research continues

[101] The sister of William Plank (see footnote to August 22nd entry)

[102] Harriett (Groat) Plank. (See footnotes to August 22nd and October 12th entries)

[103] Railroad train cars

[104] Minnesota death records show that Rebecca (Galusha) Huntington died November 4, 1887 in Minneapolis, Minnesota and shows she is buried in Mountain Home Cemetery in Kalamazoo, Michigan

[105] Neighbor, Isaac D. L. Schram

[106] Even though Michigan death records show the date of death as November 25, 1887, the grave marker has the date of death as November 20, 1887, which corresponds with Luke’s entry. shows that Mary (Hawes) Lord, the wife of Thomas B. Lord, died in Comstock and she is buried in Comstock Cemetery

[107] Neighbors, Oscar & Alzina (Rosier) Carleton

[108] Erasmus was the brother of Fanny and Charley, who were all children of Albert Towne

[109] Neighbors, Charles & Mary Ann (Thompson) Ford

[110] Michigan death records show that Almira (Dane) Forbush died in Galesburg, Michigan on December 4, 1887 and shows she is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery in Galesburg

[111] No death record was found for Emily McCausey; however, the notes at for her husband, Charles McCausey, show he married Emily Wheaton in May of 1865. Her date of death was listed as December 4, 1884, but believe this to be a typo

[112] Michigan death records show that Mrs. A. M. Lewis, a widow, died of Typhoid Malaria on December 9, 1887 in Galesburg, Michigan and shows that Adeliza (Hubbard) Lewis is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery in Galesburg. However, Luke noted in his diary on March 14, 1886 that “Mrs Hubberd Lewis marred to day” to Charles Rimmey in Galesburg. It is unknown why she was referred to as Mrs. Lewis rather than Mrs. Rimmey; research continues

[113] Arthur Arms, paternal first cousin of Hank Brown

[114] Michigan death records show that Barnard Vosburg died in Comstock, Michigan on December 21, 1887 and reveals he is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery in Galesburg, Michigan

[115] Mary Ann (Batey) Keith and her granddaughter, Inez Randall. Mary Ann was the wife of Luke’s nephew, James “Oscar” Keith

[116] Eliza “Betsey” (Olds) Batey, Mary Ann’s mother

[117] Luke uses this phrase quite often. The Oxford Dictionary gives its meaning as “vigorously or quickly”

Luke Keith’s 1884 Diary


Jan 1[2] – Mercury 1__º in morning. Made Bessey[3] stool. Cut down my Long Jointer. Lois and Nancy[4] came home from Shelbyville[5] to day. Very little snow, no sleighing not much.

Jan 2 – 16 Abz[6] about 10 inches snow, very blustrous. Drawed one load wood. Varnished Herbs[7] Lap boards. Jim[8] took Bessie home. Hannah[9] went up to Em Ralphs.[10] Charley Pierce got his sentence.

Jan 3 – At zero, very windy, snow drifting. Nothing but chores. Very cold, blustrous. Minerva Lockhart[11] died to day at Petesky.[12]

Jan 4 – 4 below zero gefired cold. No work but chores. Cold blustring, 16 below in Evening. Lois and Ina[13] here.

Jan 5 – 14 below in morning. Jim and I cut tree on west line nex to Towns[14] cornfield. Drawed one load wood in afternoon. Very cold and blustring. Lois and Ina here. 4 above zero in Evening, about one foot snow.

Jan 6 – 14 below in morning. At home. Lois and Ina here. Cold.

Jan 7 – 10 below in morning, wind south west. Jim came down. We cut and drawed two loads wood. Ethan,[15] Lois and Hannah went down to Katharines.[16] Minerva Lockhart buried to day at galesburg cemetry.

Jan 8[17] – 7 below. Went over to burg in morning after chicken feed. Went over at noon. Bessey came home with me. Lois and Ina went home on noon train. Herb got lapboards. Old Mr Hawes died this morning.[18]

Jan 9[19] – Worked in shop on Derick cap. Not so very cold.

Jan 10 –18 Abz. Went over to burg in morning after Hanna. Mrs Ed Childs at Nancys. Worked some on patterns. Cut, drawed two loads wood in afternoon. Mr Hawes buried to day.

Jan 11 – Worked in shop, turned out Derick cap &c.[20]

Jan 12 – 17 Abz. No work to day only chores. Ethan went to Kalamazoo to see Smith & Woodard one of the windmill Firms. They wanted to get him to make Patterns for them.

Jan 13 – 37 in morning Abz. At home all day. Went over to Nancys in Evening Bessy sick. Bill[21] got a way went down to the church. Lou Bristol[22] and Dell Strait caught him and drove him back to Hanks.[23]

Jan 14 – 20 in Evening Abz, nice day. Cut and drawed two loads wood. Ethan went over to burg in Evening.

Jan 15 – 8 Abz. Turned lathe in forenoon, glued track circle in derrick cap. Hannah went over to burg. Mr Ed Lane buried to day.

Jan 16 – 12 Abz pleasant morning. Worked in shop on patterns. Mr Will Morton and Miss Mertie Barton wer Married to day.[24] Mr Porter Whitford and Zeak Halls widder wer married this Evening.[25]

Jan 17 – Went over to burg. Cut some wood drawed one load.

Jan 18 – Went over to burg. Took Lou[26] over to Douglass to get her teeth filled and cleaned. Got Eight Baskets of Ears corn. Will Clark[27] had Bill to go up to Russells. Mr John Baty Died.[28]

Jan 19 – Filed saw for Mr _______, works for Simmons. Mr Bela Wright Died to day.[29] Filed saw for Will Brown.[30]

Jan 20 – 6 Abz in morning. At home. Cold. Nancy and Lucy[31] here. Mr Wright Buried to day.

Jan 21 – 20 Abz in morning. Chored round not much work to day but chores.

Jan 22 – 22 Abz in morning. Took Lou over to burg in morning. Went down to Mr Ralphs with Lou. Got feather Bed for Lou of Sarah Struble.

Jan 23 – Cut and drawed one load wood. Went over to burg at noon. Took Lou up to Depo, she went home.[32] She had Jays[33] hair cut. Mr. Batey buried today.

Jan 24 – Choring. Fed de cow and hos. Cut some wood and so on.

Jan 25 – Worked in shop some, not much mabby[?]. Went over to burg. Mercury runs from ten to 20 Above.

Jan 26 – Cut some wood Jim drawed load wood. Went over to burg at noon after the Crawford boys,[34] they no come. Went over in Evening, they no come. Took Bess home.

Jan 27 – 20 Abz good sleighing. Hiram Crawford[35] came this morning.

Jan 28 – Went over to burg at noon. Hiram went with me. Ethan took Hiram over in Evening he left for home. Mrs Dunning Chipman Died to day.[36]

Jan 29 – Ethan and Hannah went over to burg in morning.

Jan 30 – Cut wood and chored round. Not very cold.

Jan 31 – Cut cherry tree on west Line nex to Towns cornfield, cut wood up in woods. Emmet Crawford[37] came here in Evening. Cold night.

Feb 1 – 19 Abz in morning. No work but chores. Emmet Crawford here. Filed saw for Mr Caywood.

Feb 2 – Cut and drawed wood. Not very cold. Emmet went home on Evening train.

Feb 3 – 19 Abz wind N.E. At home no one here Except those that was here.

Feb 4 – 21 in morning wind N.E. Bushed one roller to Mrs Browns Wringer. Not much cold, rainy day, rained all night.

Feb 5 – 36 Abz morning wind S.W., raining, very icy. Worked on Wringer.

Feb 6 – Choring in the biz niz now days. Finished Wringer.

Feb 7 – Work in shop some. Went over to burg in forenoon git sack flour.

Feb 8 – 19 Abz. Worked in shop some. Cut some wood. Not much sleighing.

Feb 9 – No work but chores. Thawing some. D[38] came down to day.

Feb 10 – 9 Abz. Went over to burg in morning after Hanks folks. D came over with me.

Feb 11 – D went back to day. I cut some wood drawed one load in afternoon. Rainy afternoon and Evening.

Feb 12 – Chored around some. Rainy day, very icy.

Feb 13 – Took Ethan to Kalamazoo. He went to Chicago to see a Doctor.[39] Snowed like fun[40] when I came home. Clarra[41] came home with me. Mart[42] went up to Wickwires to thrash.

Feb 14 – Not very cold. At home. Clara Milham here. No work but chores. Mary Starring Chase died this morning.[43]

Feb 15 – Worked in shop some on Ethans knife. Herb Earl came down here.

Feb 16 – 21 Abz. Worked on Ethans Knife some. Took Sally[44] and Mrs Elder Betts[45] down to Mrs Browns.[46]

Feb 17 – 40 Abz. At home. Not very cold, rather sloppy, snow going very fast.

Feb 18 – 42 Abz in Evening. Took Mrs Betts over to burg. Saw E. T. Mills. Went down to foundry to get them to come and get the patterns.

Feb 19 – Took Sarah[47] over to burg in morning went over with the buggy. Strait came over got the Patterns. I made cover to Nancys flour barrel. Clara came back with me. Put Ethans knife together. Rainy night. No go after Sarah. Snows and blows.

Feb 20 – 15 Abz. Took Clara up to Jim Milhams[48] in morning. Cold wind. Went over to burg. Carried Nancys cover to flour barrel.

Feb 21 – 19 Abz. Worked round Barn. Made sleigh rack. Hat and Libby Taylor here in afternoon.

Feb 22 – Went up in woods cut wood. Snowed like fun. Clara came back from Jims.

Feb 23 –11 Abz. Chored round sawed some wood. Made step for Nancy. Went over to burg in afternoon to see the wind mill company. No get any money. Nancy and children[49] went down to Mrs Browns.

Feb 24 – 15 Abz in morning snowed and blowed some. Clara here. Lucy and George[50] came up in Evening after Clara. Not very cold mercury 26 ½ past 7 seven in Evening.

Feb 25 – 26 Abz in morning. Went over to burg in morning bot sack patent roller Flour. Bessie came home with me. I chored round, sawed some wood. Snowed like fun in afternoon. Hannah went over to Burg. Bessie went home.

Feb 26 – 20 Abz no work to day. Got some hard cold. Filed crosscut saw for Will Brown. Mrs Pixley Judson Died to day.[51]

Feb 27 – No work but chores. Cold hangs on yet. Filed saw for Will Brown. Hannah over to Nancys, came home in Evening.

Feb 28 – 4 below this morning. Not very well. Windy. Cut splitum some wood not much. Some ledle better. Martin Turner[52] came here stayed all night. He had been to Charles Whitcombs Birth day party. Cold day.

Feb 29 – 4 below. Martin here all day until most night. He went home on Evening Train. Henry Crawford[53] came on Michigan City freight in Evening. Jim drawed Hannah cord of wood.

Mar 1 – 10 Abz. Went over to burg in morning after Nancy. H Crawford here all day. Jim drawed cord wood. Took Nancy home at night.

Mar 2 – 10 Abz. At home all day. Henry here all day. No one here excep Henry Crawford. 14 above in Evening.

Mar 3 – Took Henry over to train this morning he started for Auburn N.Y. Bessie came home with me. Jim drawed two loads wood from Mr Taylors woods. I got Eight Baskets of corn in the Ear of Will Clark. Cold day 14 Above in Evening.

Mar 4 – 5 Abz. Went up in woods in forenoon cut some wood. Went once to burg in afternoon. Called and saw Ida Hows twins.[54] Mart drawed one log for stone Boat[55] plank.

Mar 5 – 2 below. Went over to burg took Hannah over. Got oil and molasses. Cut one load wood and drawed it down.

Mar 6 – 24 Above in Evening. Sawed wood in forenoon. Went over to burg at noon after Nancy. Sawed some wood in afternoon. Will Brown took Nancy home at night.

Mar 7 – 20 Abz in Evening. Not very well no work but chores. Went over to burg afternoon after Lelah. Bessie not very well.

Mar 8 – 16 Abz in morning hard cold some. Filed saw for Sam Barton old shitlick went over to burg afternoon. Carried draft Board over to the Strait windmill Co.

Mar 9 – 18 Abz. At home. Cold winter weather. Hank and Nancy came over and got Lelah. Very good sleighing.

Mar 10 – At home. No work but chores. Not very well, hard cold.

Mar 11 – 42 Abz. Choring round. Thawing snow went off very fast. Went over to burg at noon got Lelah and Bessey took them down to Mrs Browns. Road full of water. Rainy night high wind.

Mar 12 – 30 High wind cold. Mrs Betts had a bad spell this morning. Jim went over to burg got Bottle white Pine syrup for her. Libby Taylor came down. Dance to burg to night. Hank & Nancy gone to the Creek.

Mar 13 – 40. Went over to burg. Took Hannah over to Mr Ralphs & Blakes. Theodore came down and Repaired cistern pump. M. O. Streator and wife[56] here in afternoon.

Mar 14 – 27 Abz. Went up to pump shop. Took note up to Theodore. Cora Harris[57] came over to have dress fitted. Hank Brown went to Chicago on the night Express.

Mar 15 – Took Hannah over to Nancys. She took Ida Howes Boy with her. She will keep him while she stays there.

Mar 16 – At home all day. No one here. Not very cold no snow.

Mar 17 – 40 Abz. Took Mrs Betts over to burg in morning. Hannah came back with me. Sarah and I went up to Mr Flanders in afternoon. Hannah went to Mr Sumners in afternoon. Went over to burg after Mrs Betts.

Mar 18 – Chored round. Repaired manger. Turned one plunger for Theodore Earl.[58] Rainy day or afternoon rather.

Mar 19 – Rainy day. No work. Went over to Burg in afternoon got an order of Barlow on Theodore Earl for Eight Dollars. Presented the order got the cash on it $8.00. Dod Sumner brot Hannah home.

Mar 20 – Filed two saws for Dod Sumner. Went over to burg took Hannah over to burg. She went to Geo Blakes. Jim went to Comstock to mill. Sent corn by him.

Mar 21 – Pleasant day. Made lapboard for Nancy. Went over to burg at noon. Sent letter to Hiram. Mrs Betts had a bad time with her throat this morning. Hard work to breathe.

Mar 22 – Took down old fence west side of garden. Cut some wood and done the chores. Fine day.

Mar 23 – 55 Abz. Nice day looks very much like spring. Wheat looks green. River very high. Went over to Nancys after Hannah.

Mar 24 – Went up to Jesse Earls[59] to see Barbed wire fence. Went up to the Burying ground up by Staffords to see that wire. Went to see Mr Carrs fence. Mate Ford[60] and Tamer Addams[61] called here. Mr Joseph Flanders[62] and Aunt Hannah[63] called.

Mar 25 – 50 Abz rainy. Rainy day. No work but chores. Story Sleeper[64] set fire to a straw stack, crawled into it and burnt up with it. Rained all night. Nell Stanford[65] here in afternoon.

Mar 26 – 40 Abz Cloudy. Cloudy morning pleasant afternoon. Went up to Mr Flanders after post hole digger. Got Rooster Plymouth rock variety. Paid Will Clark $3.00.

Mar 27 – __8 Abz, still. Went over to burg in morning. Dug out posts west side of garden. Took down Hen yard. Drawed some stone. Mrs Brown and Bina Earl[66] here in afternoon. Very fine day. Story Sleeper Buried to day.

Mar 28 – Rainy forenoon cleared of. Drawed brush in afternoon on west line. Charley Town commenced plowing for Oats in west lot. Commenced raining just at night. Prince Leopold Died.[67]

Mar 29 – Windy. Went over to burg in morning after Nancy and children. Sarah & I went down to Marts. Jim and Hannah went over to burg in Evening to hear the McGibbiny family Discourse a few music. Mr John Flint Died to day.[68]

Mar 30 – 32 Abz pleasant. Nice day. At home all day. Jim and Libby Taylor went up to Frank Bronsons.

Mar 31 – Chored round. Not much work done.

Apr 1 – 45. Jim came down in morning helped me saw up cherry tree on west line. Charley plowing. Theodore shingling his shop on north End of mill. I went over to burg in afternoon. It rained some. Mr John Seeley Buried to day at Galesburg.

Apr 2 – 32 Abz. Snows and blows this morning. Kate Isherwood came down after Hannah. Jim pitching shit for Dea Randall. Mrs Ben Jacobs buried to day.[69]

Apr 3 – Took Hannah over to burg in morning. She went to Mrs Hannah Wilmarths. Nice day.

Apr 4 – Went over to burg in morning. Chored round some. Went over in Evening got wall paper.

Apr 5 – Went over to burg after Hannah. Put ___ps on wall they put paper part way around. Saw Riley Coe. Nell and Harry[70] here in Evening.

Apr 6 – 53 in morning, pleasant. Nice morning. At home no go to church to day.

Apr 7 – Went over to burg in morning after Nancy. Went over at noon to vote. No work to day. Went took Nancy home in Evening. Snowed and rained. P. S. Carmer[71] Left for Otsego. W. A. Blake[72] Elected Supervisor.

Apr 8 – Took Hannah over to Mr Ralphs in morning. Snowed some stormy day rain and snow.

Apr 9 – 33 Abz ground covered with snow. Robert Crawford[73] came this afternoon.

Apr 10 – Robert here. Went up to Charley Fords[74] in afternoon to get a place for Harry Crawford.[75]

Apr 11 – Went over to burg in forenoon after Hannah. Robert went over. I went over at noon after clover seed bot ½ bushel $3.25. Jim working for Harry Streator.

Apr 12 – Charley Town sowed Rye and Oats, Timothy and Clover seed to day. Took Robert over to burg he went to Battle Creek. Ed Schrams Baby died.[76]

Apr 13 – Hannah and Jim went up to Mr Flanders to see if they would take Harry Crawford.

Apr 14 – Went over to burg got pattern to change for Knapp.

Apr 15 – Went over to burg after Nancy. Rainy. Went down to Katharines to see how she was, she sick. Very rough rainy day. Took Nancy home in Evening.

Apr 16 – Cold rough morning snows some. Chored round. Worked some in shop on pattern. Robert started for Home on noon train.

Apr 17 – Cold raw day. Worked on pattern some. Sawed out strip for Wm Ralphs[77] frames for Bee Hives. Mrs William Carey Died.[78]

Apr 18 – Finished Mr Knapps pattern took it home over to him. Took Mrs Betts over to burg. Spencer Peat got load Hay.

Apr 19 – Pleasant day. Trimed Blackberry and Raspberry bushes. Ed Flanders[79] and Aunt Hannah called here just at night.

Apr 20 – Cloudy day. Hannah came home from Scots. Mrs Wm Carey Buried.

Apr 21 – Charley Town drawing manure putting it on hill south of orchard. Will Clark commenced work to day moving and laying up fence on hill. Very high wind.

Apr 22 – Charley finished drawing manure. I drawed stone for fence corners and some old rails. Hard wind very much high wind cold.

Apr 23 – Pleasant day no wind. Will Clark working for Charley Town.

Apr 24 – Frost. Chored round. Worked some in garden. Went over to burg in Evening took over Eleven Doz Eggs 15¢ pr doz.

Apr 25 – Got Jesse Earls wagon. Took my wheels over to Lockhart got tyre put on paid him $3.00. Picked up brush in orchard and burnt it. Mr Leonard Evins fell of load hay and Broke his Arm.

Apr 26 – Frost. Burnt brush heap in front yard.

Apr 27 – At home all day. Very high wind. Rev. H. B. Ewell of Pavillion Genesee Co N.Y. Died this morning.[80]

Apr 28 – Will Clark cutting brush on hill fixing to build wire fence. Went over to burg got my wagon wheels. Paid Edwin Flanders $1.96 cts for wheat.

Apr 29 – Went over to burg got Grub hoe repaired 20¢. Will grubbing fence row on the hill. Edwin brot Grist 2 bushels Graham flour $1.96 cts.

Apr 30 – Finished Hanks pattern. Went over to burg in afternoon took Hanks pattern over. Mrs Betts went over with me. Will cutting and burning brush on hill. Mrs Selind Davis Died to day.[81] A fine shower.

May 1 – Rainy morning. Went to Kalamazoo after Ethan. Rained all day. Mrs Davis Buried to day. Stephen Comfort[82] came to day.

May 2 – Worked on hill in afternoon cut one large tree. Fine day. Went over to burg in Evening.

May 3 – Pleasant morning. Worked on hill cut the big Grapevine tree an two others. Very fine day. Burnt brush. Mrs Malony Buried to day.[83]

May 4 – Rainy day not very cold. At home all day. Stephen here.

May 5 – Put cow out to pasture. Worked on hill most of the day cut some trees. Charley Town began plowing corn ground south of orchard.

May 6 – Went over to burg in morning ordered my wire for fence. Had a nice shower about Eleven oclock A.M.

May 7 – Painted my wheels over. Cut some brush on hill. Took Mr Stephen Comfort over to Nancys in Evening.

May 8 – Mr Comfort left on 7 AM run for Canada. I went down to M. O. Streators to get Jim to help Will Clark saw. Will sowed the clover seed.

May 9 – Painted wagon gearing blacked bands on wheels. Will cut brush and burnt some. I went over to Burg in Evening.

May 10 – Will split posts. I took Locust post up to corner. Cullen and Bert[84] planted the south lot to corn. I went up to Mr Flanders got poshole digger, some potatoes, Harness, one pig. Rained before I got home. Rainy night.

May 11 – At home all day. No one here.

May 12 – Will Clark planted corn for Ed Schram in forenoon, for Mr Streator in afternoon. I went over to burg in Evening to see if my wire had come. Rained in night.

May 13 – Jim and Will sawed wood and posts on hill some in forenoon and afternoon. Rained some. I set the corner post up at the corner towards Taylors.

May 14 – Drawed manure six loads. Will planting for Harry Streator. Mr McKay buried to day.[85]

May 15 – Sawed pickets for Hen park. Got out manure in afternoon. Went over to burg in Evening. Mr Conrad buried to day.[86] Will Clark planted for Mr Franklin.

May 16 – Pleasant morning. Got out manure put it on garden.

May 17 – Built Hen Park. Very fine day. Went over got my wire, 403 lbs, 5 lbs staples $24.48. Mrs. M. Sprague[87] came on noon train to Nancys. Came over here in Evening.

May 18 – Pleasant day. Ethan and Patty went down to Katharines.

May 19 – Not very well. Got out some manure on garden.

May 20 – Worked up on Hill some set some posts East side of wheat lot. Will Brown plowed garden.

May 21 – Went down to Will Browns got his Thomas[?] Harrow to drag garden. Will burning brush and distributing posts.

May 22 – Worked on hill set posts. Got Tom Brown[88] drawed some rails.

May 23 – Jim came down with team drawed rails and wood with both teams.

May 24 – Katharine and Geo Worked on fence some.

May 25 – Katharine and George came up here. Alvin and Julia[89] here. George Tomlinson,[90] Ogden Tomlinson, wife and daughter[91] came here.

May 26 – Rainy some. George Tomlinson went to Battle Creek came back went down to Katharines with Orrin Starr.[92] I took Patty down to Katharines. Rainy.

May 27 – Will working on hill throwing up rige on the line of the fence. I went down to M O Streators got some potatoes.

May 28 – Cold north wind no frost. Working on hill throwing up ridge.

May 29 – Worked on fence tightening posts. Will throwing up ridge.

May 30 – Put wire on fence, put up 60 rods, 4 wire fence.

May 31 – Cleaning up and grading.

Jun 1 – At home. Ethan went down to Marts after Patty. Lucy brot her home.

Jun 2 – Went over to burg in morning. Went up to George Billingtons to see Patent fence.

Jun 3 – Went over to burg in morning got some flour some Bran. Found calf with Fan this morning. Not much work to day. Mr Barber and Will setting Posts for Hat and Lib Taylors[93] fence. Rained just at night. Mr Flanders called in.

Jun 4 – Sarah and her Mother went over to Nancys in morning. I drawed some stone from corner. Went over to burg in Evening after Sarah and her Mother got home about ten Oclock. Mrs Betts Died about Eleven Evening.[94]

Jun 5 – Went over to burg in morning to get casket and make arrangements for funeral. Hiram and Kate[95] came in afternoon, D. and Lou came in Evening. Pro

Jun 6 – Took Box over to cemetry, got Mr Miner to dig the grave. Box came this morning. Mrs Betts Buried to day.

Jun 7 – Henry came this morning from South Bend.[96] They all left for home on the 11 Oclock train.

Jun 8 – At home all day.

Jun 9 – Moved fence East of house. Had Tom and Bill.[97]

Jun 10 – Set fence posts on the road east of House.

Jun 11 – Jim came down plowed for the ditch on the road East of house. Skinner[98] had Bill, drew load wood to Hank. I filed saw for Erastus Stewart.

Jun 12 – Will shoveled the dirt up to fence posts. Ethan and I put on one wire in forenoon worked on the ridge in afternoon.

Jun 13 – Strung wire on fence East of House and finished grading.

Jun 14 – Took Sarah and Patty over to burg in morning. Took back wire $3.96. Drew stone from road in afternoon. Skinner came up got shovle plow in morning.

Jun 15 – At home. Ethan took Patty down to Katharines.

Jun 16 – Chored round house and garden. Cut out stuf for screen frames for Hat and Lib.

Jun 17 – Worked on road. Very hot day.

Jun 18 – Worked on road cut weeds and leveled up. Lois and Nancy came over Charley and Clara[99] came. Rained just at night. Took the girls over in Evening.

Jun 19 – James Krum called here in morning he went to Kalamazoo with Ethan. He went down after Jesse. I finished working on road. P. S. Carmer Died to day at Otsego.[100]

Jun 20 – Very hot. Went up to Taylors got size of windows cut one frame. Worked for Charley Town in afternoon. Cut out window on west side of Kitchen. Had a shower in afternoon.

Jun 21 – Ethan took Lou to Kalamazoo she goes home on the afternoon train. Very hot mercury 98 in shade at one oclock P. M.

Jun 22 – At home all day. Very hot day. P. S. Carmer Buried to day at Otsego.

Jun 23 – Went over to M. O. Streators got two bushels wheat took it over to mill. Turned six pins for Will Brown. Brot over some Lime over for C. I. Clark.

Jun 24 – Very hot. Took Hannah over to Mr Ralphs. Charley Clark went to Kalamazoo after his goods. I fitted frames to windows at Taylors House. Rained in Evening.

Jun 25 – Rainy day. Went over to Hanks after Charleys folks took them up to the House.

Jun 26 – At home choring. Went round the squair with Patty. Called to Mr Flanders. They wer at work on cellar wall.

Jun 27 – Worked in shop some on plow. Very hot.

Jun 28 – Worked in shop some. Took the folks over to cemetry. Katharine came up. Patty, Katharine and Sarah went over.

Jun 29 – At home. Very hot. Killed two hens, one Rooster. R. E. Strait came over.

Jun 30 – Patty and Hannah started for Perry, Wyoming County, N.Y.[101] Ethan took them to Kalamazoo. Very hot mercury 100 & 4 in sun at 9 A.M.

Jul 1 – Woodded Will Browns Plow. Extracted tooth for John Isherwoods girl she paid 25 cts. Hot day.

Jul 2 – I took Sarah and Jesse over to Burg in morning. Ethan turned one plunger for Theodore. Put the cow back in pasture to day.

Jul 3 – Painted Will Browns plow over in morning. Rained some ledle much.

Jul 4 – Jim had Bill to go to Gull Lake. I chored round picked some berries. Charley Town cut some wheat in lot North side of road. Rained in night. Aunt Celia Keith Uncle Ozens wife Died to day.[102]

Jul 5 – Windy. Went down to Marts, Frank Burlingham thare, Net Cory also. High wind some cooler. Lois came over stayed all night.

Jul 6 – At home all day. Hanks folks called here at night. Mr Randall got his Reaper Knives he paid 50 cts.

Jul 7 – Went down to Charley Fords bot five bushels Oats 40¢ pr bushel $2.00. Chored round.

Jul 8 – Went down to Charleys got bag I left there when I got the oats. Turned two plungers for Theodore.

Jul 9 – Went over to burg with Charley Clark got some boards to make cupboard. Took Sarah over in afternoon. Rainy. Charley Town commenced cutting wheat.

Jul 10 – Charley finished cutting East lot. Will Brown cut my grass. Fine day.

Jul 11 – Went down to Mrs Browns got Tom and wagon. Drawed in my hay. Very nice day. Charley Clark helped me get it in.

Jul 12 – Picked some berries, done chores, cut the wheat next the fence East of house that the Binder left. Will Clark cut his wheat to day. The Mankin show in town this Evening.

Jul 13 – At home. No one here except those that was here. Charley Town cutting wheat for Cull.

Jul 14 – Show in burg to night. Cut weeds up and down the hill on both sides of fence. Went over to burg in afternoon. Took Sarah over to Hanks. Bot gloves 75¢. Went over in Evening af Sarah. Herd the band play.

Jul 15 – Finished cutting weeds on road. Set up wheat in East lot in afternoon. Charley and Will Crittenden drawed in the girls wheat, Hat and Libs. Rained some in morning.

Jul 16 – Went over to burg in morning. Went up to Mr Flanders got some sed to sow on my fence bank East of house. Show in town to night.

Jul 17 – Ethan went to Kalamazoo with Jesse. She went to shelby ville. I worked in garden some. Very fine weather. Filed saw for Hat and Libby Taylor.

Jul 18 – Chored round. Worked some in shop ledle some.

Jul 19 – Charley Town drawed in the wheat in forenoon. Drawed some of his in afternoon. Very nice weather.

Jul 20 – Went down to Marts in afternoon. Found Toot[103] not some better.

Jul 21 – Took Lois over to burg in morning. No work but chores. Charly drawing wheat up to Culls. Stranger took dinner here, a Mr Goodrich, a Frenchman, said he lived at Sharlotte Michigan.

Jul 22 – Took Sarah over to burg in morning. Chored round. Went up to mill to see if I could get something for gate posts. Tim Whitcomb raked wheat stubble. Mrs Harvey Freer died to day.[104]

Jul 23 – Went over to burg in morning after some whortleberries.[105] Had a nice shower in morning rained hard cleared of about 9 AM. Put in three cradle fingers for Mr Caywood. Ethan took Sarah down to Mrs Browns in afternoon.

Jul 24 – Had a nice rain agan this morning. Repaired Charley Clarks buck saw frame. Charley Town commenced cutting the oats. Mrs Harvey Freer buried to day.

Jul 25 – Turned over the rakings in east lot. Jane Hoag[106] came over to day. Abel[107] went to Vicksburg to Odfellows Picknick. Very hot day. Charley cut some oats, drawed in some of his wheat on north side.

Jul 26 – Went over to burg in morning after Lelah and Bessey. Hank and Nancy went to Toledo. Hot weather mercury 96. Charley town drawing wheat.

Jul 27 – Mercury 94 not much wind. Home all day, Hank & Nancy at Toledo. Ethan & Clark went down to Marts. Bessey & Lelah here.

Jul 28 – Not very well, no work. Charley Town finished cutting oats. Nancy came home. Jim got home.

Jul 29 – Chored round. Got ready for thrashers. They thrashed to Mrs Browns & Mr Randalls. Came up here and set machine.

Jul 30 – Thrashed my wheat & oats 93 bushels oats, 140 bushels wheat. Will Johnsons machine. Had a nice shower just at night. Mr Baptist minister called on my wife dont know what they said or done some not much.

Jul 31 – Went over to burg took 4 bushels wheat to mill.

Aug 1 – Took 4 bushels wheat to mill. Charley brot Bed tick down to be filled, took bags home. Cut weeds on on east fence up the hill.

Aug 2 – Cut weeds on road East of house. Took old violin to pieces. Chored round some. Hot day. Hat and Lib commenced cutting their oats.

Aug 3 – At home. Went over to burg in morning after Lelah & Bessey. Hank, Nancy, Mrs Brown & Sarah went up to Mr Levy Woods.

Aug 4 – Went over after Nancy and the girls in morning. Nancy came over to help Quilt. I done some turning for Oat Hill. Cool day.

Aug 5 – Rainy forenoon. Went to Kalamazoo in afternoon to see about Jessie coming home. She will come tomorrow on noon train. Will Clark bot buggy to day.

Aug 6 – Choring. Jessie no come. George Ives here to Dinner. Took Sarah over to burg in afternoon to see about getting Jessie home. Union[?] Picknic at  Gull Lake to day. Edna and Jes came on the 6 oclock run all right.

Aug 7 – Cloudy morning. Oiled Harness and got things redy to go to shelby.[108]

Aug 8 – Started for Shelby ville 5 oclock AM got to Orangeville at 12 arrived in Shelby ½ past 3 P.M all right. Left my Halter where I fed the Horse at Orangeville.

Aug 9 – At Shelby. Fine morning. Made screen for west window in dining room.

Aug 10 – At Harris House all day. Quite warm. D., Lou and Jay took Bill and their carriage went out riding.

Aug 11 – Some rain this morning at Shelby. Made window Screen. Bot 10 cent Hat 60 cent Rubbers.

Aug 12 – Left Shelby for home about Eight oclock AM got home ½ past five P.M. Kate Crawford came on noon train. She came out after Jes. Very hot day. I was sick in night.

Aug 13 – Not very well to day. Book agent called here. Kate and Jes left for home on noon train.

Aug 14 – Not very well to day. Diavolus Bolus[?]. No work. Clara here all day.

Aug 15 – Sick. Very hot and dry mercury 100 in shade ½ past Eleven A.M.

Aug 16 – Not well, no work. Hot and dry. Ethan and Will Clark went to Kalamazoo. Mercury 97 in shade.

Aug 17 – Mercury 101 in shade. At home. Ethan and Hanks folks gone to Gull Lake. Charley and Will went to Evenges.

Aug 18 – Not much work. Very hot and dry. Mended Rocking chair.

Aug 19 – Went and got Theodores pump tongs repaired pump. Went over to burg in Evening.

Aug 20 – Mr Barney Seely Buried.[109] Went over to Burg after mail, no got him. Went up to Mill. Theodore gave me a big string of fish. Went down to Marts to see Lucy. She not some better ledle mite. Rained some in night.

Aug 21 – Cloudy and some cooler. Jim gone to Battle Creek to the Encampment. Will Clark thrashing to David Bronsons.

Aug 22 – Jay Barton Died.[110] Put violin together I think the Illick violin. Ethan turned out two stand tops for Herb Earl.

Aug 23 – Went over to burg got Nancy and girls. Ethan went over at noon got the James girls, Laura & Rosa.[111] They came from Kalamazoo.

Aug 24 – Fine pleasant morning no frost.

Aug 25 – No work. Went to burg at noon Laura went with me. Ethan and the girls went around the squair.

Aug 26 – Nice morning. Sarah went over to burg. Not much work pulled some weeds in corn, not much.

Aug 27 – No work very much rainy day. Lois and Ina came over in Evening. Took Sarah over to burg. Pulled weeds in corn field.

Aug 28 – No work. Rainy day rain all day. Lois and Ina came over in Evening. Ethan turned Stand top for Laura & Rosa James.

Aug 29 – Went down to Katharines with Lois found Lucy some better I think. Barnums Show in Kalamazoo to day.

Aug 30 – Turned 3 pump handles for Theodore. Laura & Rose here. Fine day. Went over to burg in Evening took the Illick violin over.

Aug 31 – Nice pleasant day some cooler than it was once. Ethan and the girls went out riding.

Sep 1 – Very pleasant morning. The girls left for Jonesville, Laura and Rose James. Turned 12 pump handles for Theodore, 3 tops, one stand top.

Sep 2 – At home. Not very well no work but chores.

Sep 3 – Went down to Katharines to see Lucy. Worked on violin.

Sep 4 – Choring round. Very hot and dry nead some rain considerable.

Sep 5 – Cut out neck for violin. Very hot day. S. Struble threshed for the Taylor girls.

Sep 6 – Hot mercury 95 in shade. Worke on violin neck. Will Clark came here helped Ethan turn stand top.

Sep 7 – At home no one here. Very hot.

Sep 8 – Will Clark commenced cutting corn. I chored round watched cow.

Sep 9 – Martin Turner came here on his way home from Ohio. I took him over to burg. Went down to Katharines found Lucy no better. Very hot mercury 100 in shade. Wes[112] came on Michigan City freight.

Sep 10 – Mercury 102 at noon. Went over to burg at noon to meet Hannah she came on 11.15 train. Saw Wesley.

Sep 11 – Went over to burg after Nancy and children. Hannah & Nancy went down to Katharines. Ethan & Wesley went down to Marts in afternoon.

Sep 12 – Charley cutting corn. Wes here.

Sep 13 – At home. Chores. Laura and Rose came on 9 oclock run from Kirkwoods.

Sep 14 – At home. Went down to Katharines.

Sep 15 – Worked round in shop some and [nothing further written]

Sep 16 – Worked round house and shop. Girls here. Went over after Nancy.

Sep 17 – Ethan, Nancy, Hannah and and girls went to State Fair to Kalamazoo.

Sep 18 – Went over to burg. Took after Nancy home. Took Hannah over to burg in Evening.

Sep 19 – Worked in shop some chored round done not much some dings. Mary Plank[113] and a Miss Hall came here stayed all night. Ethan and the girls all went over to the Rink in Evening, the Grand Opening.

Sep 20 – The girls went home in afternoon. Mary Ellen took them to Kalamazoo. Very nice day.

Sep 21 – It was me self and me woife wint down to see Lucy this after noon sur Lucy no better. Very dry no prospect of rain as yet.

Sep 22 – Went over to burg took Hannah over to Nancys. Wesley came up in Evening after Sarah. Lucy was faling she Died ¼ past to Eleven P.M.[114]

Sep 23 – Sprinkled a little this morning. Not very well. Mrs Aurilla Hood of Salt Lake City Died to day.[115] They found forty Eight Hundred Dollars in specie[116] in a matrass after she died in little bags.

Sep 24 – Rainy fore noon. Went down to Marts. Lucy Buried to day.

Sep 25 – Charley Clark husked corn for me to day. I cleaned out cornhouse. Sent a letter to Mark Lee.[117]

Sep 26 – Went over to burg after Charleys wagon at noon. Drawed in two loads corn in afternoon. Wesley and Adelphia[118] here to dinner. Warm day.

Sep 27 – Worked round cornhouse. Went down to Mrs Browns got some apples. Drawed one load corn. Charley husked corn in afternoon.

Sep 28 – At home. No one here. Nice day.

Sep 29 – Charley husked corn in fore noon. I drawed it in afternoon.

Sep 30 – Not very well no work but chores. Wes came from Scots.[119] Went over to Bill Blakes stayed all night. Old Mrs Schram died to Night.[120]

Oct 1 – Cloudy morning. Went over to burg in morning, No work not well.

Oct 2 – Went over to burg in morning to see Mr Knapp.[121] Went down to Katharines in afternoon. Mrs Schram Buried to day. Wes here to night.

Oct 3 – Went over to burg after Nancy. Chored some. Jim Conky came here to see about getting some sand for Butterfields. Mrs Brown came up. Mrs Forbush and Mrs Blake came over in afternoon.

Oct 4 – Not very well. Very nice weather. Lois and Dell came with one load goods. Very warm weather no frost yet. Grass look nice good feed. Mercury 94.

Oct 5 – Not very well. At home. Lois and Ina here. Very hot day. Will Clark took Jesse Milham[122] out riding.

Oct 6 – Took Lois over to Nancys in afternoon. Bot Boots $4.00.00. Nice day Mercury 84. Jim Milham cut wheat to day.

Oct 7 – Worked in barn some raised up south sill. Took Sarah over to burg. Hank went up to Seresco,[123] came back then he and Nancy went to Chicago. Charley Clark dug potatoes. Went over after Sarah in Evening. Rained in night.

Oct 8 – Some rainy cool wind. Not much done to day. Worked round Barn some. Mr David Bronson Died in night. He not Dead but very low.

Oct 9 – Worked in barn some raised the south sill some. Wesley came just at night. He went up to Ridlers stayed all night.

Oct 10 – Went over to burg in forenoon. Helped Charley and Will get Lois goods in to her House.[124] Bot plank for stable floor and some flooring for rincktum skatum[125] $9.76¢.

Oct 11 – Nice morning. Wesley went down to Katharines with Jesse Earl this morning. Mrs Laura Vancicle Hall Buried to day.[126] Mrs David Vosburg Died 4 oclock AM,[127] Mr David S. Bronson Died 1 oclock P.M.[128] Fine day. Went over to burg in Evening took Oatmans saws over to him.

Oct 12 – Cloudy morning not very cool Mercury 76. Went down to Katharines. All well as usual. Wes was there.

Oct 13 – D.B.S. Very pleasant day. Went to Mr David S. Bronsons funeral. Mercury 70 Abz at one P.M. Hank got home from Read City on night train.

Oct 14 – Nice morning. Went up to mill. Saw John Ralph. Got Theodores pump Tongs. Repaired my pump. Jesse Turner and wife[129] came at noon. Jes went over to burg with me. I went over to get pump rod welded. Wesley left Kalamazoo for home on morning Train.

Oct 15 – Pleasant morning heavy frost. Sarah went over to burg stayed all night. Nancy went up to Lous Jay is sick. Ethan took her to Kalamazoo. I am 71 years old to day.

Oct 16 – Worked in barn all day cleared out stable. Got ready to put in new[?] floor. Mr Skidmore Died to night.[130]

Oct 17 – Not very well. Not much work. Warm weather. Herb Clark and wife[131] at C. I. Clarks.

Oct 18 – Choring around. Went over to burg to get the mail. Jay not much better. Mr Zida Zardis Skidmore Buried to day.

Oct 19 – At home. Hank came over. Lelah & Bessey here. Harvey Keith[132] and Mother[133] came here from Mrs Bateys.[134] Ethan and Hannah went down to Katharines in afternoon. Nice day.

Oct 20 – Not much work. Took Hannah over to burg in afternoon. She went up to Tip Towns.[135] Warm nice day.

Oct 21 – Warm morning Mercury 91 Abz. Went up to Mill. Herb gave me string of fish. Ethan went over to Mr Knaps to do a job on his binder frame. Nancy up to Shelbyville. Cloudy. Went over to burg. Rained all afternoon. Nancy came home. Jay no better. Took some straw over to Lois.

Oct 22 – Took Sarah over to burg. Lelah and Bessy went home. Warm day. Not much work but choring.

Oct 23 – Snowed like fun. Went over to burg in morning to take plank over to Lois for side walk. Lost the cows rope. Clara and Edna[136] came down. Charley came down to supper. Charley put down the side walk.

Oct 24 – Went down to M. O. Streators. Made a man hole in the upper Hall. Cyrus and the Doctor wer there. Cool day. I got six large pumpkins.

Oct 25 – Dug potatoes in East garden. Took Hannah over to burg in afternoon. Ethan went over after her in Evening.

Oct 26 – At home all right. Jim and Will Clark here. Ethan went down to Alvin Lees.

Oct 27 – Cleaned out hen house. Took Hannah down to Mate Fords.

Oct 28 – Choring. Went over and got Nancy and Bessey. Ethan took them home in Evening.

Oct 29 – I took Sarah down to Kalamazoo. She went up to Shelby to stay with Lou a few days. Nice pleasant day.

Oct 30 – Went up to mill in morning. Sawed out stuf for Jims skate Box. Repaired check valve to pump. Ethan took Hannah over to the Rink. Nice day Mercury 50 Abz.

Oct 31 – Rainy. Went up to mill. Got Eight nice fish. Carried stable floor plank in barn.

Nov 1 – Went over to burg in morning after Nancy. She came over stayed all day. Went down to Mrs Browns at night. Ethan and Hank went to Kalamazoo in Evening to see a play at the Opera House.

Nov 2 – At Home no one here except our own family. Sarah up to Lous. Hank and Nancy and children down to Mrs Browns. Fine day.

Nov 3 – Rainy day went over to burg to Election. Worked round barn in forenoon. Went up to Mr Flanders in afternoon. Got load apples. Fine day.

Nov 4 – Rainy day. Went to Election[137] in forenoon. Worked on pigpen in afternoon some. George Milham here awhile. He took Mart up to Election.

Nov 5 – Mr Hill died.[138] Finished pen put Peter into it. Cold wind. Charley Clark had the wagon to carry Lois load wood.

Nov 6 – Went over to burg bot Glass and putty to repair windows to the school House 40 cts. Thomas paid me the balance due on wire $3.96 cts.

Nov 7 – Nice day. Repaired Kitchen floor. Charley Town drew his cornfodder. Charley Clark finished husking corn. Very pleasant nice day quite warm. Some ledle smoky just at night. Truman Dewey Died.[139]

Nov 8 – Put glass in windows at schoolhouse in forenooon. Went over to burg at noon after Sarah. She came from Lous. Drawed in corn in afternoon. Went over after trunk. Lois and Ina came over home with me. Dell came over stayed all night.

Nov 9 – Very pleasant day. Jim and Ed Streator[140] came down in morning. Dell left for home. Truman Dewey Buried to day just at night. Mercury __2 some like Indian summer. Clara, Nina and Gertie[141] came up just at night.

Nov 10 – Took Hannah over to Aunt Hannah Wilmarths came home took Sarah over to Mr Barbers.[142] Mrs Barber[143] sick. Went after her just at night. Hank and Dell went to Kalamazoo.

Nov 11 – Very nice weather. Worked in Barn raised up cross sill. Putting in new stable floor. Ethan went over to burg in Evening. Sent Enterprise[144] to George.

Nov 12 – Put partition in Peters pen made spout to turn his drink in. Ed Chadwicks Auction to day. Willis Brown married this Evening to Miss Lizzie Ogden.[145] Sarah has gone to set up with Mrs Dick Barber. Very nice warm day.

Nov 13 – Went over to burg after Sarah in morning. Fine day. Took Sarah down to Mrs Browns at noon. Worked in Barn some. Will and Lizzie came home just at night.

Nov 14 – Worked in barn putting in stable floor. Went over to burg. Took Hannah over.

Nov 15 – Went over to burg in morning after Hannah. Finished stable floor. Very nice weather. Indian summer, some smoky.

Nov 16 – Went down to Katharines. Marion Rice[146] and Mrs Gaffery wer there. Verry nice day. Rained some when we came home at night.

Nov 17 – Worked round house. Helped take up the carpet in East rom. Finished the stable floor. Pleasant day rather cold wind. Ethan and Nancy, Charley and Lois went to Kalamazoo to day.

Nov 18 – Chored house and barn. Filed croscut saw for H. D. Streator.[147] Charley Clark finished husking for Will Brown. Charley Town working on road.

Nov 19 – Cold morning Mercury 10 Abz in morning. Will Brown drawed his cornfodder. Sarah and I went down to Alvins. Nice dry day. Mr Vose building cellar wall for Alvin under Tenant House.

Nov 20 – Not very well to day. Tinkered round. Shelled some black Beans. Worked in Barn some. Kept Fan[148] at home to day. Sybil Austin called at the door a moment in Evening. Hannah at work to J. T. Allertons.

Nov 21 – Went over got some mortar to plaster East room. Charley came down and put some on. He had company come, Mrs Youngs.[149]

Nov 22 – Charley came down put on some more. I put on in parlor in afternoon. Charley came down shelled some corn. Rainy night.

Nov 23 – Rainy morning. Mercury 55 Abz in morning.

Nov 24 – Mercury ___ Abz morning, cold snowey day. Extracted tooth for C. I. Clark. Choring all day. Ethan made Bevel gear for W. H. Knapp.[150]

Nov 25 – Mercury 24 Abz morning. Cleaned up wheat & took to mill 4 bushels. Took over bag corn for Charley Clark. Ethan made Jims skate Box. Charley Town brot oats over 4 bushels. Cold and snowey, bad day.

Nov 26 – Went over to burg in morning after grist. Brot Charleys meal over. Some cold snow some. Mercury 19 Abz. Theodore and Charley came down to shop.

Nov 27 – Thawed or tried to thaw out pump at Barn. Not very cold.

Nov 28 – Turned five buckets for Theodore. Filed cross cut saw for Gus Gates 25 cts. Not very cold. Nelson Nichols called. Mr Barber called in shop. Lois and Ina came over stayed all night.

Nov 29 – At home doing chores. Gates boy got saw. Brot buck saw to be filed 20¢. Filed buck saw for Mr Randal 15¢.

Nov 30 – Pleasant day. Went down to Katharines. Not very cold nice wheeling.

Dec 1 – Turned 4 buckets for Theodore. Ethan and Jim went to Kalamazoo. Mercury 32 Abz, nicest kind of wheeling, very little snow on the ground.

Dec 2 – Mercury 33 Abz very nice day, nicest kind of wheeling, very little snow, bout a inch. C. I. Clark and Jim sawing wood for H. D. Streator. Mrs Youngs an Clara here this afternoon. Sky very red after sun down. Filed saw for Harry Streator.

Dec 3 – Filed saw for Harry this morning. Worked in Barn made mangers for Fan. Very pleasant day. Sarah went up to Hat Taylors in afternoon. Nice roads. Lots wood going into the burg. Nice moon light nights.

Dec 4 – Mercury 50 Abz very nice pleasant day. Worked in Barn fixing stable. Mr Gates paid 40¢. The Ladies Skating Trial came of this Evening. Ethan and Jim went over. Fine weather for December.

Dec 5 – Mercury 54 Abz quite warm rainy day. Put some shingles on Barn tightened boards on south End Barn. Charley had wagon to draw Lois load wood. Rained all night.

Dec 6 – Worked in Barn fixing well. Rainy day. Mercury 50 Abz. Hannah came home just dark. Grass green, feed first rate.

Dec 7 – Mercury 37 Abz rained all day. Ethan took Hanah down to Mr Caywoods at night. Strong south west wind no snow.

Dec 8 – Worked in Barn banked up barn on East side. Cool day.

Dec 9 – Chored round barn some in forenoon. Moved stove some ledle west. Went over to burg in afternoon with Will Brown. Got some lumber to seel East Bedroom 1.22¢. Ed Flanders paid $1.00 for repairs on schoolhouse. Paid Schroder $1.00. Paid Nelt Nickols $1.00.

Dec 10 – Mercury 34 Abz. Martin Turner called here this morning. Not much work to day. Ethan went down to Katharines in afternoon after Hannah. Stormy afternoon, snow.

Dec 11 – Went up got Theodores wenches to repair pump. Hannah went up to Mr Fishers. Nice day.

Dec 12 – Went up to mill got load sawdust to put in well. Extracted tooth for C. I. Clark. Repaired pump and well. Went over to burg in afternoon. Found out about my Taxes $8.72 cts. Paid Schroder & Olin 22 cts.

Dec 13 – Mercury 28 Abz. Went down to Katharines. Sarah went to fit Claras dress. Snowed very little first rate wheeling. Jim finished work for H. D. Streator.

Dec 14 – Went over to burg in morning after Nancy. She came over to help make cap. Snowed in night.

Dec 15 – Snow 8 inches mercury 30 Abz. Drove up to Charleys in afternoon. Will Brown got cutter to go to Kalamazoo to make out papers for the farm. Hank and Nancy went. Charley brot mustang down.

Dec 16 – Mercury 11 Abz. Chores to day. I turned 8 pump tops for Theodore. Lots snow. Charley Atkins brot cutter home in Evening. Making cap some out of my otter skin I got of Mark Lee.

Dec 17 – Cold mercury 10 Abz. Choring to day. Paid Nelson Nickols $1.40 cts. Sarah finished my cap to day. Mercury 3 Abz in Evening. Jim gone up to Bets[?].

Dec 18 – Mercury 13 Abz. Chores. Worked in house some. Jim took paper and lath of East room. I commenced putting on ceiling. Mercury 1 below zero at six Evening. Jim and Ethan gone to burg.

Dec 19 – Mercury 16 below zero 7 AM. Put ceiling on East room. Will Clark came down from Shelby ville to day. Very much cold. Jim and Bill gone over to burg to a dance. Good sleighing. Charley went to Kalamazoo after Will.

Dec 20 – Mercury 3 Abz. Finished ceiling the East room. Lots snow. Charley drawed load hay. Ethan and Jim went over to burg in Evening. Snowed like fun. Rough night to be out.

Dec 21 – Mercury 16 Abz. Jim went over to burg in morning got Lois and Ina. Hannah came home. I took Lois home in Evening. Ethan and Hannah went up to Charleys in Evening. Tip top sleighing. Mr John Hull leader of the Hull and Arnold Band Died to day.[151]

Dec 22 – Mercury 22 Abz. Very rough day snowed and blowed like fun. Worked in shop made churn dasher for C. I. Clark and family.

Dec 23 – Mercury 20 Abz. Went over to burg after Oil. Lelah and Bessy came over. Finished churn dash.

Dec 24 – Mercury 13 Abz very Blustrous day snows and Blows. Helped Ethan turn big wheel for Binder.

Dec 25 – Mercury 3 below. Went up to C. I. Clarks to dinner. Very cold. Ethan gave me a cap. Went over to burg in evening after border for East room. Mercury 8 below zero 8 in Evening.

Dec 26 – Painted ceiling in East room in forenoon. Sarah and Hannah papered East room. I went over to burg at noon got roll paper. Jim went to Pavilion. Will got Buckwheat ground. Mercury 22 below zero in morning. Elain Huntington Died to day.[152]

Dec 27 – Worked round house. Put up brackets in East room. Rainy day rained all night.

Dec 28 – Mercury 40 Abz. Went down to Marts. Met Rile Coe. Came home at night. Rained all the Evening. Found them all right. Mr Huntington buried to day.

Dec 29 – Mercury 50. Drawed in some cornfodder. Snow most all gone. Rile Coe here to dinner. Muddy going.

Dec 30 – Mercury 54 in morning. Took Peter over to Rennisons to be butchered. Rained like fun. Went over just at night after Peter. Paid my tax. $8.72.

Dec 31 – Mercury 36 Abz. Jim went to Kalamazoo after D. & Lou. They no come. Cold west wind. No dings but chores to day. Clara down here.


[1] Known better, and referred to, as Luke

[2] This transcription is taken from a very poor photocopy of the original, and although my mother Eda “Jean” (Mueller) Johnson made typewritten notes, it was extremely difficult to transcribe

[3] His granddaughter, Bess Brown

[4] His daughters, Lois (Keith) Clark Skinner and Nancy (Keith) Brown

[5] Shelbyville, Michigan

[6] Above zero

[7] Herbert Earl, his neighbor and “shirttail relative”

[8] His youngest son, James Clinton Keith

[9] His daughter, Hannah Keith

[10] His neighbor, Emaline (Stone) Ralph

[11] The only record of her death was found in the Oak Grove Cemetery online records which shows that Minnie Maria (Lockhart) Mosier died January 4, 1883; this could possibly be a clerical mistake in entering the date

[12] Petoskey, Michigan

[13] His granddaughter, Ina Skinner

[14] His neighbor, Albert Towne

[15] His son, Ethan Keith

[16] His sister, Catherine (Keith) Bradley Lee

[17] This was actually written in the January 9th spot, with “Tuesday 8th” written in

[18] Michigan death records reveal that Lawrence Hawes died in Comstock, Michigan on January 8, 1884 and shows he is buried in Mountain Home Cemetery, Kalamazoo, Michigan

[19] This was actually written in the January 8th spot, with “Wednesday 9th” written in

[20] Etc.

[21] His horse

[22] Neighbor, and cousin of Henry Brown

[23] His son-in-law, Henry Brown

[24] Michigan marriage records show that William Morton and Myrtie Barlow were married in Galesburg, Michigan on January 16, 1884

[25] Michigan marriage records show that Porter Whitford married Mrs. Mary Hall on January 16, 1884 in Galesburg, Michigan. Her death certificate gave her maiden name as Porter. Research continues regarding her being the widow of Zeak Hall

[26] His youngest daughter, Louese (Keith) Harris

[27] His grandson, William B. Clark, the son of his daughter, Lois

[28] Michigan death records confirm that John Batey died on January 18, 1884 in Pavilion, Michigan and shows he is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[29] Michigan death records confirm that Bela Wright died on January 19, 1884 in Galesburg, Michigan and shows he is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[30] Willis Brown, neighbor and brother of Henry Brown, Luke’s son-in-law

[31] Lucy (Lee) Milham, his niece

[32] Shelbyville, Michigan

[33] Louese’s son, and Luke’s grandson, Jay Harris, who was about 8 months old

[34] His wife Sarah’s brothers

[35] Hiram Crawford Jr., Sarah’s brother

[36] A search of shows that Betsey (Scramlin) Chipman, the wife of John Boardman Chipman, died on January 28, 1884 and is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery in Galesburg, Michigan. The 1880 census shows them living in Comstock, Michigan

[37] Sarah’s nephew, the son of her deceased brother, Edwin Crawford

[38] His son-in-law, Louese’s husband, Daniel D. Harris Jr., otherwise known as D. or D.D.

[39] In Ethan’s 1884 diary he complains of his stomach and on February 2nd he wrote: “Ma received a letter from Uncle Hiram. He wants me to come and try their Magnetic Healer. Aunt Kate wrote wrote also. They made me a very kind offer would be to all their expense.” He stayed until May 1st when he returned home. It isn’t clear from his diary whether the treatments helped him

[40] Luke uses this phrase quite often. The Oxford Dictionary gives its meaning as “vigorously or quickly”

[41] Clara Milham, the oldest child of Martin & Lucy (Lee) Milham

[42] Martin Milham, the husband of Lucy (Lee) Milham, who was the daughter of Luke’s sister, Catherine (Keith) Bradley Lee

[43] Mary was the wife of Julius Chase who was Henry Brown’s first cousin. Michigan death records confirm that she died on February 14, 1884 in Kalamazoo and shows she is buried in Riverside Cemetery in Kalamazoo

[44] Nickname for his wife Sarah

[45] His mother-in-law, Nancy (Comfort) Crawford Betts, whose late second husband, Platt Betts, had been an elder in their local church

[46] Matilda (Allen) Brown, neighbor and mother of Henry and Willis Brown

[47] His wife, Sarah (Crawford) Keith

[48] Neighbor, and half-brother of Martin Milham

[49] His grandchildren, Claude, Lela and Bess Brown

[50] George Milham, oldest son of Martin & Lucy (Lee) Milham

[51] Michigan death records confirm that Polly Ann (Johnson) Judson died on February 26, 1884 and shows she is buried in the Galesburg City Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[52] His maternal first cousin

[53] Sarah’s brother

[54] Neighbor in Comstock, Ida (Barber) Howe. She had twins, Carrie and Charles Howe, on February 18th

[55] A type of sled for moving heavy objects such as stones or hay bales

[56] Neighbors, Marius O. & Laura Ann (Rawson) Streator

[57] Sister of Luke’s son-in-law, D.D. Harris

[58] Neighbor; Theodore was the brother of Herbert Earl (see footnote to January 2nd entry)

[59] Neighbor; Jesse Earl, who was the father of Herb and Theodore

[60] Neighbor, Mary Ann “Mate” (Thompson) Ford

[61] Neighbor, Mary “Tamer” (Ford) Adams

[62] Neighbor, Joseph Flanders. After Luke’s first wife, Minerva (Payson) Keith died, Joseph and Amanda (Hobbs) Flanders cared for his son, Henry, for a period of time. The Flanders raised Henry even after Luke married his third wife, Sarah (Crawford) Keith. They wanted to adopt Henry but Luke said no; however, it looks like Henry lived with them throughout his youth. This seems to be corroborated by the 1860 census showing “Henry L Flanders,” age 16, (who it is actually believed to be Henry L. Keith), living with Joseph & Amanda

[63] Joseph Flanders’ sister, Hannah (Flanders) Wilmarth. Luke often referred to older neighbors as Aunt or Uncle

[64] confirms the date of death and has a transcript of the newspaper account of his death. He is buried in Mountain Home Cemetery in Kalamazoo, Michigan

[65] Neighbor, Nellie (Underwood) Stanford; she was the niece of Marius O. & Laura (Rawson) Streator

[66] Neighbor Albina Earl, the daughter of Jesse Earl, and sister of Herb and Theodore

[67] From Wikipedia: Leopold George Duncan Albert (7 April 1853 – 28 March 1884) was the eighth child and youngest son of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Leopold was later created Duke of Albany, Earl of Clarence, and Baron Arklow. He had hemophilia, which led to his death at the age of 30

[68] Michigan death records confirm that John Flint died March 29, 1884 and shows he is buried in McDowell Cemetery, South Haven Highlands, Allegan County, Michigan

[69] Michigan death records show that Wealthy (Deney) Jacobs, died in Galesburg, Michigan on March 31, 1884 from consumption and shows she was the wife of Burban Jacobs and is buried in the Galesburg City Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[70] Neighbors, Nellie Stanford and her cousin, Harry Streator

[71] Neighbor, Peter S. Carmer

[72] Neighbor, William A. Blake

[73] His brother-in-law

[74] Neighbor, and husband of Mate Ford (see footnote to March 24th entry)

[75] The son of Hiram & Katherine (Atcheson) Crawford (see footnote to January 27th entry)

[76] Michigan death records show that Harry Schram, the 14-day-old baby son of Edgar & Netta Schram, died in Comstock on April 14, 1884 (not the 12th) of blood poisoning

[77] Neighbor, and husband of Emaline (Stone) Ralph (see footnote to January 2nd entry)

[78] Michigan death records show that Lydia (Phelps) Caray died April 14, 1884 (not the 17th)

[79] Edwin Flanders, the son of Joseph Flanders (see footnote to March 24th entry)

[80] reveals that Rev. Henry B. Ewell died April 27, 1884 in Pavilion, New York and is buried in Pavilion Cemetery, Pavilion, New York

[81] Michigan death records show that Salina Davis died April 29, 1884 in Comstock, and the 1880 census listed her in the household of Isaac Wing as “aunt,” however no further information regarding her death has been found

[82] Nancy (Comfort) Crawford Betts’ brother

[83] shows that a Catherine Maloney, the wife of Michael Maloney, died in 1884 (no month or day listed) and is buried in the Riverside Catholic Cemetery in Kalamazoo. The 1880 census has a listing for Michael & Catherine Maloney living in Comstock, so it is assumed this is the Mrs. Maloney referred to

[84] Possibly Cullen Towne and his father Albert Towne. Luke’s son, Ethan, made the following entry in his diary for the same date: Charley Towne planted corn in our south lot to day. Charley was Cullen’s brother and Albert’s son

[85] shows that Thomas A. McKay was born in 1847, died in 1884 and is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan. While only the years of birth and death are given, the 1880 census also shows that he was born in 1847 and lived in Comstock not far from where Luke’s mother-in-law, Nancy Betts, was living

[86] Michigan death records show that Rev. Johannes Melchior Conrad died May 13, 1884 in Galesburg, Michigan and shows he is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery in Galesburg, Michigan

[87] His sister, Martha “Patty” (Keith) Sprague

[88] Believe he is referring to the Brown family’s horse, Tom

[89] Alvin Lee and his mother, Juliana (Davis) Lee. Julia was the widow of Luke’s paternal first cousin, Charles Lee

[90] George Tomlinson’s wife, Marion (Sprague), was the daughter of Martha “Patty” (Keith) Sprague, Luke’s sister

[91] Ogden, Mary (Wareham) and Cleo Tomlinson. Ogden and George were brothers

[92] Alfleda Starr was married to Luke’s late brother, Harvey Keith, but any connection between Orrin and Alfleda is unknown at this time

[93] Sisters, Harriet and Flora Elizabeth “Libbie” Taylor. Libby had been married to Isaac Schram, however by 1880 they were divorced and Hattie and Libby were living together

[94] Ethan’s diary entry shows that “Grandma was taken with one of her hard breathing spells and died at 11.15.”

[95] Hiram’s wife, Katherine (Atcheson) Crawford

[96] Henry Crawford lived in South Bend, Indiana

[97] Tom was the Brown’s horse and Bill was his horse

[98] His son-in-law (Lois’ husband), Adelbert “Del” Skinner

[99] His grandson and his wife, Charles I. & Clara (Youngs) Clark. See Ethan’s 1884 diary

[100] confirms that Peter S. Carmer died in Otsego on June 19, 1884 and is buried in Mountain Home Cemetery in Otsego, Michigan. According to the April 7th entry he had just moved to Otsego

[101] Patty lived with her daughter and son-in-law, Marion (Sprague) & George Tomlinson, in Perry, New York. According to Ethan’s 1884 diary, Hannah stayed in Perry until September 10th

[102] Michigan death records and show that Cecelia (Stewart) Keith died July 4, 1884 in Pittsford, Michigan and is buried in Goodrich Cemetery in Pittsford

[103] Nickname for Lucy (Lee) Milham

[104] The Michigan death record and shows that Melissa (Powers) Freer died July 22, 1884 in Pavilion, Michigan and she is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[105] Similar to blueberries

[106] Neighbor, Sarah Jane (Mason) Hoag

[107] Abel Hoag, Jane’s husband

[108] Shelbyville, where daughter Lou lived

[109] Michigan death record and show that Barna H. Seelye died August 14, 1884 in Kalamazoo, Michigan and he is buried in Maple Grove Cemetery in Comstock, Michigan

[110] Ethan Keith wrote in his diary on July 12: “Jay Barton took Paris green this evening but took too much so the Dr may save him.” The Michigan death record index shows that Jay Barten died in Galesburg, Michigan on August 22, 1884

[111] Sisters, Laura (James) Vair and Roselia James. They were the daughters of Luke’s maternal first cousin, John R. James and his wife, Elsie (Prentiss) James

[112] John Wesley Keith. According to the Keith Family Bible, Wesley was Luke’s adopted brother. A May 4th entry in Luke’s 1874 diary shows that “Wesley and family left for Kansas on the Eleven fifty Eight run”

[113] The daughter of William & Harriet (Groat) Plank. The Planks had been Luke’s neighbors in Comstock until 1873 when they moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan

[114] While no death record has been found, shows she is buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, Comstock, Michigan. She left behind seven children, the oldest being 18 years old and the youngest 9 months old

[115] His first cousin, Aurilla (Lee) Hood. Utah death records show she died in Salt Lake City County, Utah, on September 23, 1884 and shows she is buried in Salt Lake City Cemetery

[116] Coins; equal to about $125,000 in 2019

[117] His cousin, Marquis de Lafayette Lee, who was Aurilla (Lee) Hood’s nephew

[118] His great-niece, Marion Adelphia York

[119] Scotts, Michigan, which is about 10 miles south of Comstock/Galesburg

[120] Michigan death records reveal that Mary (Lester) Schram died September 30, 1884 in Comstock and shows she is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[121] Neighbor, William H. Knapp

[122] Neighbor, Jessie Milham, the daughter of Mathias & Azuba (Chadwick) Milham

[123] Ceresco, Michigan

[124] His son Ethan noted in his July 16th diary entry that “Lois bought Geo Adams place on Grove St. [Comstock] Consideration $475.”

[125] Skating rink. Luke quite often used silly language in his diaries

[126] shows that Lora (VanSickler) Hall died in 1884 in Pavilion, Michigan and is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[127] Michigan death records show that Sophronia (Loomis) Vosburgh died in Charleston, Michigan on October 11, 1884 and shows she is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[128] Michigan death records show that David S. Bronson died in Comstock, Michigan on October 11, 1884 and shows he is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[129] Jesse & Sarah “Sally” (Davis) Turner. Jesse was Luke’s maternal first cousin

[130] Michigan death records show that Zardis Skidmore died October 16, 1884 and reveals he is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery in Galesburg, Michigan

[131] Charley Clark’s first cousin, Herbert Loren Clark & Mary (Legge) Clark

[132] His cousin, Harvey R. Keith

[133] Mary Ann (Batey) Keith

[134] Eliza “Betsey” (Olds) Batey, Mary Ann’s mother, who lived in Pavilion, Michigan

[135] Eunice “Tip” (Wood) Towne, the wife of Erasmus Towne

[136] Clara’s daughter, Edna Clark, who was almost 3 years old

[137] Grover Cleveland defeated James Blaine, becoming the 22nd president of the United States. He also was the 24th president, the only president in American history to serve two non-consecutive terms in office (1885–1889 and 1893–1897)

[138] Michigan death records reveal that Andrew (not William, as noted in Ethan Keith’s diary) Hill died November 4, 1884 in Comstock, Michigan. Andrew was the father of Otis Hill

[139] Michigan death records show that Truman Dewey died November 8, 1884 in Pavilion, Michigan and shows that he is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[140] Edward Kent Streator, the son of Worthy & Sarah (Sterling) Streator. It is believed that Edward and Marius (see footnote to March 13th entry) were brothers; research continues

[141] Clara Milham, the oldest of Lucy (Lee) Milham’s children, who was about 16 years old, and her two younger sisters, Nina, age 4, and Gertrude, age 2. Lucy died September 22, 1884

[142] Neighbor, Richard Barber

[143] Richard Barber’s wife, Mary (Knowles) Barber

[144] Kalamazoo County Enterprise newspaper

[145] Willis Allen Brown and Elizabeth Rebecca Ogden were married in Charleston, Michigan

[146] Believe he is referring to his maternal first cousin, Marion (Wolcott) Rice

[147] Harry Streator

[148] His cow

[149] Charley Clark’s mother-in-law, Rhoda (Wood) Youngs

[150] Neighbor, William H. Knapp

[151] Michigan death records reveal that John Hull died in Florence, St. Joseph County, Michigan on December 21, 1884 and shows he is buried in Peek Cemetery, Constantine, St. Joseph County, Michigan

[152] No death record was found; however, shows that Elam G. Huntington died in 1885 and is buried in the Mountain Home Cemetery in Kalamazoo, Michigan with a note that the death certificate shows the year of death as 1884. The 1870 and 1880 census records list him as Elon G. Huntington and living in Comstock, Michigan

1884 Charles Luke Keith Jr Diary Scan


Ethan Keith’s 1884 Diary


E. B. Keith
Galesburg Mich
Bought Dec 11 1883

X[1] Jan 1 – Worked at patterns. Lois, Ina,[2] Nancy and Claude[3] came from Shelbyville[4] to day. Jim[5] brought Lois and Ina over here from the Burg.[6] Jim came down this evening. Wrote a postal to Henry.[7]

Jan 2 – 16° Snow. Worked at patterns. Snowed about 10 inches last night. Will Clark[8] came up this morning after Lois and Ina. He took Will Brown[9] to the train, he went to Marshall. Jim took Bessie[10] home this P.M. Herb Earl[11] was down this A.M.

Jan 3 – 0° Blustering. Worked at the patterns some this P.M. It is very blustering to day. Jim came down this P.M. Hannah[12] hemmed my scarf this morning.

Jan 4 – 16° 17° below Blustering. Worked at patterns. Very cold and blustering. Lois and Ina came up from Mrs Browns[13] this morning. Jim was down a little while this A.M. Grace Griffith left Hanks[14] for Decatur this P.M. She is not agoing to work there any longer.

Jan 5 – 14° below Blustering. Worked at patterns. Jim was down this A.M. and helped Pa[15] cut some wood.

Jan 6 – 14°. Jim called a few minutes on his way to the Burg. Will Clark was here a few minutes this evening.

X Jan 7 – 10° below. Worked at the patterns a little while this A.M. Lois, Hannah and I went down to aunt Katies[16] this P.M. Pa took Lois and Ina over to Nans this evening, they are agoing to go home to morrow. Rec’d a letter from Henry and Florence.[17]

Jan 8 – Worked at patterns part of the day. Pa went over to the Burg twice to day. Lois and Ina went home on mail. Pa brought Bessie over home with him this P.M. Herb Earl was down this P.M. to show me a “Little Lap Board” he had made and to get me to stamp the date on it.

Jan 9 – Worked at patterns. Herbert Earl was down this P.M. Hannah and I went over to the Burg this evening. She stayed to the play “Kathaleen Mavoumum.” Bessie was quite croopy to night. A gentleman and three ladies came here this P.M. Smith & Woodard sent him here to see if I would make patterns for them.

Jan 10 – Worked at patterns. Hannah and I went over to the Burg this eving took Bessie home. Am not feeling very well my Stomach is what’s the matter.

Jan 11 – Worked at patterns. Pa and Jim have gone to the Burg this evening. Jim to the dance and Pa to hear the music. Ma[18] wrote to Uncle Hiram[19] about “business.”[20]

Jan 12 – 15° Snow. Went to Kal[21] this P.M. to see the Eureka Wind Mill Co. They want me to make patterns for them, but I dont think I will for I have other jobs. Geo Youmans and Lou Bristol[22] came over this morning to see the pattern.

Jan 13 – 40° warm. At Hanks this morning came from Kal last night on Mich City freight and stayed all night. Bessie is sick with a hard cold. I came home with Jim about noon. Pa and Ma have gone over to Nans this evening.

X Jan 14 – Worked at patterns. Went to the Burg this Evening saw Geo Youmans about some the W-M patterns. Wrote to Messrs Smith & Woodard that I could not work for them.

Jan 15 – 11°. Worked at Patterns. Went to the Burg this evening took Hannah and Lela[23] over. H[annah] is agoing to sew for Nan[cy]. Took some of Beatty’s circulars over to Mr Conkey.

Jan 16 – 11°. Worked at patterns. Pa and Ma have gone to the Burg this evening. Will Morten, and Myrtie Barlow, was married this evening.[24] Oscar Keith[25] came here this P.M. he and Mary[26] are up to Mr Batys[27] Mr B- is very sick.

Jan 17 – Worked at patterns. Pa went to the Burg this P.M. Lou and Jay[28] came back with him. Lou came out to day. Theodore Earl[29] was down this A.M. Jim brought Hannah home from the Burg this evening.

Jan 18 – Worked at patterns. Pa took Lou and Jay over to the Burg this morning. Ma and Grandma[30] visited at Mr Streators[31] this P.M. Mrs Brown also. Will Clark has got “Bill” this evening to take a load up to Russells. Oscar Keith has gone home this P.M.

Jan 19 – 1°. Worked at patterns finished them this A.M. Worked at the core-bores[?] this P.M. Teachers Institute at the Burg to day. Will Clark went after Nan and the children, brought Lou over here. Mr Bela Wright died to day.[32] Mr Baty died last night.[33]

Jan 20 – 7° below. I am 33 years old to day. Will Clark brought Nan and the children up this A.M. I took them home to night. Lou is sick. Mr Wright was buried this P.M.

Jan 21 – 6°. Worked at patterns. Lou was not well enough to go over to the Dentists to day. Uncle Tom’s Cabin at Schroders Hall this evening.

Jan 22 – Worked at patterns. Hannah and I went to the Burg this evening. I went down and saw Geo and Barlow. Pa took Lou and Jay over to the Burg this A.M. Mr Knapp was over to see about some patterns this A.M.

Jan 23 – Worked at patterns a little to day. It has been quite blustering. Pa went over and went to the Depot with Lou. She started for home on Mail. Claude is 9 years old to day. Geo Barber was over this P.M. to see the patterns.

X Jan 24 – 17° below. Worked at patterns. Rec’d a letter from Lois and my wristlets she has been making me. Aunt Pattys[34] birth day “79th.” Wrote to Lois.

Jan 25 – 13° below. Worked at Patterns. Jim has gone to the Club dance it is the last one. Pa went to the Burg this A.M. and got some alcohol for me.

Jan 26 – Finished the Strait No 4 Patterns. Commenced them Nov 6, 1883. Pa went to the Burg twice to see if Uncle Hi[35] came but he did not come. Bessie went home with Pa this evening.

Jan 27 – Jim and Will Clark went to the Burg this A.M. found Uncle Hiram, he came home with them. He brought a couple cans of Oysters we had them for dinner.

Jan 28 – I am not feeling very well. My stomach is so weak. Pa and Uncle Hi went to the Burg this P.M. I took Uncle Hi over to Hanks this even’g, he leaves for home 12.50 A.M. Uncle Hi left his scarf, forgot it.

Jan 29 – Hannah and I went to the Burg this A.M. I went down to the foundry and told Geo that I had finished the patterns. I went and took Hannah down to aunt Katies this P.M. It has thawed yesterday and to day. I mailed uncle Hirams scarf to him.

Jan 30 – 60° 49°. Rained some to day. Have got the tooth ache some. Pa went up to the saw mill and ground his ax. Ma washed.

Jan 31 – Emmett Crawford[36] came out this even’g. He has not been here since the Spring of ’73. Pa chopped a Cherry tree down that stood by the west line fence.

Feb 1 – 11°. Pa drew some wood to day. Jim came down to see Jim Emmett this evening. E- went home with him to stay all night. Wrote to Hannah and sent the invitation to the Leap Year Party at Schroeder Hall Feb 8th.

X Feb 2 – Went to the Burg this evening. Ma received a letter from Uncle Hiram. He wants me to come and try their Magnetic Healer. Aunt Kate[37] wrote wrote also. They made me a very kind offer would be to all their expense. Rec’d a letter from H. L. Keith.[38]

X Feb 3 – Jim was down this A.M. Had the tooth ache this afternoon and evening. Wrote to J. F. T.[39]

X Feb 4 – Wrote to C. I. Clark.[40] Stormy. I am not feeling very well nowdays.

Feb 5 – Went to the Burg this P.M. took tea with Hank & Nan. Went down to the foundry. Walked home with Ike Schram.[41]

Feb 6 – Worked at a pattern of a form to bend the crank shaft for the Wind Mill. Went to the Burg this evening rode with Will Brown. Mrs Brown visited here this P.M. (Tue. 5th – Nancy gave me a Birth day card to day that she intended to have given me on my birthday.

Feb 7 – Worked at patterns. Went to the Burg this evening spoke to Geo. Youmens about some money. Saw R. E. Strait he came from N. Y. last night. Walked home from the Burg with Herb Earl. Bessie Brown is 3 years old to day.

Feb 8 – Worked at patterns. Jim has had “Bill”[42] three days to draw wood with. A Leap Year party at Schroder Hall to night. Sleighing is about gone.

Feb 9 – Worked at patterns. R. E. Strait came over this P.M. Pa went over to the Burg this evening and got Grandma. Dee Harris[43] came down this P.M. Saw Strait W. M. Co about some money.

Feb 10 – Pa went over to Hanks this A.M. Hank and Nan came back with the horse and cutter and Pa walked. Dee came over with him he stays here to night.

X Feb 11 – Finished the pattern of the crank form this A.M. Went up to Mr Taylors and got the cutter this P.M. Dee went home to day. Rain and hail this P.M. Wrote to Mr Timothy Hodges, Climax Mich.

Feb 12 – Rained all day every thing is covered with ice. Pa and I went to the Burg this A.M. I stayed until 3 oclock. Called at Mr Knapps. The Wind Mill Co paid me $25.00 on pattern work. Bought some pr overshoes, 2 pr drawers, collar, 2 pr socks. Paid for the Enterprise for six months. Sent Mr Hodges $1.50 balance on map.

Feb 13 – Pa took me to Kal this A.M. stopped at aunt Katies. Took dinner with Uncle Jess Turners folks.[44] Left Kal on mail 2.30 for Chicago arrived C- at 7.30. Changed from mail to Express at Niles. Harry[45] met me at the Depot.

Feb 14 – 2 below. Aunt Kate and I went to see the Old Healer he gave me a treatment her one also. He lives on the west side 5 or Six miles from Uncle Hiram. Am having the tooth ache.

X Feb 15 – Wrote to Ma. Had the tooth ache last night. Took breakfast down in the boarding house. After this aunt Kate is agoing to cook for herself, Blanche[46] and I.

Feb 16 – Aunt Kate and I went over and see the old Dr. this P.M.

Feb 17 – Feel about used up to day. Uncle Hiram, Jessie[47] and Harry went to church. Aunt Kate, Jesse and Harry went to Sabbath School this P.M. Aunt Kate went to a Temperance meeting this evening. Rainy.

X Feb 18 – Wrote to H. L. Keith and a postal to W. H. Knapp. Have been at home all day. Ida Barber Howe[48] had a pair of twins to day.[49]

Feb 19 – Pleasant this morning but clouded up about noon rained a little and afterwards Snowed and blowed real hard. So it is quite wintiry this evening. Went over and see the old Dr takes about three hours and a half.

X Feb 20 – One Year ago to day – Dont want a repetition of it. Have not been out doors to day. Aunt Kate and Mrs Huff went down to Central Music Hall to practice for the May festival. Wrote to Lou.

Feb 21 – Went over to see the old Dr this A.M. Uncle Hi, aunt Kate and I went to a Concert at the German Methodist Church this ev’ig. Aunt Kate had a wash woman to day.

X Feb 22 – Washington birth day. Wrote to Hannah this P.M. Jessie went to meeting this P.M. Harry went to the Park skating.

Feb 23 – Aunt Kate and I went to see the old Dr. Took dinner at Woodmans on Washington St. Went to the Museum on N. Clark St and stayed to the play. Got home about 5 oclock.

Feb 24 – Uncle Hi, Harry, Jessie and I went to church this A.M. Aunt Kate and the children went to Sabbath school this P.M. Aunt Kate went to a Temperance meeting this eve.

X Feb 25 – Rec’d a letter from Nan and Hank this A.M. Said that Jim Conkey would be here to (in Chicago) to day. Uncle Hi and aunt Kate have gone to Central Music Hall to the Appollo Concert this eving.

X Feb 26 – Aunt Kate and I went and took a treatment this A.M. She and I went down to Central Music Hall to the Mozart Concert this evening it was just splendid. Rec’d a letter from Ma.

X Feb 27 – Wrote to Lois. Aunt Kate went to the temperance meeting this P.M. She and the children have gone to the church this ev’ing.

Feb 28 – 3° below. Very cold with strong wind. Went to see the Dr. Took dinner at Woodmans on Washington St. Aunt Kate went to the temperance meeting. Harry and Jessie went to a party.

X Feb 29 – Wrote to Nan this P.M. Very cold. Aunt Kate went to meeting this P.M.

Mar 1 – Aunt Kate and I went to see the Dr. She went to the temperance meeting this evng. Uncle Henry Crawford[50] came out last evening.

Mar 2 – At home all day. Uncle Hi, Aunt Kate, Harry and Jessie went to church. Aunt Kate and children went this evening. Would like to have steped in and visited with our folks to day.

Mar 3 – Cold and blustery. Harry and Jessie were out this evig. Uncle Henry went started for home[51] to day on 7.03.

X Mar 4 – Went and see the old Dr. Recd a letter from Ma also one from Hannah. Harrys Club met here last this evening. Aunt Kate has gone to the temperance meeting.

X Mar 5 – Wrote to Hannah. Rec’d a letter from Lois. Aunt Kate went to temperance meeting.

Mar 6 – Pleasant this A.M. Went to see the Old Dr this P.M. Went to a number of the loan offices to see if I could get a Grantor for Hannah.

X Mar 7 – Wrote to J. P. Keith.[52] Have got a sore throat.

Mar 8 – Went over to the Dr’s. Aunt Kate did not feel well enough to go. This is Uncle Pros[53] 44th birth day.

Mar 9 – Am real lame in the small of my back. Uncle Hi is having the tooth ache to day. Aunt Kate and Jessie have gone to a temperance meeting.

X Mar 10 – Wrote to Lois and the Strait W. M. Co.[54] Uncle Hi was up all night with the tooth ache. Aunt Kate has not felt well this P.M., has been to bed.

X Mar 11 – Wrote to Rec’d a letter from Ma. Went to see the old Dr. Took dinner with Uncle Hi, Mr Beasup and Mr Atkins. Got a hammer for the piano repaired at Reeds Temple of Music. Went out to L. P. C.[55] this P.M., first if I have been there this time in Chicago. _____ at the temperance Hall this evening, 721 Larabbee St.

X Mar 12 – Wrote to Nancy. Aunt Kate went down town this A.M. did not get back until night. I got dinner for Blanch and I.

Mar 13 – Went over to the Dr’s this P.M. came back from the west side on a Madison St car. First I have been on that St. Pleasant. Aunt Kate has gone to the temperance meeting this evening.

X Mar 14 – Wrote to Ma this P.M. Aunt Kate is not feeling very well. Uncle Hi went to the Lodge and Aunt Kate to meeting this evening.

X Mar 15 – Aunt Kate and I went to see the old Dr this A.M. Rec’d a letter from Hank saying that he would be at Race Bro’s at 12 P.M. and 6 P.M., wanted me to meet him. Did not go.

Mar 16 – Hank Brown came up here this A.M. stayed until 1 P.M. was going home on the fast Express this evening. This is the 5 pleasant day this month. Uncle Hi was not very well this morning, did not get up to breakfast.

X Mar 17 – Went up to the Lincoln Avenue barn and office[56] this P.M. Aunt Kate has been sewing this P.M. Rec’d a letter from H. L. Keith[57] and one from Jim.

X Mar 18 – Aunt Kate and I went over to the Dr’s this A.M. I am having a hard real time with my tooth. Rainy this P.M. and evening. Rec’d a letter from Hannah.

X Mar 19 – Got the tooth ache, am about as near sick as I care to be. Uncle Hi brought the plan of his new house up this evening. Aunt Kate went to Central Music Hall this P.M. She and Harry went to meeting this evening. Rec’d a letter from J. F. Tomlinson.[58]

Mar 20 – Went to see the Dr this P.M. I visited the C.M. & St. Paul[59] Pittsburg & Ft Wayne M.S.& L.S.R.R.[60] and C&R.I.RR[61] Depots. Aunt Kate went to the temperance meeting. Kate washed to day.

X Mar 21 – Rec’d a letter from Ma. Wrote to Hannah this P.M. Mrs Martin called this P.M. Aunt Kate has gone to missionary meeting this P.M.

Mar 22 – Aunt Kate and I went over to the Dr this A.M. I took dinner at Woodmans, went to Uncle Pross this P.M.

Mar 23 – At Uncle Pross to day. He and I went to Central Music Hall to hear David Swing. We went to the Grand Pacific Hotel and took a walk on one St in the dark hole.

Mar 24 – At Uncle Pross this morning came home this P.M. Aunt Kate went to the Temperance rooms this P.M. and evening. Uncle H to a meeting at the Church this eving. I went down to the Central Depot.

X Mar 25 – Rained all day. Aunt Kate and I went over to the Dr’s this A.M. She came back to Mrs Wienburgs and spent the P.M. I took dinner at Woodmans. Went to Kohl & Middelons Drive Museum this P.M. Rec’d a letter from Hannah and one from Ma.

X Mar 26 – Wrote to Ma. Took a bath this A.M. Went over to the Drug store on Halstead St this P.M.

X Mar 27 – Received a letter from Lou. Went to the Dr’s this P.M. Had my hair cut over on the West side.

X Mar 28 – Rec’d letter from Lois. Wrote to Lou and H. L. Keith. Recd letter from Nancy. Aunt Kate went down town this A.M. to trade. I got dinner for Blanche, Jessie and I. Uncle Hi and Aunt Kate went down town this evening.

Mar 29 – Aunt Kate and I went to the Dr’s this A.M. I took dinner at Woodmans. Went down to the M.C.R.R.[62] Depot after dinner. Quite a cold wind to day the Lake is real rough.

Mar 30 – Aunt Kate and I went to the W.C.T.U.[63] meeting this evening. There is an awful riot in Cincinnati now.[64]

X Mar 31 – Rec’d a letter from Jim, have answerd it and written to the Strait W. M. Co. about some money. Went down to the Park this P.M. Harry came down and went around with me. We went out on the Lake shore. I saw some bananas growing in the Conservatory.

X Apr 1 – Rec’d a letter from Ma. Went to see the Dr this A.M. Rained quite hard about noon, hailed hard on the south side. Election here to day. I went to the C.&.N.W.R.R.[65] Depot, it is nice.

Apr 2 – Snow on the ground this morning. Went to the store for Aunt Kate this P.M.

X Apr 3 – Went to see the Dr the P.M. Went down to the Central Depot. Uncle Hi and I went over to the Baptist church to an entertainment this evening. Kate washed to day. Wrote to M. F. Lee.[66]

X Apr 4 – Wrote to Nancy. Pleasant yesterday and to day. Aunt Kate went down town to the rehersal. Loyd S. Higgins 33rd birth day. Would like to know where he is, also see him. Peter Cooper died one year to day. Wrote in Henrys Autograph Album.

Apr 5 – Went to see the Dr. Took dinner at Woodmans. Went to McVickers Theatre this P.M. and see “Jalma”, it was just grand. Took supper in the boarding house. Aunt Kate is sick to night.

Apr 6 – Uncle Hi went down to the office this P.M. Aunt Kate and the children to Sunday School. Uncle Hi and I went over to see Kit Birkland[67] this evening, the first that I have been there.

Apr 7 – Went over on Clyburn Ave[68] this P.M. Went to the Deering Harvester Works. Snowed quite hard about noon.

X Apr 8 – Wrote to Ma. About two inches of snow on the ground this morning. Went to see the Dr to day. Went to a Lecture at the Mission with Aunt Kate this evening. Uncle Robt Crawford[69] came to Kits this A.M. Uncle Hi went over and visited him this evening.

X Apr 9 – Received a letter from Nancy. Went down town for Aunt Kate this P.M. to get a piece of music “Sweet Violets.”

X Apr 10 – Went to the Dr’s this P.M. Wrote to Lois this A.M. Uncle Hi, Aunt Kate, Harry and Jessie went to a social this evening.

X Apr 11 – Wrote to J.F.T. Rec’d a letter from Lou this A.M. Aunt Kate and Uncle Hi have gone to a funeral at Elgin. Uncle Hi went to the Lodge this eving.

Apr 12 – Aunt Kate and I went to see the Dr. Two years ago to day Lou and Dee was married.

Apr 13 – Uncle Hi and I went to church this A.M. All went to church this evening but Blanch and I. Two months ago to day I came here.

Apr 14 – Has been the warmest day of the season 69º. Aunt Kate went down town this P.M. to the rehersal. Had an introduction to Mrs Brush.

X Apr 15 – Aunt Kate and I went to see the Dr. It has rained most all day. Received a letter from Ma.

X Apr 16 – Wrote to Hannah. Mrs Taylor helped Aunt Kate sew this A.M. Aunt Kate is sick to night. I bought a box of Browns Bronchial Troches.

X Apr 17 – Wrote to Lou. Went to see the Dr this P.M. Went out to Central Park on Madison St. Uncle Hi went over to Kits to see if Uncle Robert had got back from Mich. Aunt Kate went to temperance meeting.

X Apr 18 – Wrote to C. I. Clark. Uncle Rob’t Crawford and Kit came over this morning. They went away about 10 oclock. They went and took Aunt Kate to the Dr’s and then went to the Depot. Uncle Rob’t left for home. Uncle Hi, Aunt Kate and I went to see the “Battle of Gettysburg.” It was grand. Took supper at Thompsens. Went up to the May Festival Rehersal a little while.

Apr 19 – Harry, Will Hough and I went down to the water works this P.M. Went up the tower 11 steps up into the tower 235 from there up to top of tower. Had a grand view of the Lake and North part of the city. I went down to a museum of Anatomy.

Apr 20 – Rained and snowed all day. I went over to the Dr’s this P.M. Aunt Kate has been sick all day. Uncle Hi went down to Mr Wienbergs this eving. Mrs Hough was in a little while this evening.

Apr 21 – Strong north east wind. The Lake is real rough. Went down to the Park and Lake shore this A.M. Went over to Kit Birklands this evening, did not stay but a little while for she was going away.

X Apr 22 – Aunt Kate and I went to see the Dr this A.M. We went to the Foundlings Home, took dinner at Woodmans. Received a letter from Ma. Aunt Kate went to the Temperance meeting this evin’g. Uncle Hi went down to Mr Weinbergs this evening.

Apr 23 – Harry and I went out to the Stock Yards, went into a large slaughter House. We went to the L.S.& M.S.R.R.[70] Round House. Mrs Taylor sewed for Aunt Kate to day.

Apr 24 – Went over to the Dr’s this P.M. Bought me a pair of shoes, pr Calipers, pr Cutting Pliers, pr Round Pliers and a 2 ft pocket Rule. I attended a Sugar Social at Rev Taylors. I sugared off[71] for them. Was over a hundred there.

Apr 25 – Warm and pleasant. Kate washed to day for the last time at 803. Harry, Will Hough, Max and I went over to the Bobling Mills this P.M. It was quite a sight to me. Uncle Stephen Comfort[72] came to Uncle Hirams this P.M.

Apr 26 – Aunt Kate and I went to see the Dr. Took dinner at Woodmans then went down to Uncle Pross. Pross made three extra trips this P.M. Uncle Stephen went over on the west side with us, left us at Lincoln St, he went to see his daughter.

Apr 27 – A man and his wife from Oskosh came to see Aunt Bell[73] today. It has been very windy to day.

Apr 28 – Came back to Uncle P Hirams this A.M. I pulled tacks out of the carpets this P.M.

Apr 29 – Aunt Kate and I went to see the Dr. I took dinner at Woodmans. Went down to the Central Depot. Called at Uncle Hirams office 444 Clark St. Took supper with Uncle Hi.

Apr 30 – Aunt Kate, Harry, a man from the barn and I packed goods to day. I went over to Kits this evin’g. Uncle Hi went down town this evening to see that Uncle Stephen was all right at the Hotel.

May 1 – Left Chicago at 8.51 by the L.S.&M.S.R.R. for home. Stopped at Elkhart Ind 1.40 one hour and forty minutes. I got a lunch and had my hair cut. Pa met me at Kal- 4.37. Rained all day. We stopped at Aunt Katies a few minutes. Found Uncle Stephen at our house. Mrs Schroder and Nancy has visited here to day.

May 2 – Have not done anything to day but visit. Pa and Will are at work on the hill taking down fence and cutting brush.

May 3 – Have not done much to day. Hannah came home this P.M. from Gates and Ralphs. Nancy and children and Mrs Conkey drove into the yard this P.M. I went to the Burg with Will Clark this evening.

X May 4 – Rained all day. Will Clark went up to Russells. Jay Harris[74] is one year old to day. Mrs Olin had a girl baby to day. Wrote to Lou.

May 5 – I cleaned cellar some this A.M. Will and Pa worked at the fence row cutting down trees and grubbing. I took Hannah over to the Burg this P.M. also Uncle Stephen Comfort. Charley Towne[75] commenced plowing for corn in our south lot.

May 6 – Worked at the cellar this A.M. Hannah went to Kaywoods to sew. Will came after her. Will Clark and I went to the Burg this evening rode over with Will B. I walked home.

May 7 – Worked at the cellar a little while this A.M. Helped Will saw down a couple of trees this A.M. and one this P.M. Uncle Stephen Comfort went to Nancys this evening. I went over also and stayed all night. Hank went to Detroit this evening.

May 8 – At Hanks this morning. Uncle Stephen Comfort left for Canada this morning on 7.03. I stayed over until afternoon. Went down to the foundry. Saw R. E. Strait at the Station. Jim helped Will saw up some of the trees this P.M. Will has gone to the Burg this evening.

X May 9 – Worked at a screw driver for Henry part of the afternoon. Ma and I finished cleaning the cellar this A.M. Wrote to Aunt Kate Crawford.

May 10 – Worked at the screw driver part of the day (finished it). Helped Will a little while this P.M. Pa got a little pig up to Mr Flanders[76] this P.M. Charley Towne planted corn in our south lot to day.

X May 11 – Pleasant. Jim and Will went to church. I went to the Burg this P.M. and got my over coat. Took Hannah down to Mr Kaywoods this evening, I called a little while. First time I was ever there. Wrote to Henry.

May 12 – Cleaned up the ______ the wood pile. Went to the Burg this evening. Will Clark helped Ed Schram plant corn this A.M. and Harry Streator[77] this P.M.

X May 13 – Wrote to Lois this P.M. Will Clark helped Harry Streator to day.

May 14 – Went to the Burg this evening. Hannah went with me. Mr Knapp wants me to make him a pattern. Sawed out some boards for fence pickets for a hen yard.

May 15 – Went up to the Saw mill this A.M. with Pa to get some pickets sawed. Worked at Mr Knapps patterns this P.M.

May 16 – Worked at Mr Knapps patterns this A.M. Set posts for the hen yard this P.M. Hannah is sewing for Mrs Randall.

May 17 – Finished Mr Knapps patterns. Pa and I made the fence around the hen yard. Pa and I went to the Burg this evening to get the barb wire. Found Aunt Patty at Hanks. She came over with Pa.

May 18 – Aunt Patty and I went down to Aunt Katie Lees to day. Will Clark went to see Hettie.

May 19 – Built a fence around the barn yard. Pa and Will drew manure this P.M. Quite cold this P.M. Theodore Earl was down after supper. Went to the Burg this evening.

May 20 – Went down to Mrs Browns this A.M. to get Will to come and plow the garden for us. Grandma went with me. Will plowed the garden this P.M. I worked at Jim Conkeys camera (altering it). Nancy and Mrs Brown was here part of the afternoon. Mrs Conkey came after Nan.

May 21 – Dragged the garden this A.M. and made some of it this P.M. Went to the Burg this evening. Aunt Patty went with me she stayed at Nan’s. Hannah has gone up to Mr Streators to sew.

May 22 – Rainy this A.M. Made some garden this A.M. Made a pig pen and put 4 wires around the hen yard fence this P.M. Pa and Will finished sitting the fence posts along the east side of the east lot. Pa has gone over to the Burg this evening after Aunt Patty. Will has gone up to Mr Streators.

May 23 – Pa and Will drew wood and old rails to day with Bill & “Tom” Brown.[78] I made a pig trough this A.M.

May 24 – Jim came down with Streators team and helped draw rails. Jim Conkey came over this A.M. to get me to make some shutters for his camera. He took me over to the Burg and back so I could get an idea how to make them. Went to the Burg this evening.

May 25 – Finished one of Conkeys Camera shutters this A.M. He and Hank came after it this A.M. They took a view of this our house, barn and yard. Geo Tomlinson,[79] his brother Ogden, wife and daughter[80] came here to day, stayed to dinner and Ogden and family went home. Aunt Katie Lee and George came up to day, also Alvin and Aunt Julia.[81]

May 26 – Went to the Station with Geo Tomlinson for the 7.03 train. He was going to Battle Creek. He came back and went to Aunt Katies this P.M. rode from here with Oren Starr. Pa carried Aunt Katie Patty down there. Worked at Conkeys Camera shutter.

May 27 – Finished Jim Conkeys Camera shutter this A.M. He came and got it this A.M. I worked a pattern for W. H. Knapp part of the P.M. Grandma went over to Hanks with Jim Conkey this morning. I went after her this evin’g.

May 28 – Finished Mr Knapps pattern this P.M. He came and got them. I mended Nancys comb this P.M. and one for Ma also. Pa and Ma went to the Burg this evening. Hank brought Lela over here this morning and Bessie over to Mrs Browns because Nancy was sick. 4-Paws Show at Kal- to day.

May 29 – Took up the carpet in the middle room this P.M. Have not felt very well.

May 30 – Helped Pa and Will string the wire on the hill road fence. Decoration day.[82]

May 31 – Helped Ma to day. I white washed the middle room and put the carpet down. Pa and Will finished the east road fence. Went to the Burg this evening. Party at Straits to night for Dexa.[83]

Jun 1 – Went down to Aunt Katies this P.M. with a letter for Aunt Patty. Lucy[84] brought her up to our house. Lee[85] rode up with me so that he could drive back for his mother. I went over to Hanks after I got home after Hannah.

Jun 2 – Pa and I went up to Geo Billingtons to look at a new kind of a fence this A.M. Called at Mrs Earls.[86] Herb let me have some cucumber and Musk Melen seed. Hannah went up to Mr Flanders to sew this ev’ing.

Jun 3 – Put up screens and built a frame over the east door for the woodbine[87] to run on. Rained quite hard this P.M. Our cow had a calf this morning. Will has gone down to Mr Franklins to work for them the rest of the week.

X Jun 4 – Wrote to Inum[?] & Co. Pa Carried Ma, Grandma and Aunt Patty over to Nancys this morning. Went after them this evening. Got home about ten oclock. Grandma was taken with one of her hard breathing spells and died at 11.15. I went over after Nancy and telegraphed to Uncle Hi. Got 105 cabbage and 19 Tomato plants and set them out. Lois came to Hanks this evening. This stamp was Grandma’s.[88]

Jun 5 – Wrote to Uncle Henry and Edna Allen[89] of Grandma’s death. Hannah and I went down to aunt Katies this P.M. Found Uncle Hi, Aunt Kate and Blanche here. Jim and I went over after the coffin this evening. Sent telegrams to Uncle Rob’t, Henry and David,[90] also Dee Harris. Lou and Dee came out this P.M. eving.

X Jun 6 – Grandma was buried this P.M. Had a prayer at the house and funeral at the Baptist church. The text was 49th Psalm 15th verse.[91] Uncle Pross came this morning or rather last evening to Hanks. Wrote to Frank for Aunt Patty.

Jun 7 – I carried Uncle Hi and Blanche to the Burg this morning came back and got aunt Kate. Uncle Henry came this morning. He and Uncle Pross walked over to the burying ground. They all went home on mail 11.15. Went to the Burg this evening saw Mr Barlow about some money. Lou and Jay came home with me.

Jun 8 – Quite warm. Jim and Will went to church this A.M. and evening. Mr & Mrs Streator[92] was down this P.M. Alvan Lee called a few minutes.

Jun 9 – Will and I drew the rails from the road fence east of the gate. Went up to Mr Flanders this evening after their post hole digger. Real cold this evening.

X Jun 10 – We set the posts for the fence from the garden to the corners. I took Hannah over to the Burg this P.M. We called at Mrs Barbers on our way home to see the twins. Received a letter from H. L. Keith. Wrote a postal to Nellie Gillett[93] for Aunt Patty.

Jun 11 – Jim came down this morning and plowed the sod up each side of the posts. Will shoveled up the sod. I burnt some brush. Lois, Nan and Lou visited at Mrs Browns. Hannah went down there to sew. Aunt Katie and Lucy came up and visited here this P.M. I went and got Lou. They commenced weaning Jay to day.

Jun 12 – Helped put on the lower wire to the fence this A.M. Cultivated the garden this P.M. Pa and Aunt Patty went to the Burg this evening.

Jun 13 – We put the wire on the fence to day now we have a four wire fence from the garden to the top of the hill around the road. Hannah came from Mrs Browns this morning Dell Skinner[94] brought her. She went up to Jim Milhams[95] this P.M. a visiting. I went after to night.

X Jun 14 – Wrote to E. L. Crawford.[96] Bought a garden cultivator of W. H. Knapp this A.M. Ma and Aunt Patty went to Nans a visiting. Will Clark went to Gull Lake to a picnic. Rec’d a letter from Uncle Hiram.

Jun 15 – Carried Aunt Patty down to Aunt Katies. It has been quite warm.

Jun 16 – Went to the Burg with Theodore Earl to see Mr Barlow about some money got $21.00 by making a ____ with Theodore.

Jun 17 – 93°. Worked at some window screen frames for the Taylor girls[97] part of the day. Very warm. Pa worked on the road.

X Jun 18 – Went to the Burg this A.M. and got Nan, Lois and the children. Rained quite hard this P.M. Charley Clark and Clara[98] came to day, have moved here, will live in Theodore Earls house. Pa worked on the road. Wrote to J.F.T.[99]

X Jun 19 – Went to Kal this A.M. after Jessie Crawford. She came on Express 1.45. We called on Edna Allen. I got dinner at Johnny Richmonds. Jim Crum rode to Kal with me. Bought a hat and a duster. Wrote a postal to Frank Tomlinson. Went to the Burg this evening. Took Clara over and brought Lou back.

Jun 20 – Have not done much to day. Has been quite hot. Pa helped Charley Towne put a window in their wing room. Jessie went to the Burg this A.M. I picked about 7 qts of strawberries.

Jun 21 – Took Lou to Kal to day. She left Kal at 1.52 P.M. for Shelbyville. I came home by the way of Comstock. Went down to Uncle Jess Turners.[100] Aunts Patty and Katie and Mrs Gofferey was there. Jessie went up to Jim Milhams this P.M. Went to the Burg with the girls in evening. Jim and Will stay here to night.

Jun 22 – 99°. Jim, Will and I went up to the sheep pen and went in swimming. Bina Earl[101] gave me a bouquet. Will has gone to Russells. Jim to church this evening. Mr Peter Carmer was buried to day at Otsego.[102]

Jun 23 – Charley Clark came over this A.M. Pa went up to Mr Streators and got a grist of wheat and took to mill. Jessie and Charlie rode over to the Burg with him. Jessie and Lela came over with Will Brown.

X Jun 24 – Carried Jessie and Lela down to Mrs Browns this A.M. Picked about 15 qts of strawberries. Clara, Geo and Aunt Patty came up this A.M. Charley Clarks goods came to day. Mr Brownell get them for him. Went to the Burg this evening. Got three pictures of this house that J. Conkey made. Wrote to Imus & Co. Rec’d a letter from J.F.T.

Jun 25 – Colder to day and rainy also. Charley Clark is getting settled to day. Jessie and I went up there this P.M. Blacked Stove and pipe in the front room.

Jun 26 – I took Hannah to Mr Streators this P.M. Went to the Burg this eving. Pa and Aunt Patty went out for a ride this P.M. called at Mr Flanders.

Jun 27 – Went up to Charleys this morning and invited Clara down this P.M. Cultivated the garden and hoed the potatoes. Lois, Nancy and the children was over to day.

Jun 28 – Put paris green[103] on the potatoes and cut weeds this A.M. Geo brought Aunt Katie up this A.M. Ma, Aunt Patty and Aunt Katie went over to the Cemetery and to Nancys this P.M. I went to the Burg this evening.

Jun 29 – Strait came over to day. He has let a Co. in Mishwauka Ind have his windmill to make on a royalty. Hannah, Jessie and I went over to Hanks this eving. Charley and Clara was down this P.M. Pa, Ma, and Aunt Patty went down to Mrs Browns this P.M. Geo and Clara came after Aunt Katie this P.M.

Jun 30 – Aunt Patty and Hannah started for Perry[104] on Express 1.45 P.M. I took them to Kal-. Called at Aunt Katies and got supper. Called on L. C. West.[105]

X Jul 1 – Wrote to Henry. Hank Brown is 34 years old to day. Clara and Edna[106] was down this P.M. took tea with us. Pa and I ground a m____y machine knife for Mr Randall. Jessie stays with Clara to night.

Jul 2 – Turned out a pump bucket for Theodore. Ma and Jessie visited at Nancys. Nan is having a real time with her teeth. Went and got Jessie with Theodores horse and buggy from Charley Clarks.

Jul 3 – Lou is 23 years old to day. Studied on a binder some to day. Went to the Burg this evening. Saw Ike Odell[107] he is on the G.T.R.R.

X Jul 4 – Wrote to Miss H. M. Comfort.[108] At home all day went to the Burg this evening. Jim and Will went to Gull Lake.

Jul 5 – Pa and Ma went down to Aunt Katies to day. Nancy and the children went down to Mrs B-s. Lois came and stayed with me.

X Jul 6 – Went up to Charleys with Lois this A.M. Charley and Clara came back with Lois this P.M. Will has gone to Russells from there to Kal to church. Wrote to Hannah.

Jul 7 – Plowed out the garden this A.M. Went to the Burg this evening.

Jul 8 – Drafted some for the binder. Charley Towne is cutting the wheat across from our house.

Jul 9 – Nancy is 32 years old to day. Hoed in the garden some this A.M. Charley Towne began cutting wheat in our east lot. I cut once around with the Royce. Ma visited over to Nan’s this P.M.

Jul 10 – I went down to Mrs Browns and picked cherries to day. Picked 35 qts. Charley Towne finished cutting our wheat to day. Will Brown cut our clover for us to day. I raked some of it up after I got home. R. E. Strait[109] and Dexa started for Oneonta N.Y. this morning.

Jul 11 – Charley Clark helped Pa and I draw the hay had three loads. Picked some peas for Clara Clark.

X Jul 12 – Draughted some to day. Have not felt very well. Went to the burg this evening. Mankins Palace Show at the Burg this evening. Jay Barton took Paris green this evening but took too much so the Dr may save him.[110] Rec’d a letter from Hannah. Will Clark cut his wheat to day.

Jul 13 – Jessie went over to Hanks with Will Clark this A.M. She went to church with Hank and Nancy. I went to the Burg with Jim this P.M. stayed until after church and came home with Will and Jim.

Jul 14 – Draughted for my binder. Pa and Ma went to the Burg this P.M. Ma stayed and Pa went after her this evening. Whitney Family was at the Burg with their show. I went this evening.

Jul 15 – Made a pattern of a wheel for the twine holder and cast it this P.M. Jessie came from Hanks this P.M. Rained a little. Jim called on his way to the Burg this evening. He was going to see about his getting into the band.

Jul 16 – Draughted to day. Went to the Burg this evening. Gregorys Circus was there. Hank and I went he paid my gave me a “comp”. Lois bought Geo Adams place on Grove St. Consideration $475.

Jul 17 – Jessie went out to Lois to day. I took her to Kal. We went to Edna’s but she was not at home. Called at Aunt Katies. Lucy is not as well.

Jul 18 – Draughted some. Pa went to the Burg with a letter for Hannah. Ma visited at Claras Clarks. I went after her this evening. I took Clara on riding up by Uncle Ike Clarks.

Jul 19 – Draughted this P.M. Helped Charley Towne draw wheat from the east lot this A.M. Went to the Burg this evening. Jim has joined the G.C.B.[111] plays Bb Bass.

X Jul 20 – Wrote to M. F. Lee. Pa and Ma went down to Aunt Katies. Lois, Charley, Clara and Edna came down this P.M. Lois will stay here to night. Hank, Nan, Mrs Brown and the children went up to Mr Armes.[112] Will Clark has gone to see “Hettie”.

Jul 21 – Draughted. Mr Knapp came over this P.M. with a pattern for me to change. Pa took Lois over to Hanks this morning.

Jul 22 – Draughted. Pa took Ma over to Hanks to have a negative made of herself. She stayed all day. Mr Knapp came over this p.m.

Jul 23 – Draughted a little. Rained last night it had got to be real dry. Charley Smith came out and got Lois for Luke Smiths folks.

Jul 24 – Draughted some. Went to the Burg this P.M. evening. Mr Knapp wants me to make him a pattern. Charley Towne began cutting oats in our west lot this P.M.

Jul 25 – Will Clark and I went up to Mr Flanders this A.M. and picked cherries. Mrs Hoag[113] visited here to day. Went to the Burg this P.M. called at Mr Knapps and got a casting to make a pattern from.

X Jul 26 – Made a pattern for Mr Knapp. Will Clark and I went to the burg this evening. I rode home with Herb Earl in their boat. Hank and Nan started for Toledo this A.M. Pa went and got the children. Hank was going from Toledo to Cincinnati Monday to attend the Photographers Convention. Jim went to Shelbyville to day. Rec’d a letter from Miss H. M. Comfort Logan Iowa.[114]

Jul 27 – Went up to Charley Clarks and took dinner with them. Will Clark, Lela and Bessie also. We went and took a boat ride. Charley Clark and I went down to Aunt Katies this P.M. Lucy is not as well.

Jul 28 – Draughted some. Worked in the garden awhile to day. Nancy came from Toledo to day. Came over after the children and took tea with us. Jim came from Lou’s to day. Jessie came as far as Kal with him. Charley Clark was down this P.M. we talked “boat” some.

X Jul 29 – Draughted. C. Towne drew the oats this P.M. Will Johnson threashed for Will Clark and Mr Randall to day. His machine is here to night, will threash here tomorrow. Jim and I went to the Burg this evening. Rec’d a letter from Hannah.

X Jul 30 – Threashed to day had 138 bushels of wheat and 92 of oats. Pa and I got the loose straw and chaff in the barn this P.M. Methodist picnic at Gull Lake to day. Will Clark went with Mate.[115] Wrote to Hannah.

X Jul 31 – Draughted some this P.M. Helped P clean up some wheat this A.M. Wrote to Hannah.

Aug 1 – I Draughted. Worked in the garden some this A.M. Went up to Charleys this evening and carried some beans. Sowed Turnip seeds this A.M.

Aug 2 – D made an instantaneous shutter for James Conkeys camera. Went to the Burg this evening. Rode home with T. Earl. Jim is out of the Band.

Aug 3 – Went down to Mrs Browns and put Bill in with Prince and got their double buggy for Mrs B-, Hank, Nan and Ma to go up to Mr Woods with. They did not find them at home so got back at 2.30. I carried Nan and the children home this evening. Charley & Clara was down this P.M.

Aug 4 – Draughted. Pa went over and got Nan this morning to help Ma ki quilt small quilt for Lou.[116] I carried her home this evening. 22 years ago to day since the Tornado.[117] It is quite cold for this time of the year.

Aug 5 – Draughted. Clara came down this A.M. and helped Ma quilt. Pa and Ma went to Kal this P.M. Ma went to see Edna. Jessie is there will come home tomorrow. Charley and Will Clark bought Lacelle Straits[118] carriage to day. Clara and Edna took dinner with me.

X Aug 6 – Geo Ives took dinner with us. After dinner I went up to Fidelio Browns. Ma went to the Burg this P.M. I went after her this evening. Edna and Jessie was at Nan’s came on Mich City freight. O. M. tried to –[119] Rec’d a letter from Henry L. Keith. Cong’l and Baptist S.S. Picnic at Gull Lake. Will Clark went. Jim took Flora & Mary Milham.[120]

Aug 7 – Draughted. Will and Charley have been breaking Mustang to day. Clara was down this P.M. Charley, Will and I went to the Burg this evening.

Aug 8 – Pa and Ma started for Shelbyville at five oclock this morning. Nan and the children came over to night. Will Clark went up to Gull Lake this P.M. to stay a few days, the Russells are camping there.

Aug 9 – Draughted. Went to the Burg this evening. Nan and the children went up to Claras this P.M. a little while.

Aug 10 – Hank came over this A.M. Charley & Clara came down this A.M. After dinner Charley, Hank and I went up around by Flanders and the brick school hous with the Mustang. Then Hank, Nan and I went home with Charley & Clara got Mr Earls boat and we went across the river to look at Hanks cow. Charley talked of buying it. Jim and Flora are out this P.M. & evening. Will C came from his visit up to Gull Lake.

Aug 11 – Draughted some. Clara and Edna were down this P.M. Hank Brown went to Chicago last evening. Will came back on N.Y. Express this evening to Battle Creek and from there home on accommodation.

Aug 12 – Draughted. Aunt Kate and Blanche came out on Mail to day. Pa & Ma came from Shelbyville this P.M. Clara & Edna were down to day brought a mess of fish.

Aug 13 – Draughted a little this P.M. Aunt Kate, Jessie and Blanche went home on Mail. Will Clark helped Mr Allerton[121] threash. Lela Brown is 6 years old to day.

Aug 14 – 90°. Draughted. Went to the Burg with Will Clark this P.M. Went down to the foundry. Clara & Edna were down. Pa is not feeling well.

Aug 15 – Draughted. Went to the Burg this evening. Mr & Mrs Streator and Mabel[122] was down this P.M. took tea with us.

Aug 16 – Will Clark and I went to Kal-. Called at Aunt Katies. Lucy is worse has not set up much the past week. We are having hot weather. {Nellie Bristol[123] is 21 years old to day. {Lois Skinner is 44 years old to day.

Aug 17 – Hank, Nan, Jim, Claude, Lela, Bess and myself went up to Gull Lake. Stopped at Hanks grounds. Found Mrs Cummings there from Battle Creek (per agreement). I tried roller skating a little while tried twice to break a hole through the floor but found it the hardest.

Aug 18 – Helped Ma clean the two west bedrooms. Will & Charley went to Augusta. C- bought some chairs. He took “Bill” this P.M. and went to the Depot after them. Clara & Edna went over to the Burg with him.

X Aug 19 – I gave the front room a thorough sweeping and dusting this A.M. Draughted a little this P.M. Rec’d a letter from Hannah.

X Aug 20 – Wrote to Lois Hannah and Henry L. Keith about binder business. Henry is 41 years old to day. Pa and Ma went down to Aunt Katies. Will Clark worked for Charley Towne. Charley was down this P.M. Jim came home this evening to stay to night is going to Battle Creek tomorrow.

Aug 21 – Wrote some to Henry and made a drawing of Strait’s and my Reaper & binder to send to him. Will Clark began working with Billy Johnson cutting bands for him. Mrs Brown is here this evening. I went to the Burg this eving, rode with Harry Streator. Jim went to Battle Creek to the Encampment. Turned out some stand tops for Herb Earl. He says Elva has a little girl.[124]

Aug 22 – Draughted. Two years ago to night. Wonder if anyone among the Berkshire Hill, Mass. remembers anything about it. I am quite certain I do, to my sorrow. This is a fickle world.[125] Dont feel very well have a hard headache.

Aug 23 – Went up to the Mill this A.M. Herb gave me a piece of walnut for a stand top & legs. I went to the noon train and met Laura E. and Rosa C. James[126] of Ravenna Portage Co Ohio second cousins on Grandma Keiths side.[127] Nan and the children were over.

Aug 24 – At home all day. Jim and Hank went to Gull Lake this evening. Will Clark went to see “Hettie”.

Aug 25 – Worked at the stands some to day. This P.M. Laura and Rosa and I took a ride up south. Wrote in Rosa’s Autograph Album this evening.

Aug 26 – Laura, Rosa and I went up on the “big hill” this A.M. this P.M. I took them over to Nancys. Found Lois and Ina there. Charley & Clara were here visiting to day.

Aug 27 – Draughted some. Ma went over to Nan’s a visiting to day. Pa went after her this eving. There is Laura and Rosa came back with them.

Aug 28 – Rainy. Laura and Ma washed. Will Clark came home this P.M. and turned the lathe for me to turn out the girls stad stand top. Herb Earl turned for me to turn one for my self this A.M. Went to the Burg this evening. Lois and Ina came home with me.

Aug 29 – Carried Ma, Laura and Rosa up to Charleys this A.M. Pa, Lois and Ina went down to Aunt Katies. I went up to Charleys and took dinner with the “ladies.” Draughted a little. The girls stay with Clara to night.

X Aug 30 – Worked at the girls stand. Herb Earl we came down this morning with an other board for me to turn him a stand top. Laura has ironed to day. Rosa talked to me on “religion” this P.M. a while. Charley took his mother to Kal- to take the cars for Shelby ville. Rec’d a letter from Hannah.

Aug 31 – Will Clark and I went to the Burg this A.M. This P.M. Laura, Rosa and I went up to the Hartwell Corners Cemetery and from there up to John Flanders and across by Ras Townes[128] around by the Lawler school house and Augusta home, 16 miles.

Sep 1 – Up at 4.40 A.M. took Laura & Rosa’s trunk over to the Station and then took them over. They left on the 7.03 train for Albion and from there to Jonesville to visit the cousins out in Hillsdale Co. Turned a Stand top for Earl. He and Charley Clark were here all day turning.

Sep 2 – Draughted. Went down to Mrs Browns this A.M. after some apples. Met Hank and Mr Threasher when I came home, the first time I ever saw him. Jim went after the Dr this P.M. for Mr Streator he was taken sick this morning.

Sep 3 – Draughted. We are haveing very warm dry weather.

Sep 4 – Draughted. Went to the Burg this evening after Ma. Ma visited at Mrs Barbers this P.M. Jim and Fred Franklin went up to Scotts[129] this evening.

Sep 5 – Draughted. Warm and dry mercury in the ,90, nineties.

X Sep 6 – Draughted this A.M. Turned a stand top for Will Clark this P.M. Went to the Burg this evening. Received a letter from Laura and Rosa James.

Sep 7 – Hot as one needs for comfort. Charley and Clara came down this evening. Jim went to church this A.M. and evening. Charley and Will went over west this A.M.

Sep 8 – 100º. Finished Drafting for my binder. Commenced making patterns this P.M. Will Clark began cutting cutt our corn to day. Two years ago to day I went to a Grove Meeting at Schoolcraft.[130]

X Sep 9 – 101. Worked at patterns. Wrote to Laura and Rosa James. Uncle Martin Turner[131] was here this A.M. Pa and Ma have gone down to Aunt Katies this P.M. to see how Lucy is.

Sep 10 – 104º. Worked at patterns. Pa took Mar Ma over to Nancys this A.M. Hannah came from her visit at Perry to day. Wesley Keith came here to day came to Hanks last evening. It is ten years since he left.[132] Rained this evening quite hard.

Sep 11 – Worked at patterns some. Took Will Clark up to Sam Osbornes from there to Mr Streators. I took Nan and Hannah down to Mrs Browns. They went down to Aunt Katies. Wesley and I went down there this P.M. Cooler.

Sep 12 – Worked at patterns. Charley Clark cut corn for us to day. Clara was down this P.M. Wesley went up to Mr Nyes this P.M.

Sep 13 – Worked at patterns. Charley finished cutting our corn this A.M. Ma went over to the Burg with Pa this evening. Will Clark and Jim have gone up to Augusta to “Skate” this evening. Went over to the 9.15 P.M. train and met Rosa and Laura. They have been out to Hillsdale Co. visiting.

Sep 14 – At home all day. Pa and Ma went down to aunt Katies this P.M. found Lucy better. Charley and Clara came down this evening.

Sep 15 – Worked at patterns. Laura, Rosa and I went to the Burg this evening. We went by the way of the upper bridge. Quite warm.

Sep 16 – Dont feel very well have not done much of any thing. Went up to Claras and took postal to Ina. Rained last night has been cooler to day. Hannah is 29 years old to day.

Sep 17 – Laura and Rosa James, Nancy, Hannah, Jim, Claude and I went to the State Fair at Kal-. The James girls did not come back with us are going home from Kal-. We left them at Martin Turners.

Sep 18 – Will Clark and I went to the State Fair at Kal-. Saw Oscar Keith and Myrtie Chaffee and husband.[133] Came home on the cars.[134] We had a double header and 26 cars.

Sep 19 – Worked at patterns some. Mary Plank[135] and Lou Hall a friend of hers came here this evening. We went over to the Skating Rink this evening. Charley Ford[136] had his opining this evening. Wrote to Laura and Rosa James. Party at Russells to night. Will went Ollie Patterson took him. Bought ½ doz silver plated knives and forks this evening.)

Sep 20 – Worked at patterns part of the day. Mary Plank, Miss Hall and Hannah went over to call on Fannie Towne[137] this A.M. Hannah took them down to Mr Allertons this P.M. They are going home this evening. Will Clark and Hannah went over to the Rink to skate this P.M.

Sep 21 – Hannah, Jim, Will and I went up to Charleys to dinner. Hannah and Will went to church this A.M. Pa and Ma went down to Aunt Katies to day. They say that Lucy is better. Hanks folks are over to Mrs Browns to day.

Sep 22 – Worked at patterns. Will Clark began working for Mr Allerton this morning. Ida (Barber) Howe left Mr Howe to day.[138] He feels real bad about it. Lucy B. Lee Milham died this evening at 11.15 P.M.[139] Wesley Keith came after Ma this evening to go down to Aunt Katies.

X Sep 23 – Worked at patterns. Wesley Keith came up from Aunt Katies this morning after Hannah. Said Lucy was dead. Pa went down this P.M. and got Ina. I went up to Claras and told them of Lucy’s death. Rec’d a postal from the James girls.

Sep 24 – Went to Lucy’s funeral. Went to Mr Streators this A.M. with Harry and after dinner we went to the funeral. I rode home with Hanks folks. Rained real hard this A.M.

Sep 25 – Worked at patterns. Went to the Burg this evening. Charley Clark husked corn for Pa to day. Clara and Edna came down this P.M. stayed to tea.

Sep 26 – Worked at patterns. Charley husked a little while this A.M. He and Pa went over to the Station and got his wagon he has had shipped to him from Jasper. Delphia York[140] brought Wesley Keith up here this A.M. Nina came with them. She stayed until after dinner.

Sep 27 – Worked at patterns. Charley Clark husked some to day. I went to the Burg this evening. Mary Schroeder was at Hanks this evening. Hannah came home this evening from Nan’s with Mrs Randall.

Sep 28 – Jim, Charley and I went up to Theodores this A.M. to the “Rink.” Hannah and I went up to Charleys this P.M. but they were not at home. We saw Ida Bronson[141] at the Taylor girls. I carried Hannah over to Nan’s this evening. Carried Jim as far as Mrs Browns on his way to Streators.

Sep 29 – Worked at patterns. Charley Clark husked corn this A.M. Charley Towne finished husking here to day. There was a Co organized in the Burg to day to develop the water power from Gull Creek north of the Burg.[142] It was discovered by Geo Youmans.

X Sep 30 – Worked at patterns. Went to the Burg this evening after Hannah. She went to the “Rink” with Jim and Mary Schroder. She came home with Harry Streator. Wesley Keith came back from Scotts this P.M. went to the Burg with me. Will stay at Wm Blakes to night. Rec’d a letter from Laura James.

X Oct 1 – Worked at patterns for W. H. Knapp.[143] It has been a rather disagreeable day. Wrote to Chester Steel Casting Co. Philadelphia Pa. Old Mrs Schram died last night.[144]

Oct 2 – Worked at patterns for W. H. Knapp part of the day. Pa went to the Burg this A.M. After he came home he and Ma went down to aunt Katie.

Oct 3 – Worked at patterns for W. H. Knapp. Mrs Blake and her Mother and Mrs Brown have been here this P.M. Nancy has been here all day. I went and got her.

X Oct 4 – Worked at patterns for Knapp. Went to the Burg this evening. Lois and Dell came out with a load of goods to day. Hannah went to the Burg this P.M. Rec’d a letter from H. L. Keith.

Oct 5 – Charley Clark and I took a ride up by G.R.C. Adams[145] this P.M. Lois, Ina and Clara came down this P.M. Lois and Ina will stay all night. 12 years to night Hank and Nan were married.

X Oct 6 – Wrote to R. E. Strait, H. L. Keith and Munn[?] & Co. Cultivated some ground for strawberries just south of the orchard. Pa took Lois and Ina over to Nan’s this P.M. I worked at patterns this P.M. I took Hannah up to Byjolly Halls to sew this A.M.

Oct 7 – Worked at patterns for myself and Mr Knapp. Mr Knapp came over this A.M. to have me make him a small sprocket wheel. Ma went to the Burg this A.M. to stay with Lois at Hanks. Hank and Nan went to Chicago on the 11.15 A.M. train. Charley Clark dug potatoes for me in the garden this P.M., had 9 bu.

Oct 8 – Worked at Knapps and my patterns. Went to the Burg this evening. Rained last night so the air is quite cool to day. Allerton discharged Will Clark to day.

Oct 9 – Worked at patterns. Allerton came up this morning wants Will Clark to work for him again. Will went. Will Brown came up after a flail to threash his buckwheat. Wesley Keith has gone up to Mr Riddlers this eving. Hannah came home from Mrs Ralphs this eving. Will Brown brought Lela and Bess up to night.

Oct 10 – Worked at a pattern of a gate hanging for Wesley Keith. Went to the Burg this evening to hear J. C. Burrows speak on the tariff question, he spoke at the rink.

Oct 11 – Worked at patterns. Wesley Keith went down to Aunt Katies this A.M. rode down with Mr Earl. He is not coming back here. Went over to the rink this evening and saw two little boys from Charlotte skate. Mr David Bronsen died to day.[146]

X Oct 12 – Pa and Ma went down to Aunt Katies. Charley Clark and Clara were down this P.M. Wrote to Laura E. James.

Oct 13 – Worked at patterns. Mr David Bronsen was buried to day. Pa went to the funeral. Nancy came from Chicago she brought me a loaf of bread. Pa and Ma took Lela and Bess over home this P.M.

Oct 14 – Worked at patterns. Carried Hannah over to Nan’s. She is going to the rink to skate. Will stay at Hanks to night. Sarah Ettie Calkins[147] came to Hanks while I was there. Hank came home from Chicago last evening.

Oct 15 – Worked at patterns. Pa is 71 years old to day. Pa took Ma to the Burg this P.M. Brought Nan and Hannah back. I took Nan to Kal- to the 6.50 P.M. train and she went to Shelbyville. Jay is very sick. I got back from Kal- 10.15 P.M. Called at aunt Katie the baby was sick.[148]

Oct 16 – Worked at patterns. Charley and Herb Clark[149] was here this A.M. Pa took Hannah over to Hanks this evening she was going to the rink. I went after her. Pa brought Ma, Lela and Bessie home with him. Harry and Jim called a minute on their way to the Burg this eving.

Oct 17 – Worked at patterns. Went to the burg this evening. Hannah went with me. Hank rec’d a postal from Nan. She said Jay about the same.

Oct 18 – Worked at patterns. Hannah has gone to the rink with Harry Streator this evening. He is agoing to stop here when he comes back with her. Nan wrote to day that Jay is no better. Bessie is not very well.

Oct 19 – Hannah and I went down to Aunt Katies this P.M. Harvey Keith[150] and his Mother[151] was here to day. Hank Brown called here this A.M. on his way to his Mothers.

Oct 20 – Worked at patterns. Hannah went to the rink this P.M. and this evening went up to Ras Townes to sew. I went to the Burg this evening.

X Oct 21 – Worked at patterns. Nancy came from Shelby ville this P.M. Wrote to J. F. Tomlinson. Walked over to Mr Knapps this A.M. helping him on his machine.

Oct 22 – Worked at patterns. Hannah came from Ras Townes this evening. Ma went to the Burg and stayed at Nan’s until night. I went over to a Water Power meeting at the rink, there was $7,000 worth of stock taken.

X Oct 23 – Worked at patterns. Snowed last night and has snowed by spells all day. Clara and Edna visited here this P.M. Charley was here to tea. Wrote to R. E. Strait West Oneonta New York.

Oct 24 – Worked at patterns. Charley Clark and family went out to Athens to visit Clara’s cousin. Hannah is about sick with a hard cold.

Oct 25 – Gathered apples, pulled the beets and onions and Pa finished digging the potatoes to day. Went to the Burg this evening. Went to Lois’es the first I have been in her house. She stayed there last night for the first time. I put up her clock for her.

Oct 26 – Went down to Alvin Lee’s to day. It has rained all the afternoon. Jim and Will were here to day.

Oct 27 – Worked at patterns. Began the pattern of the flanged wheel for the knotter part of the binder. Four years ago to day, Mr Brown died.[152] Saw some views at Hanks.

Oct 28 – Worked at patterns. Pa went over and got Nan and the children this P.M. I took them home this evening. Will Clark rec’d a letter from S & O S & H of Shelby ville[153] wanting to know if he would clerk for them. Saw some views at Hanks that of Perry N.Y. and vicinity that old Mr Cooley let them take.

Oct 29 – Worked at patterns. Went over to the Water power Meeting this evening. They finished raising the am’t necessary to organize a company, $10,000. Will hold their first meeting to elect officers tomorrow evening. Ma took went to Shelby ville to day Pa took her to Kal-. Hannah came home from Fords this evening where she has been sewing.

Oct 30 – Worked at patterns. Took Hannah to the Burg so she could go to the rink, went after her this evening. Jim has gone after a girl to go to the rink with him had Harrys horse and carriage. Jim took Mary Milham to the rink.

Oct 31 – Worked at patterns. Will Clark quit working for Mr Allerton yesterday. He is agoing to to clerking for Schroder and Harris at Shelby ville.

Nov 1 – Worked at patterns. Pa went over and got Nan and the children this A.M. I took them down to Mrs Browns this P.M. Hank and I went to the Academy of Music to see Silver King played this evening it was first rate. Will Clark and Hettie went to the play.

Nov 2 – Hannah and I went to Charleys this P.M. and made a short visit. Jim stayed at home last night has been to the Burg all day.

Nov 3 – Worked at patterns. Pa went up to Mr Flanders and got a load of apples this P.M. Will Clark went up to Shelbyville to day to clerk for S & H. Jim and Mary Milham went to Kal- this evening to an opening of a new skating rink. Grace Griffith began working for Nan to day.

Nov 4 – Election (Presidential)[154] I voted for the prohabition candidates, St. John of Kan – for president – voted the Green back ticket for State Legislature and County Officers. Worked at patterns and done some turning for Herb Earl this A.M. Took tea at Hanks. Visited Lois this evening. Rained all night. Sent a couple of Enterprises[155] to Hank telling about the Water Power Boom.

Nov 5 – Worked at patterns. Rained all the last fore noon. Mr Wm Hill died last night (Oat Hills father).[156] Hannah went up to Mrs Thompsons near Scotts to sew this A.M. so Pa and I are all alone. Charley Clark helped Pa get the apples out of the wagon down cellar this A.M. He had the wagon to draw his Mother a load of wood in the P.M. Pa got “Peter” in the pen this P.M.

X Nov 6 – Worked at patterns. Finished putting the flanges on the flange wheel that is on the knotter part. Pa went over to the Burg this P.M. Pa bought 8 bushels of potatoes of Nelson Nichols 30 cts pr bushel. Wrote to Henry L. Keith about the binder. Offered him half of it if he would be to the patent expense and also the expense of making a binder. Did not send the letter for I got one from R. E. Strait.

Nov 7 – Worked at patterns and house work. Charley Clark husked corn for us to day (finished).

X Nov 8 – Worked at patterns. Ma came from Lou’s to day. Lou sent me a can of Salmon. Received a letter from R. E. Strait. Pa went over to the Depot and got Ma’s trunk. Lois and Ina came home with him. Dell came here about 10 P.M.

Nov 9 – Very pleasant. Jim came down this A.M. Ed Streator of Cleveland Ohio[157] came with him. He brought his Bb cornet with him it cost $90. He is a good player. I carried Lois and Ina home this P.M. Dell went over to the Burg this A.M. Jim and Hannah went over to Hanks this evening. Jim took his new Vineyard skates back to exchange them.

X Nov 10 – Worked at patterns. Pa took Hannah to the Burg this A.M. Heard that Mrs Barber[158] was very sick came back and took Ma over there. She stayed until night. Rec’d letter from Rosa C. James.

X Nov 11 – Worked at patterns. Wrote to Henry. Went to the Burg this evening. Walked home with T. Earl. Hank, Nan and Hannah went to the skating rink.

Nov 12 – Worked at patterns. Ma has gone over to set up with Mrs Barber to night. Willis Brown and Lizzie Ogden were married this evening[159] at her home. No one there but the brothers and sisters.[160] Hank and Nancy and children went. Mrs Brown had a bad cold and could not go.

Nov 13 – Worked at patterns. Ma went down and visited Mrs Brown this P.M. She was there when Will and Lizzie came from Mr Ogdens.[161] Pa went over to the Burg and got Ma this A.M. She stayed at Hanks. Mrs Barber did not need any to set up with her. Jim and Mary have gone to the rink to night. We are having nice weather for this time of the year.

Nov 14 – Worked at patterns. Pa and Ma were married 35 years ago to day. Will Brown and wife called this evening to leave a couple of papers. He introduced me to his wife.

X Nov 15 – Worked at patterns. Went to the Burg this evening Hannah went with me. The Democrats are having a big time. They have just heard that Cleveland carried the state of N.Y. It is just splendid weather nowadays. Rec’d a letter from J. F. Tomlinson.

X Nov 16 – Pa and Ma went down to aunt Katies. Hannah and I went up to Charleys this P.M. Hanks folks were over. Six years ago to day Charley and Clara were married. Rained some just at night. Wrote to Miss H. M. Comfort.

X Nov 17 – Charley Clark, Lois, Nan, Ina and I went to Kal- to day. Lois went to do get her a carpet for her parlor and chairs and couch. Bill got scared at the cars at Comstock and liked to run off the bank the west of the bridge. Hannah sews for Mary Allerton[162] most of this week.

Nov 18 – Worked at patterns. It has been quite a cold day. Pa washed the windows in the shop. Will Brown finished husking corn to day. Charley Clark helped him.

Nov 19 – Worked at patterns. Pa and Ma went down to Aunt Julia Lee’s visiting to day. It has been quite pleasant.

X Nov 20 – Finished the patterns for the knotter part of my binder. Went to the Burg this evening. The Democrats have had a “big” time in Kal- to day over the election. Rec’d a letter from H. M. Comfort.

Nov 21 – Worked at a bar for Charley Clarks bookcase and a box for Jim to carry his skates in. Went up to Charleys this P.M. and put the bar on the bookcase. Mrs Youngs[163] came there while I was there, the first time I ever met her. Charley Clark plastered some for us this P.M. in Grand ma’s room. Went to the Burg this evening.

Nov 22 – Charley plastered a little this A.M. His wifes cousin came down with him Mr Long (Oldacre). Helped Lois put down her new carpet this P.M. Took tea with her, the first meal I have taken with her in her new home. Mr Knapp came over to get some pattern work done this A.M. Miss Ella Allen came to Hanks to day. She is from Georgia.[164] I had an introduction.

Nov 23 – Hannah and I went down to Mrs Browns and spent the day. Nan and children were there. Jim is there doing chores. Will and Lizzie are out to Mr Perrys. Has been quite stormy rain and snow.

Nov 24 – Worked at a pattern of a gear wheel (3¼”) for Mr W. H. Knapp. Charley Clark was down to day had a tooth pulled.[165] Took dinner with us. This has been cold stormy day. Hannah went to Gus Gates this morning to sew.

Nov 25 – Worked at a box for Jim to keep his skates in to day. Mr Knapp came over and got his pattern this A.M. Jim called this evening for his skates. He and Miss Ella Allen and Will Brown and wife have gone to the rink to night. Sleighs have started for the first this winter to day.

Nov 26 – Finished Jims skate box and began one for Hannah this P.M. Charley Clark and Theodore Earl was down this A.M. Went to the Burg this evening. Charley Clark was over to his mothers and he came home with me. Sleighs are running to night.

Nov 27 – Worked at Hannahs skate box, and began the pattern for the needle to the binder. Thanksgiving. We had a strawberry shortcake for dinner. Jim went to Kal-. The Burg boys have been sliding down hill to day. Lois and Ina are over to Charleys to day to Thanksgiving.

Nov 28 – Worked at patterns. Charley Clark came after Ma this A.M. to go up there visiting. Lois and Ina came home with her to night. T. Earl, Nelson Nichols and Richard Barber were here to day. Two years ago tonigh. The thought does not bring pleasant memories. Quite the reverse.[166]

Nov 29 – Worked at patterns. Charley Clark came and got his Mother and Ina and carried them home this A.M. Ma went over to Mrs Ralphs visiting this P.M. I went after her this evening. Hannah came from Wm Ralphs this evening. Two years age to day “Nell” left for West Stockbridge, Mass. 12.53 P.M.[167]

Nov 30 – Pa and Ma went down to Aunt Katies. It has been a pleasant day. Charley Clark, Jim, Will Kaywood and sister,[168] Mrs Brown, Will Brown and wife and Ella Allen, Mrs Powers of Scotts and brother have all been in the yard to day. Harry Streator also. Ormsby Mitchell came after Hannah this evening to go there and sew this week.

Dec 1 – Jim and I went to Kal- to day. I called on Edna found her sick abed. Took Uncle D. C. Crawfords[169] letter down to her (it was a business letter). We are having quite pleasant weather.

Dec 2 – Worked at patterns. Clara Clark and her Mother Mrs Youngs visited here this P.M. I went to the Burg this evening. Jim went over with me. We called on Lois. Jim stays here to night.

Dec 3 – Worked at patterns. Ma visited the Taylor girls this P.M. Harry Streator was here this A.M. and got his cross cut saw filed. Dont feel very well to night.

Dec 4 – Worked at patterns. Went to the Burg this evening. Went to the rink. They gave a prize to the best lady skater. Miss Church of Augusta got it.

Dec 5 – Worked at patterns. Rained some is quite warm. Charley Towne and Charley Clark were both here a little while to day.

Dec 6 – Worked at patterns. Rained all day. Marenus Caywood brought Hannah home this evening.

X Dec 7 – Rained until this P.M. Wind has blown very hard all day. Wrote to Miss Rosa C. James. Jim was down home to day. Carried Hannah down to Mr Caywoods this P.M.

Dec 8 – Worked at patterns. Pa and Ma went to the Burg this P.M. Jim called on his way to the Burg this P.M.

Dec 9 – Worked at patterns. Went to the Burg this evening. Pa and I moved the kitchen stove nearer the west side of the room this P.M.

Dec 10 – Worked at patterns. Went down to Aunt Katies this P.M. after Hannah.

Dec 11 – Worked at patterns. Albert Fisher came and got Hannah this A.M. to go and sew for his folks. Went to the Burg this evening. Saw Lucelle Strait the first time that I have met him since he came from the east. We talked over the binder business some. Got a pin and earrings for Aunt Katie to make Adelphia[170] and Clara presents of.

Dec 12 – Worked at patterns. Pa and Ma went to the Burg this P.M. Pa extracted a tooth for Charley Clark.

Dec 13 – Worked at patterns. Went to the Burg this P.M. to see Lucelle Strait but did not see him. Went and saw Mr Knapps machine he has it about completed. Cleaned Loises clock this P.M. took tea with her. Pa and Ma went down to Aunt Katies. Jim got through working for Harry Streator to day.

Dec 14 – Jim is 22 years old to day. He has gone up to Mr Ogdens with Lizzie and Ella Allen this evening. Lucelle Strait came over and looked the binder patterns over. We talked binder business also.

X Dec 15 – Went over to see Lucelle Strait this A.M. about binder business. 8½ inches of snow on the ground this morning. Rec’d a letter from Florence and Henry. Wrote to Florence also to Henry and told him on what conditions I would let him have a 1/6 interest in the binder. Charley Clark is 25 years old to day.

Dec 16 – 10°. Worked at patterns. Charley Clark was down this P.M. and turned the lathe for Pa to turn some pump tops for Theodore. Jim has gone to the Rink to night. Will stay with Lois all night.

Dec 17 – 3°. Worked at patterns. Coldest day yet this winter. Charley Clark was down this A.M. took dinner with us. He and Jim went to the Burg. Jim has gone up to Put Milhams to see Jessie about going to the dance Friday night.

Dec 18 – 14° below. Worked at patterns. Jim and I went to the Burg this eving. I paid Hank three dollars for the Sci Amanian another year. Jim got the paper and lath off from overhead in Grandma’s bed room to day.

Dec 19 – 16º below. Worked at patterns. Jim and Jessie Milham have gone to the first club dance at the Rink this evening. Will Clark came out to day. Charley went to Kal after him.

Dec 20 – Worked at patterns. Jim and I went to the Burg this evening. Snowed quite hard this evening. Will Clark went back to Shelbyville this A.M.

Dec 21 – Jim went over and got Lois and Ina this morning. Pa took them home this evening. Hannah and I went up to Charleys and spent the evening. Mr Dewey brought Hannah home this A.M. from Scotts.

X Dec 22 – 3°. Worked at patterns. Commenced the large cog wheel on the binder this A.M. Wrote to J.F.T.

Dec 23 – Worked at patterns. Pa and Ma went to the Burg this A.M. Lela and Bessie came home with them. Hannah and I drove down to Mr Allertons this evening. She wanted to see Mrs A about sewing for her, then we took the children home. Lois and Ina went out to Ceresco to day.

Dec 24 – Worked at patterns turned the large cog wheel. Hannah and Jim have gone to the Cantata at the Methodist church this evening. Snowed I presume 10 inches last night and to day. Must be 20 inches of snow on the land.

Dec 25 – 1º. Christmas. Pa, Ma, Hannah, Jim and myself took dinner with Charley and Clara. I went over to the Burg this evening attended the Masquerade at the Peerless skating Rink. Was good. Jim and I put the carpet down in Grandma’s room this morning. Saw Lucelle Strait this evening said he had heard from his father and that he was satisfied with our bargain in regard to the binder.

Dec 26 – 22º below zero. Changed a sleigh shoe pattern for I. D. L. Schram[171] this P.M. Ma is 63 years old to day. I put the carpet down in the “little room” bedroom this evening.

Dec 27 – Made a little table for Edna Clark to day. Jim and Charley Clark went to the Burg this P.M. Rainy this P.M.

Dec 28 – Pa and Ma went down to Aunt Katies. Jim went to the Burg this evening. Hanks folks went to Mrs B-s to day called on their way home. Will and Lizzie took Stella Ogden[172] home. Ella Allen went over to Hanks to stay a few days. Rainy to day. Rained last night.

Dec 29 – Worked on patterns making coggs for the large gear wheel to the binder. Painted the little table that I made for Edna. Rainy. Snow is going fast.

Dec 30 – Worked a patterns, finished the coggs for the large gear wheel to the binder, 80 of them. Pa took “Peter” the pig over to the slaughter house and had him killed. Would weigh about 225 dressed I guess. Jim has gone over to the Rink to night. Rained all day, our 20 inches of snow is gone and it went with a rain and all settled into the ground.

Dec 31 – Worked at patterns a little while. Clara Clark has been down helping Ma to day. Jim went to Kal- to meet Lou and Dee but they did not come. Went to the Burg this evening. Another year is drawing to a close and no great change with me. I think my health is some better and my business prospects better than one year ago.



“He who does the best his circumstances allow,
Does well, acts nobly. Angels could no more.”

“A beautiful life ends not in death.”

“The crown and glory of life is character.”

“The truest self respect is not to think of self.”

“It is not rank, nor birth, nor state,
But get up and get that makes men great.”

“The good is always beautiful,
The beautiful is good.”

Never change in anything but name.

Politeness is to do and say the kindest things in the kindest way.

“The richest treasure mortal times afford is spotless reputation.”

“Take time to deliberate but when the time for action arrives stop thinking “Nell.”

I have seen so many changes years felt
On earth I am a stranger grown
I wander in the ways of men
Alike unknowing and unknown.
(Uncle Jessie Turner)

Maltine with Phosphates

How to make Cheese Digestable Sci A.M.
No 10, March 8th 1884

C.P.R.P. Ferry Sci A.M.
Supplement No. 399

Jan 9, 12, 14, 21, 23, 31
Feb 24
March 17
April 16
June 10
July 7, 28
Aug 18
Sep 2, 3, 10
Nov 4, 18
Dec 2, 18

Edward Lyman
Constructive Engineer
New Haven Conn
Lyman’s Gear Chart.
Price 50 cts.

S. M. Skedling
Treatment for Constipation
Sci A.M. Supt 284

For worms on Currant Bush
Petroleum 30 parts, water 10 parts, soap 20 parts


[1] Ethan placed X’s at the top of several entries, however, there was no explanation as to why

[2] His half-sister, Lois (Keith) Clark Skinner, and her daughter, Ina Skinner

[3] His sister, Nancy (Keith) Brown, and her son, Claude Brown

[4] Shelbyville, Michigan, where his sister and her husband, Louese & D.D. Harris, lived

[5] His younger brother, James Clinton Keith

[6] Galesburg, Michigan

[7] His older half-brother, Henry Lindsey Keith

[8] William Clark, his nephew, son of his sister Lois by her first husband, Byron Clark

[9] Willis Brown, neighbor and brother of Henry Brown

[10] Bess Brown, the daughter of his sister Nancy

[11] Neighbor, Herbert Earl

[12] His sister, Hannah Keith

[13] Matilda (Allen) Brown, neighbor and mother of Henry Brown

[14] His brother-in-law (Nancy’s husband), Henry Brown

[15] Charles Luke Keith Jr., known as Luke

[16] Catherine (Keith) Bradley Lee

[17] His half-brother and sister-in-law, Henry & Florence (Stahl) Keith

[18] Sarah (Crawford) Keith

[19] Sarah’s brother, Hiram Crawford Jr.

[20] Possibly the business was relating to their mother, Nancy (Comfort) Crawford Betts, who was living with Ethan’s parents, and needing more attention and assistance in her old age

[21] Kalamazoo, Michigan

[22] Neighbor, and cousin of Henry Brown

[23] His niece, Lela Brown (Nancy’s daughter)

[24] Michigan marriage records show that William Morton and Myrtie Barlow were married in Galesburg, Michigan on January 16, 1884

[25] His paternal first cousin, James “Oscar” Keith

[26] Oscar’s wife, Mary Ann (Batey) Keith

[27] John Batey

[28] His sister, Louese (Keith) Harris, and her son, Jay Harris

[29] Neighbor, and brother of Herbert Earl

[30] Nancy (Comfort) Crawford Betts

[31] Neighbor, Marius O. Streator

[32] Michigan death records confirm that Bela Wright died on January 19, 1884 in Galesburg, Michigan and shows he is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[33] Michigan death records confirm that John Batey died on January 18, 1884 in Pavilion, Michigan and shows he is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[34] His father’s sister, Martha “Patty” (Keith) Sprague

[35] Nickname for Hiram Crawford Jr.

[36] His paternal first cousin

[37] Hiram’s wife, Katherine (Atcheson) Crawford

[38] His brother, Henry Lindsey Keith

[39] Believe he is referring to his cousin, Frank John Tomlinson

[40] His nephew, Charles Ira Clark

[41] His neighbor, Isaac Schram

[42] The family’s horse

[43] His brother-in-law, Daniel D. Harris Jr., also known as D. or D.D., who was married to Ethan’s sister Louese

[44] Cousins, Jesse & Sarah “Sally” (Davis) Turner

[45] Hiram & Kate Crawford’s son

[46] Hiram & Kate Crawford’s daughter

[47] Hiram & Kate Crawford’s daughter

[48] Neighbor in Comstock, Ida (Barber) Howe

[49] Carrie and Charles Howe

[50] Ethan’s mother Sarah and Hiram’s brother, Henry Clay Crawford

[51] Henry lived in South Bend, Indiana

[52] Don’t know who he is referring to; research continues

[53] Lucius Prosper Crawford, another brother of Sarah and Hiram Crawford

[54] Strait Windmill Company

[55] Uncle Pros

[56] Hiram was the treasurer for the North Chicago City Railway Company and horses were used to pull the trolley cars along rail lines. Although electric cable cars were introduced in 1882 and replaced horsecars on feeder routes when they became available, it wasn’t until 1906 that all their lines were converted to electricity

[57] His older half-brother, Henry Lindsey Keith

[58] His cousin, John “Frank” Tomlinson

[59] Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul RR, early predecessor to the Milwaukee Road

[60] Perhaps he switched the letters around and is referring to the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad

[61] Chicago & Rock Island Railroad

[62] Michigan Central Railroad

[63] Woman’s Christian Temperance Union. From Wikipedia: At its founding in 1874, the stated purpose of the WCTU was to create a “sober and pure world” by abstinence, purity, and evangelical Christianity. The constitution of the WCTU called for “the entire prohibition of the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage.”

[64] From Wikipedia: On December 24, 1883, a young white German named William Berner and his accomplice, Joe Palmer, a man of mixed African and European descent, robbed and murdered their employer, William Kirk, a livery stable owner in the West End of the city. The murderers dumped Kirk’s body near the Mill Creek in the Northside district. After the men had been arrested, 500 potential jurymen were called before Berner’s lawyer accepted the jury of twelve. After a prolonged trial, on March 26, 1884, the jury returned a manslaughter verdict despite the testimony of seven different people to whom Berner had admitted his cold-blooded planning and execution of the murder. The judge, who gave a sentence of 20 years in prison, called the verdict “a damned outrage.” The next day, the newspapers called for a public meeting to condemn the verdict. Tried separately, Palmer was convicted and hanged. A New York Times article dated March 27, 1884, reported that James Bourne, one of the jurors, had spent the previous night at Bremen Street police station after being threatened by a mob. Returning home on the morning of March 27, a crowd threatened to hang him but was dispersed by the police. Later he was severely beaten and was again taken to the police station for his own safety. Another member of the jury, Charles Dollahan, was pelted with rotten eggs and dared not return home. Louis Havemeyer was told he was fired when he went to work. A crowd tore the blinds from the house of L. Phillips on Liberty Street, and threw dead cats and rotten eggs through the windows before discovering they had the wrong Phillips, not a member of the jury. The foreman of the jury, A. F. Shaw, had gone into hiding. On March 28, several thousand people attended a meeting to protest the lenient sentence. A large group of protesters then headed to the jail, apparently planning to lynch Berner. Unknown to the rioters, Berner was not there. He had been sent to Columbus, Ohio, for his own safety, and had escaped en route. The rioters managed to break into the jail through the Sheriff’s apartment, but left when they were shown that Berner was not present. Then more rioters arrived. The Sheriff had the alarms rung which had the effect of drawing yet more people to the scene. The mob, now 10,000 strong, pelted the jail with bricks and stones. They were driven out by reinforcements from the militia armory who entered the building via a tunnel from the courthouse. After one of the attackers was shot dead the violence escalated. Rioters attempted to set the jail on fire using stolen kerosene. By the time the situation became temporarily under control late on Friday night, five people had died, including one police officer, and many more were wounded.

[65] Chicago & North Western Railway

[66] His second cousin, Marquis de Lafayette Lee, the oldest son of Dr. Ezekiel & Elizabeth (Strong) Lee. The Lees were Mormons and moved to Nauvoo, Illinois, and eventually to the Salt Lake Valley in 1850. Mark stayed behind to run his father’s farm and was living with his aunt, Catherine (Keith) Bradley Lee until March 18, 1870 when he joined his family in Salt Lake

[67] Katherine Sarah “Kit” (Crawford) Birkland, daughter of Robert Crawford (see footnote to April 8th entry)

[68] Clybourn Avenue, Chicago, Illinois

[69] His mother Sarah’s brother

[70] Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railway

[71] To complete the process of boiling down the syrup in making maple sugar until it is thick enough to crystallize

[72] Nancy (Comfort) Crawford Betts’ brother

[73] Pros Crawford’s wife, Isabella (Steele) Crawford

[74] Jay Keith Harris was the son of his sister and brother-in-law, Louese & D.D. Harris

[75] Neighbor, Charles Towne, Hannah Keith’s future husband

[76] Neighbor, Joseph Flanders

[77] Son of Marius O. Streator (see footnote to January 18th entry)

[78] Believe he is referring to his family’s horse, Bill, and the Brown family’s horse, Tom

[79] George Tomlinson’s wife, Marion (Sprague) was the daughter of Patty (Keith) Sprague (see footnote to January 24th entry)

[80] Ogden, Mary (Wareham) and Cleo Tomlinson

[81] Alvin Lee and his mother, Juliana (Davis) Lee. Alvin and Ethan were second cousins

[82] Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day. To honor the deceased, soldiers would decorate graves of their fallen comrades with flowers, flags and wreaths. Although Memorial Day became its official title in the 1880s, the holiday didn’t legally become Memorial Day until 1967

[83] Neighbor, Dexa Strait; the future wife of Jay Ralph Harris, D.D. Harris’ brother

[84] Lucy (Lee) Milham, his cousin, the daughter of Catherine (Keith) Bradley Lee

[85] Ansel Lee Milham, Lucy’s son

[86] Mary (Clapp) Earl, Herbert Earl’s mother

[87] A climbing plant with pleasant-smelling, yellow flowers such as Virginia creeper, or honeysuckle

[88] He had affixed a 2¢ postage stamp at the bottom of the page

[89] His maternal first cousin, Edna (Crawford) Allen

[90] His maternal uncles, Robert, Henry and David (D.C.) Crawford

[91] But God will ransom my soul from the power of Sheol, for he will receive me

[92] Marius O. & Laura (Rawson) Streator

[93] Patty’s granddaughter, Nellie (Tomlinson) Gillett, the daughter of George & Marion (Sprague) Tomlinson

[94] His brother-in-law (Lois’ husband), Adelbert Skinner

[95] Neighbor, and half-brother of Martin Milham, who was the husband of Ethan’s cousin, Lucy (Lee) Milham

[96] His maternal first cousin, Eugene L. Crawford

[97] Sisters, Harriet and Flora Elizabeth “Libbie” Taylor. Libby had been married to Isaac Schram, however by 1880 they were divorced and Hattie and Libby were living together

[98] His nephew and his wife, Charles I. & Clara (Youngs) Clark

[99] His cousin, John Frank Tomlinson; also went by the name of Frank or J. Frank

[100] Jesse Turner was actually his first cousin once removed

[101] Albina Earl, the daughter of Jesse & Mary (Clapp) Earl

[102] confirms that Peter S. Carmer died in Otsego on June 19, 1884 and is buried in Mountain Home Cemetery in Otsego, Michigan. According to Luke Keith’s April 7th diary entry he had just moved to Otsego

[103] A poisonous emerald-green powder used as a pigment, insecticide and wood preservative

[104] Patty lived with her daughter and son-in-law, Marion (Sprague) & George Tomlinson, in Perry, New York. Hannah stayed in Perry until September 10th

[105] His patent attorney, Lucius C. West

[106] Clara’s daughter, Edna Clark, who was almost 3 years old

[107] Neighbor, Isaac Odell Jr.

[108] Believe this to be Ethan’s cousin, Hannah Marie Comfort. Hannah was the niece of Nancy (Comfort) Crawford Betts

[109] Neighbor, Ransom E. Strait; Dexa was his daughter

[110] Luke Keith noted in his diary on August 22nd that Jay Barton died

[111] Galesburg Cornet Band. It was organized August 4, 1870 and Ethan was an original member, playing the 2nd E-flat cornet

[112] Assume this to be Arthur Arms, who was the widower of Cynthia (Brown) Arms, the sister of Ambrose Brown (Matilda [Allen] Brown’s late husband)

[113] Neighbor, Sarah Jane (Mason) Hoag

[114] Hannah (see footnote of July 4th entry) lived in Ontario, Canada and was most likely visiting her brother, Dr. Francis Comfort, who lived in Logan, Iowa

[115] Neighbor, Mary Ann “Mate” (Thompson) Ford

[116] Louese was pregnant with her daughter, LaVergne, who was born September 10, 1884

[117] Newspaper articles: Kalamazoo Gazette 08 August 1862 p 3: “The Gale of Monday” A gale and thunderstorm swept over this place and surrounding county on Monday resulting in much damage to buildings, trees and fences; and we are pained to say also by claiming some loss of life. All through our streets and enclosures may be seen broken trees, but we hear of no other particular damage in the city. But we learn that at the residence of J. MILHAM, Esq., some two or three miles southeast of here was unroofed, and that the falling timbers killed several cows and sheep. Other damage was done to his premises, but we have not the particulars. At Galesburgh the storm was very destructive. We refer to a communication in another place for the details. At Battle Creek too, there was considerable damage done; among other things we are grieved to hear that the elegant Methodist Church was severely marred by the falling of its steeple, cracking the walls and shattering the roof. We have rumor of several lives lost here and there which we do not think reliable.”

“The Tornado at Galesburgh”

Ed. GAZETTE:-A tornado passed through our village yesterday about 4 o’clock which filled the minds of our citizens with great gloom and solemnity. It began to do its great work in the western part of the village by destroying three homes and injuring others. It then passed in an easterly direction blowing the roof off the grist-mill and entirely destroying our new part that was recently attached to the mill. It then made its rage through the eastern part of the village destroying barns, cabinet shops and three dwelling houses, tearing up every tree in its course.

Three families were entirely buried in the ruins of their own dwellings. No one injured except A. SHERMAN who was badly bruised and a little girl about eight years old a daughter of MR. BATCHELDER was instantly killed by a falling stick of timber. A Committee of five was appointed by the citizens to examine the property injured and ascertain who is made destitute in consequence of the storm. They report that damage at thirteen thousand, six hundred and twenty four dollars. M.G.

Burial: From Tombstone Inscriptions in Kalamazoo County, Michigan by Kalamazoo Valley Genealogical Society, 1980. Galesburg Old Cemetery, Section 13, corner of Hastings & Division, Comstock Twp., Kalamazoo County.

Batchelder, Anna L. Daug of J. D. & L, Aug 4, 1862 5 yrs 10 mos 11dys Killed by the tornado

Lurectia, wife of J.D. Sept 17 1862, 45 yrs 8 mos”

[118] Neighbor; son of Ransom Strait and brother of Dexa Strait (see footnote to May 31st entry)

[119] Following this are three lines of underlining. Ethan made several cryptic entries (see August 22, September 8, November 28 & 29) which seem to relate to the fact that he had been engaged to Helen “Nellie” Bristol, who went to West Stockbridge, Massachusetts and married Clarence Spencer on October 25, 1885

[120] Believe he is referring to Flora Milham, the daughter of Richard & Hannah (Goodrich) Milham, and Mary A. Milham, the daughter of James & Ella (Adams) Milham. Richard and James were Martin Milham’s half-brothers

[121] Neighbor, John T. Allerton. Later in 1896, Will would marry John’s daughter, Elizabeth Allerton

[122] The 5-year-old daughter of Harry & Helen (Randall) Streator

[123] Helen “Nellie” Bristol

[124] Elva was the sister of Theodore and Herbert Earl. She married Frank Crossfield and they had a daughter, Ethel Crossfield

[125] See footnote to August 6th entry. There is also an entry in Ethan’s 1899 diary: Took Hannah to Cora Beras this A.M. went after this evening. Went over part of the same road seventeen years this even’g.

[126] Laura (James) Vair and Roselia James, daughters of John & Elsie (Prentiss) James

[127] Hannah (Willcutt) Keith

[128] Erasmus Towne, who was the brother of Charles Towne (see footnote to May 5th entry)

[129] Scotts, Michigan

[130] See footnote to August 6th entry

[131] Martin Turner was actually his first cousin once removed but was probably referred to as Uncle because of an age difference of 47 years

[132] John Wesley Keith. According to the Keith Family Bible, Wesley was the adopted brother of Ethan’s father, Charles Luke Keith Jr. A May 4th entry in Luke’s 1874 diary shows that “Wesley and family left for Kansas on the Eleven fifty Eight run”

[133] Mrytie LaVern Chaffee, the daughter of Ethan’s first cousin, Frances Catherine “Kate” Keith & Thomas Jefferson Chaffee Jr. Mrytie’s husband was Jesse Eugene Stevens

[134] The train

[135] The daughter of William & Harriet (Groat) Plank. The Planks had been the Keith family’s neighbors in Comstock until 1873 when they moved to Grand Rapids, Michigan

[136] Neighbor, Charles Ford, husband of “Mate” Ford (see footnote to July 30th entry)

[137] Neighbor Frances Towne. She was the sister of Charles Towne (see footnote to May 5th entry)

[138] Ida Barber married C. Eugene Howe on February 15, 1882 and on February 18, 1884 had twins (see footnote to February 18th entry)

[139] This text had a border around it. While no death record has been found, shows she is buried in Maple Grove Cemetery, Comstock, Michigan. She left behind seven children, the oldest being 18 years old and the youngest 9 months old

[140] Ethan’s cousin, Marion Adelphia York, the granddaughter of Catherine (Keith) Bradley Lee (see footnote to January 7th entry)

[141] Ida (Clark) Bronson was the niece of Lois (Keith) Clark Skinner’s first husband, Byron Clark

[142] Gull Creek is at the south end of Gull Lake. A control structure was built there in the mid-1800s to provide power for a grist mill and to control lake level

[143] Neighbor, William H. Knapp

[144] Michigan death records reveal that Mary (Lester) Schram died September 30, 1884 in Comstock and shows she is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[145] Neighbor, George R. C. Adams

[146] Michigan death records show that David S. Bronson died in Comstock, Michigan on October 11, 1884 and shows he is buried in Riverside Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[147] Sarahetta (Calkins) Tipton was Matilda (Allen) Brown’s niece

[148] Lavinia Lucy Milham, the baby daughter of Lucy (Lee) Milham. According to Lucy’s obituary, her mother, Catherine (Keith) Bradley Lee, had the responsibility of raising the children: “the aged mother of the deceased, who having filled a full rounded life of labor and usefulness, at three score and ten finds new reasons for perennial youth to complete the task prematurely layed down by her daughter.”

[149] Charley Clark’s first cousin, Herbert Loren Clark

[150] His cousin, Harvey R. Keith

[151] Mary Ann (Batey) Keith

[152] Ambrose Brown, Matilda Brown’s husband, and Hank and Will Brown’s father

[153] Schroder & Harris, a general store of which D. D. Harris (Louese Keith’s husband) was part owner

[154] Grover Cleveland defeated James Blaine, becoming the 22nd president of the United States. He also was the 24th president, the only president in American history to serve two non-consecutive terms in office (1885–1889 and 1893–1897)

[155] Kalamazoo County Enterprise newspapers

[156] Michigan death records reveal that Andrew (not William) Hill died November 4, 1884 in Comstock, Michigan. Andrew was the father of Otis Hill

[157] Edward Kent Streator, the son of Worthy & Sarah (Sterling) Streator. It is believed that Edward and Marius (see footnote to January 18th entry) were brothers; research continues

[158] Neighbor, Mary (Knowles) Barber

[159] Willis Allen Brown and Elizabeth Rebecca Ogden were married in Charleston, Michigan

[160] Lizzie had five brothers, Stuart, Charles, George, Murray and Arthur, and four sisters, Mary, Fanny, Estella and Ida

[161] Henry Ogden

[162] Daughter of John Allerton (see footnote to August 13th entry)

[163] Charley Clark’s mother-in-law, Rhoda (Wood) Youngs

[164] Ella was Henry Brown’s maternal first cousin, the daughter of his Uncle Wilson Allen

[165] Among other thing, Ethan’s father, Charles Luke Keith Jr., pulled teeth for his neighbors

[166] See footnote to August 6th entry. Also, an entry from his November 27, 1899 diary indicates that: 17 years to night went to the Lights O Londen at Kal-.

[167] See footnote to August 6th entry

[168] Neighbors, William and Marena Caywood

[169] His mother’s brother, David Caleb “D. C.” Crawford

[170] See footnote to September 26th entry

[171] Neighbor, Isaac D. L. Schram

[172] Estella Ogden, Lizzie (Ogden) Brown’s sister

Luke Keith’s 1881 Diary


Jan 1 – Went over to Burg[2] in morning Evening. Bot sack Buckwheat flour.

Jan 2 – Went down to Marts[3] in afternoon. Not so very cold. Ed Hoges came over to see Pete.[4]

Jan 3 – Carried Sarah[5] down to Mrs Browns[6] to help Butcher, they no Butcher some. I went down just at night got 4 four bushels wheat.

Jan 4 – Received a letter from Mrs Whitmore of Cal-a. Carried Sarah down to Mrs Browns, they Butchered. Carried wheat to mill. Mrs Betts[7] went over to Nancys[8] to see Doctor, she saw him some.

Jan 5 – Jim[9] commenced work for Harry Streator.[10] He took Pete with him. Went over to Burg in afternoon to see Nancy. Old Mrs Ralph came here. Extracted two teeth for Mr Ralph.

Jan 6 – Went over to Burg. Got county order. Not much done only chores.

Jan 7 – Cold and some Blustring. Drawed six loads wood and chored round. Alfleda[11] sick unto life, me spec so sum.

Jan 8 – Mercury one below zero at seven Am. Not much done but chores. Went over to Burg in Evening got oil. Nancy some better.

Jan 9 – At home all day. Mercury 4 below zero in morning. Very good sleighing about 4 inches snow. Alfleda sick. Hannah[12] over to Nancys.

Jan 10 – Drawed two loads wood in forenoon. Mercury 18 B. Went over to burg in afternoon. Old Mrs Stannard buried to day. Dee Dee Harris[13] left on night train for Phoenix.[14]

Jan 11 – Went down to Browns in morning. Mercury 4 below zero.

Jan 12 – Mercury 10 below zero. Worked in shop on patterns.

Jan 13 – Worked in shop on patterns.

Jan 14 – Worked in shop on patterns. Catharine[15] came up stayed all night.

Jan 15 – Carried Mrs Betts over to Hoags. Worked on patterns. Sarah, Katharine and Ethan[16] went over to burg in Eve.

Jan 16 – Mercury 2 below zero in morning. took down Went down to Katharines carried her home.

Jan 17 – Worked on patterns in afternoon. Cleaned out stovepipe in forenoon.

Jan 18 – Carried Sarah over to burg in morning went after her at night. Mrs Dick Barber[17] very sick.

Jan 19 – Wm Batt called here. Filed crosscut saw for Ayres Raymond. Strait here. I worked on patterns in afternoon. Charley, Mate and Tamer[18] here in Evening.

Jan 20 – Worked on patterns. Finished core Box. Mr Knapp came over. Ethan and Sarah went over to burg in Evening. Took Lelah[19] home.

Jan 21 – Worked some on patterns. Turned 33 pump tops for Theodore.[20] Hawley turned the Lathe. Barber[21] came over.

Jan 22 – Worked on patterns all day. George Barber[22] came over to see patterns. Mrs Barber some better to day.

Jan 23 – At home. Julia and Alvin Lee[23] here. Sarah and Mrs Betts went down to A. Browns[24] with them when they went home. Good Sleighing.

Jan 24 – Snowey day. Raised the Lathe Power in fore noon. Chored round. Cut some wood in afternoon. Yound Doc Upjohn[25] called here.

Jan 25 – Snowey. Went over to burg in morning took Hannah over. Hung ax for Mr Wm Batt. Snowey day very good sleighing.

Jan 26 – Worked round chored &c.[26]

Jan 27 – Cut wood in forenoon drawed two loads in afternoon. Went over to burg after Hannah.

Jan 28 – Worked on patterns. Pleasant, good sleighing.

Jan 29 – Made door for Alfledas Room. Carried Sarah over to Burg in Evening. Mrs Holcomb Died to night.

Jan 30 – Rial French came here. I went down to Katharines, Rial went down with me. Went over after Sarah.

Jan 31 – Cut wood in forenoon drawed wood in afternoon. Carried Hannah down to A Browns. Ethan went up to Staffords.

Feb 1 – Very Blustrous day. Went over to Burg in morning Bot one Barrel Salt $135 cts. Brot Mrs Browns Sister Margaret[27] over took her down to Browns.

Feb 2 – Made stall for for the Cow in west End of stable. Very cold.

Feb 3 – Cut oak tree in road up towards the corner. Made wash bench in Evening. Claud[28] here. Mercury 11 below zero in Evening.

Feb 4 – Very cold mercury 22 Abz.[29] Went up in woods. Cut wood in forenoon, drawed wood.

Feb 5 – Chored around. Carried Mrs Betts over to Burg in afternoon.

Feb 6 – Went over to Burg in Evening after Mrs Betts. Went down to Mrs Browns in Evening.

Feb 7 – Nancys girl Born this morning about five oclock. Rainy day. Name Bessey Ray.[30] Rainy day. Jim stayed home to cut wood, no cut some.

Feb 8 – Went over to Burg in morning. Rainy. Cut and drawed some wood.

Feb 9 – Don nodings[31] all day cept went up to valley garden got some cabbage 85 heads one cet pr head. Rainy day rained hard in night.

Feb 10 – Rainy. Fan calved a Bull clf about half past Eight this morning.

Feb 11 – Carried Sarah and Mrs Betts over to the burg in morning. Hawley chopping. I chopped in afternoon cut up two trees on hill. Very icy.

Feb 12 – Cut Road to wood that Hawley and I cut in fore noon. Drawed four loads wood in afternoon. Went over to Burg in Evening after Sarah. Mrs Betts no come home. Old Mr York died to day.[32]

Feb 13 – Cold and Blustring. Jim home a while. Harry went to church.

Feb 14 – Worked on patterns for Strait worked 7 hours.

Feb 15 – Worked in shop on patterns worked 7 hours.

Feb 16 – Worked in shop on patterns worked 7½ hours. Whiting got the calf.

Feb 17 – Worked on spider pattern. Bot fence lock. Ed Wilcot[33] came here stayed all night. Snowed in the night.

Feb 18 – Snowing like fun.[34] Ethan carried Ed down to Marts. I went over to Burg in Evening. Whiting paid for the calf.

Feb 19 – Split wood and chored around in fore noon drawed four loads wood in afternoon. Some cold.

Feb 20 – At home all day. No one here.

Feb 21 – Drawed four loads wood. Worked worked in shop some.

Feb 22 – Worked on spider in forenoon. Charley Town[35] filed his saw. Barber drawed some corn. Made frame for picture for Mr Jackson.

Feb 23 – Worked on patterns in forenoon 1½ hour. Charley Clark[36] came over in afternoon.

Feb 24 – Worked round house and shop. Charley Clark came over here.

Feb 25 – Worked in shop some. Went over after Clara Clark.[37] Jeddadiah Walker of Covington Genesee Co N.Y. died to day Ae. 71 Years.[38]

Feb 26 – Worked round sawed some wood. Got 31 Heads cabbage of Herbert Earl[39] got them out of the snow.

Feb 27 – At home all day. Rainy day. Charley and Clarra here.

Feb 28 – No work much to day. Charley and Jim choped some. Marvin Pond called here in afternoon.

Mar 1 – Chored round. No do much work some where.

Mar 2 – Cleaned out Barn. Spected load straw, he no cum. Charley went over to burg. Jim let me have twelve shillings.[40]

Mar 3 – Some thunder and Lightning, snows like fun. Harry Streator Brot load straw. I went down to Streators in afternoon got four bushels wheat paid $2.00 on it.

Mar 4 – Lois,[41] Charley and Clara and Ina[42] went up to Mr Lemuel Bronsons. Mr O. D. Schram Died this morning.[43] Old Mrs Thomas Died this Evening.[44]

Mar 5 – Went up to Howlands to mill in forenoon. Snowes like fun.

Mar 6 – At home all day. Lois and Charleys folks came back to day. Very Pleasant day. Mr O. D. Schram Buried to day.

Mar 7 – Went over to Burg in morning got boards plain for Jules cradle.[45] Made cradle. Charles, Lois and Clarra went down to Marts. Old Mrs Thomas Buried to day.

Mar 8 – Chored round drawed some wood. Carried Lois and Hannah up to Mr Flanders.[46]

Mar 9 – Sarah went down to Mrs Browns. I brot cradle back cut it off one foot, took it back. Charly went to Kalamazoo.

Mar 10 – Carried Lois, Hannah and Louese,[47] Clarra down to Mrs Browns in morning.

Mar 11 – Not very well. Mrs Browns Auction to day. Cold wind. Mr J. D. Adams died this morning.[48]

Mar 12 – Snows like fun very Blustrous. Lois and Ina went home to day.

Mar 13 – Went down to Katharines went with sleigh.

Mar 14 – Cut down cherrytree East of house. Charley and Ethan cut it. Filed crosscut saw for Harry Streator 25 bucksaw for N. L. Randall[49] 15¢.

Mar 15 – At home all day not much done. Charley left for Jackson. Mrs Woolcuts Auction to day.

Mar 16 – Hawley chopped wood for me to day. I got out rim for Hawleys wheel.

Mar 17 – Choped wood to day. Hawley worked with us cut two large trees. Filed saw for Will Brown.[50] Set saw for Mr Taylor. Mrs Isaac Cory Died.[51]

Mar 18 – Chored round. Sawed some blocks of the cherry tree.

Mar 19 – Stormy day snowed and rained all day.

Mar 20 – Some snow some rain. Hannah came home. Will Brown went over after Hank[52] and Nancy.

Mar 21 – Not much work done to day. Henry[53] came home to day went up to Mr Flanders in Evening.

Mar 22 – Went over to Burg in afternoon. Got our pictures taken for Henry.

Mar 23 – Went over to burg got pictures taken.

Mar 24 – Em Daken married to night at home. Sawed out stuff for herbs stuff for frames. Net Rowland married to night.[54] Henry and Florence Stahl married this Evening.[55]

Mar 25 – Dressed out stuff for frames. Henry and Florence here to day. Pleasant day muddy as fury. Mrs Betts went over to burg with Ed Flanders.[56]

Mar 26 – Finished Herbs frames. Henry and wife went to Kalamazoo in Evening.

Mar 27 – At home all day. Sold Jim my glass. Ethan, Hannah and Louese went down to Katharines. Stella and Mary[57] went down.

Mar 28 – Choring round. Snow most all gone off. Went over to burg in Evening got money for Alfleda on order.

Mar 29 – Pleasant morning sun came out nice. Mr David Snow Died to day at Pavilion NY Ae. 88 years.

Mar 30 – At home no work to day not very well. Snow fell about 3 inches not very cold thawes some. Ethan went over to burg to send letter to West.[58]

Mar 31 – Drawed some wood on sleigh. Went down to Mrs Browns.

Apr 1 – Worked in shop some. Not very cold. Mrs Lankford Burdick Died this morning.[59] Snow running some.

Apr 2 – Nell had a calf this morning. Ethan went to Kalamazoo to pay L. C. West $25.00 for patent which Henry agreed to pay.

Apr 3 – Carried Sarah and Mrs Betts over to Mrs Burdick funeral. Snowed like fun not very cold. Went over after them towards night.

Apr 4 – Went over to town meeting. Cold wind.

Apr 5 – Worked round shop and house some.

Apr 6 – Went over to burg. Sarah and Mrs Betts went over to see the Bramah girl.

Apr 7 – Chored round. Sarah washed to day I helped make water. Charley Town got hurt to day by a lim falling from a Tree.

Apr 8 – Pleasant morning. Worked in shop some.

Apr 9 – Went up in woods in morning. Cut road. Drawed load wood. Went over to burg after Nancy. Harry got Nells calf.

Apr 10 – Jim and Nancy went down to Katharines. Jesse Earl[60] called in here he was going over to see Charley Town. He got hurt by a lim of a tree.

Apr 11 – Went over to burg in morning. Sold Nell to Mrs Brown Will took her a way. Katharine and Hannah and Lou[61] came home. Snowed in night.

Apr 12 – Drawed load wood on sleigh this morning. Carried Sarah over to Nancys. Went over after them in Evening. Sarah went and Stayed with Jule all night.

Apr 13 – Mr Schuyler husking corn over in Browns lot. Carried Katharine home in afternoon. Pleasant day. Harry Streator brot Mrs Betts ½ cord wood.

Apr 14 – Chored round. Went over to burg.

Apr 15 – Snowed and rained. Drawed load wood. Carried Hannah and Lou to the burg in Evening. Henry sent Sarah 3 Dollars.

Apr 16 – Had a big run after the cow. She got in a darn Bulling Scrape. Lois and Dell[62] came stayed all night.

Apr 17 – Lois and Dell went home. Rainy morning rainy afternoon. Mrs Ellen Milham Died in night.[63]

Apr 18 – Went over to burg in forenoon. Lucy[64] and children came up. Went up to Jims.[65]

Apr 19 – Pleasant morning. Went to Ellen Milhams Funeral. She was buried in Oak Grove Cemetry.

Apr 20 – Very pleasant day. Drawed some wood. Got some boards of Theodore 60 feet Beech boards.

Apr 21 – Made Sparagrass ro bed set one hundred roots. Ethan took Lous trunk over to burg in Evening.

Apr 22 – Pleasant morning. Lou went to Chicago[66] went on 9.9 train AM. Alfleda went down to Bloomingdale.[67] Nice day. Julia Allen died eight oclock this Evening.[68]

Apr 23 – Carried Mrs Betts over to Burg. Went down to Browns after Sarah.

Apr 24 – Julia Allen Buried to day. Very hot day. Mrs Hicks of Battlecreek officiated.

Apr 25 – Went over to burg to see Dick Lamkins to get him to plow. He sick. Went up to Erve Halls got him and John Isherwood. Got out manure some. Erve went down to Streators.

Apr 26 – Erve and John commenced plowing. I got out manure. Fine day.

Apr 27 – Pleasant. Boys are plowing. Got out manure.

Apr 28 – Went down to Streators to get Drill. Got out some manure. Mr Simmons raised Barn. Got Mr Simmons Drill.

Apr 29 – Boys sowed oats and clover seed. Fine day. Finished sowing.

Apr 30 – Went down to streators. Carried Oats and Bags home. Got some potatoes of Mrs Brown. Hank, Nancy & Hannah went to Kalamazoo to show.

May 1 – Made casket for Ida Lees Baby. Will Johnson carried it down. Ethan and Jim went up to Staffords to see Steamer Lacell start for Battle Creek.

May 2 – Chored round. Drawed some wood. Went over to Burg took Back clover seed. Bot 3 bushels & 15 lbs wheat of Mrs Brown took it to mill.

May 3 – Worked round house and garden. Carried Hannah up to Jesse Earls. Got my grist. Sowed sum grass seed round East lot. Mart came up with colt. Had Bill[69] to go up to Jims.

May 4 – Carried Mrs Betts over to cars she go to Chicago. Cool wind. Fred came up got Bill to Plow left Caty. I went over to Burg after Sarah drove Caty. Burnt brushheap in south lot.

May 5 – Cloudy morning. Worked round house and garden.

May 6 – Spread manure in garden. Took up carpets helped round house. Ethan painted bedroom.

May 7 – Took up carpet in grannys[70] room put it down in our bedroom. Sarah and Ethan papered bedroom. Very hot Mercury 105 in sun at 2 oclock. Went down to Marts stayed all night.

May 8 – At Marts some. Hot day. Came home at night. Rained som ledle not much.

May 9 – Went over to burg got some cloverseed sowed it. M. O. Streator[71] plowed East garden. Hank traded of Caty Bine Durgy Cat Mrs Browns colt. Streator, Fred and Mrs Summers Father here during shower. Fine shower in Evening. Theodore and Bools[?] called.

May 10 – Cloudy some sprinkle in morning. Worked round house and garden took fence down south side orchard.

May 11 – Worked round garden and chored round generally &c.

May 12 – Went over to burg. Worked round house. Very hot some.

May 13 – Carried Sarah down to Mrs Browns to do some coloring. Went over to Burg bot tun Plaster of Ira Rogers $5.00 paid for the same. Mrs Brown paid $7.50 on heifer.

May 14 – Cleaned out cellar in forenoon. Hot day.

May 15 – Hank and Jim had Bill to go to Hickory corners. Jesse Earl and I went down to Marst after some Elicornpane.[72]

May 16 – John Isherwood and Erve Hall plowed my corn ground four acres $4.00 $1.60 cts back on oats. Put cow into Herbs pasture.

May 17 – Got Caty Brown and the float went over my corn ground. Mr Ford, John McNaughten covering J. T. Allertons[73] Barns.

May 18 – Marked my corn ground one way and part of it the other. Mrs Hank Potts[74] and Mrs John Freeer[75] here visiting to day. Hot dry.

May 19 – Finished marking my corn ground in fore noon. Went down to Mrs Browns got some seed corn. Jim planting corn finished planting before night.

May 20 – Planted some potatoes. Chored round. Mr Fisher came after Hannah just at night. Very dry.

May 21 – Thomas A. Scott Died to night. Went down to Mrs Browns got some potatoes brot sewing machine home. Ethan and I planted potatoes plowed a patch for Burbank Potatoes. Cow gone to night.

May 22 – Cow came home this morning. Hot & dry. I went up by Mr Ralphs. Wheelers and Flanders and Streators called at Browns. Arthur and Kit[76] there.

May 23 – Planted my Burbank potatoes. Erve & John sowed plaster on the oats. Very Hot and dry.

May 24 – Carried Sarah and Hannah over to Burg in morning went after them in Evening. Mary Fisher called here. Kate Cummings Died to day.[77] Hot and dry. Sent Dutch Cheese to Kate C.

May 25 – Hot morning. Fixed up Grape vine. Went over to burg at noon after Mrs Betts she came on one oclock train. Went over got 300 lbs salt $1.05.

May 26 – Very hot. Cut off rails to Hat Taylors Bedstead in fore noon. Kate Cummings buried to day. To hot for me to work out. Daniel Raymond Died to day in South Warsaw Wyoming County N.Y.

May 27 – Chored round. Very hot and dry.

May 28 – Drawed brush and chunks of wood up in woods and drawed 3 loads wood.

May 29 – Carried Mrs Betts over to church. Went up to D. J. Harts to see Lois. Mercury 105 in sun.

May 30 – Sowed plaster on corn in forenoon. Jim carried Sarah over to burg in morning. Cow got out lot. Went over to burg in Evening after Sarah, Mrs Betts and Hannah. Decoration day. Gefired hot.

May 31 – Cloudy morning. Finished sowing Plaster on corn ground. Very hot had a glorious rain rained all night.

Jun 1 – Some ledle rain this morning. Worked round. Got cabbage and tomotoe plants set them.

Jun 2 – Planted in corn. Very hot. Rained in night.

Jun 3 – Went over to Burg in morning after Lois. Worked on road in forenoon planted in corn in afternoon.

Jun 4 – Warm morning. Lois here. Went over to burg after Lois she came over stayed all night.

Jun 5 – Carried Mrs Betts Betts over to burg. Lois came over with Hank. Hank and Nancy went to Kalamazoo. Went over after Mrs Betts.

Jun 6 – Went over to burg after cultivator. Cultivated corn in afternoon. Rained all night. 44 years to day I started for Mich.[78]

Jun 7 – Rainy morning. Hank gone to Lawton.[79] Went down to Mrs Browns got some potatoes.

Jun 8 – Made cultivator frames for Herb Earl. Cool day. Ann McLellen Died ½ past nine P.M.

Jun 9 – Went down to Mrs Browns after boards to make Box for Jules Bureau. Edna Allen[80] came up on noon train went back on 9.

Jun 10 – Cultivated corn south of orchard. Ethan cultivated garden. Charley Town moving his Barn.

Jun 11 – Finished cultivating in forenoon. Worked on box in afternoon. Mrs Betts went over to burg to sell stove.

Jun 12 – At home all day. Ethan and Hannah went down to Marts. Rained in night some thunder. Ann McLellen Buried to day.

Jun 13 – Nice morning. Plastered corn. Ethan went over after Mrs Betts she no come no find him.

Jun 14 – No work to day not much. Went over to burg after Mrs Betts got him. Finished Mrs Browns Box.

Jun 15 – Went over to the burg Bot Paris Green. Carried Box down to Mrs Browns got Bureau down. Cultivated corn in afternoon sum. Back very much lame.

Jun 16 – Went down to Mrs Browns in morning. Nailed up Box sent it of to Iowa. Cultivated corn in forenoon. Very hot day. Ethan and Nancy went over to Burg in Evening.

Jun 17 – Fred Billington cultivated corn all day he finished one way.

Jun 18 – Plowed out Burbank potatoes hoed in garden sum. Hank and Claud came from Lawton. took Hank & Nancy down to Mrs Browns.

Jun 19 – Took Hank & Nancy down to Mrs Browns in morning. Hank cut my Hair. Jim and Bill went to Gull Lake.

Jun 20 – Worked round house and garden shop some. went up to Mr Flanders got some wheat.

Jun 21 – Worked in shop some on cradle. Went to mill.

Jun 22 – Mended Caywoods cradle. Carried Nancy down to Mrs Browns.

Jun 23 – Cultivated corn all day.

Jun 24 – Will Brown cut grass in forenoon I raked it up in afternoon.

Jun 25 – Rainy morning. Nancy went to Lawton on one oclock run. Mrs Brown and Mrs Cook[81] came home from Allegan on one oclock train.

Jun 26 – At home all day. Warm day. Put up my hay.

Jun 27 – Chored round. Turned out Break for wind mill.

Jun 28 – Very hot day. Went over to burg in morning after medicine. Mrs Brown and Mrs Cook here in afternoon. Mrs Cook left for Home[82] on night train.

Jun 29 – Had shower this morning Early. I bunched up my hay cocks before the shower. The Willard Tower on Paw Paw Hill Blowed down this morning.

Jun 30 – Will Brown finished cutting my grass in forenoon. The Propeller Lacelle passed here about ten oclock on her way to Long Lake. Captain Strait and Enginere Austin on Board.

Jul 1 – Went over to Burg in morning bot Rake 25 finished Raked up my Hay in afternoon. The folks ____ went up to Mr Ralphs.

Jul 2 – Went over to Burg in morning bot Rake 25 cts. Drawed in my Hay in afternoon.

Jul 3 – Jim took Mrs Betts over to burg. Sarah and I went down to Katharines. Mart and John drawed hay. I raked after the wagon &c. Berness Clark Died to day.

Jul 4 – Ethan took Hannah over to burg. Mrs Betts came home. Cows got of the lot went and got them back. Mrs Earl paid 40 cts for mending chair.

Jul 5 – Chored round. Very hot. Hoed some.

Jul 6 – Not very well. Hot and dry. Charley Town repairing Barn these days.

Jul 7 – Worked round picking Potatoe bugs. Rainy day.

Jul 8 – Worked round garden hoed some. So hot not so much.

Jul 9 – Not much work. Very hot day. Charley Town cutting wheat.

Jul 10 – At home. Hot as Blazes. Katharine, Clara and George[83] came up.

Jul 11 – Mrs Betts had a bad spell this morning. Carried Hannah down to Mrs Browns in afternoon.

Jul 12 – Very hot Mercury 112 in sun at nine am. Mate Ford[84] had a Boy this morning.[85] Strait came over.

Jul 13 – Went to Kalamazoo after Harry he came on the 1.38 Express.

Jul 14 – Took cow to Bull this morning. Repaired fence on river. Worked on Herb Earls cultivator some. Went down to Mrs Browns. Bessey sick.

Jul 15 – Worked on Herbs cultivators put the big one together. Went down to see Bessey in afternoon she got measles. Carried frames down. Deacon Havens Died.[86]

Jul 16 – Worked round. Finished Herbs cultivators. Filed saw for Theodore. Went over to burg in Evening bot Linnen pants 1.25 cts. Bot Oil Stove for Katharine Price $11.00 Eleven Dollars .

Jul 17 – Carried Katharines Stoves down to them. Deacon Jesse Havens buried to day.

Jul 18 – Worked in garden some hoed, plowed potatoes

Jul 19 – Worked in corn. Hot day.

Jul 20 – Worked in corn in forenoon. Turned out Steeples for Charley Towns Barn. Calvin turned the Lathe. Rainy afternoon. Mabel Powers Died.[87]

Jul 21 – Worked round. Barnums Show in Kalamazoo.

Jul 22 – Hank, Ethan, Nancy and Hannah went to Battlecreek to the great show. Mabel Powers buried to day. Worked some on Door frame.

Jul 23 – Worked on door frame some. Went over to Burg got Bolts one ¼ inch auger one small file 38 cts.

Jul 24 – Hank came over and got Bill to go up to Tip Towns.

Jul 25 – Worked on Door frame. John commenced cutting the oats with Royes Reeper.

Jul 26 – Mrs Corkins came here. Finished Door frame. Mr Streator got his Door. The Boys cutting oats. Bill Schroder put his Binder in just at night.

Jul 27 – Hoed potatoes in south lot. Dick finished cutting oats in forenoon. Put Rocker on Lelahs chair.

Jul 28 – Not very well. Went over to Burg got some Bolts to put in cross bar to Buggy thills[88] put them in.

Jul 29 – Repaired Theodores tacle Block in afternoon. Dick Lamkins and D. Wit Olin Drawed in the oats. Fine day.

Jul 30 – Sarah, Mrs Betts and Hannah went down to Mrs Browns in afternoon. I tinkered up one wheel to the wagon. Harry, Mr Rawson and Jim went to Gull Lake fishing.

Jul 31 – At Home. Warm day. I went in swimming to day. Had Geen corn for Dinner.

Aug 1 – Went over to Burg in afternoon to see Horse Show Professor Bristol.

Aug 2 – Chored round. Went over to Towns. Filed two saws for Charley Town set one for Mr Taylor. Went over to Burg in Evening.

Aug 3 – Tore up some things round the back stoop fixing to put in new sill. Went down to Mrs Browns to get wagon to hall my lumber on we get him. Augusta Burnt this morning.

Aug 4 – Worked round house in shop some. Went over to Burg in forenoon got stock timber for sill to back stoop and some boards &c.

Aug 5 – Barber helped put in sill and cleaned the old Rubbish. Very hot day Mercury in shade. Ethan and Sarah went over to Burg in Evening.

Aug 6 – Rainy morning. No work on cistern to day. Went up Theodores got stick for sill.

Aug 7 – Went down to Alvin Lees in afternoon. Took Nancy home in Evening.

Aug 8 – Went over to burg with Wm Ralph he brot over two Barrels lime, one stone, one water, Stone $1.15 cts, water 2.00. Went over got Mrs Betts.

Aug 9 – Ethan carried Mrs Betts over to burg in morning. Barber to work on cistern. I drawed two loads sand.

Aug 10 – Barber to work on cistern. Fine day. I draw sand &c.

Aug 11 – Barber to work on cistern. I draw sand &c. Went over to burg at night after children. Hank and Nancy gone to Battle Creek.

Aug 12 – Went over to burg in morning got one bunch shingles 50 cts. Myself, Barber and Ethan shingled Back Stoop. Went over in Evening got more lime. Joh Cary Died. Joh Cary Died to day.[89]

Aug 13 – Worked on cistern plastered wall to cistern.

Aug 14 – At home all day. Jim and Harry went to Goguac Lake to Spiritual Camp Meeting.[90]

Aug 15 – Put the water Lime cement on cistern. I went over to Burg got plank to cover cistern $1.75 cts

Aug 16 – Worked round. Leveled the dirt round house. Bessy sick.

Aug 17 – Worked round house. Went over to burg at noon to see if I could get floor boards Planed some day. Put Evetrough[91] through well house.

Aug 18 – Worked round house, cistern and oderdings.[92]

Aug 19 – Worked round on cistern. Put in joists.

Aug 20 – Leveled up joists put down some floor. Louese and Jesse[93] came on noon train.

Aug 21 – Daniel Whitmore came. Hannah and Jim went to Goguac Lake to Spiritual Camp Meeting. Fine day.

Aug 22 – Mrs Sarah Ralph died to day.[94] Went down to Katharines in morning with Daniel. Mart thrashing to Smiths. Mamy Young Died.[95] Hank, Nancy and Hannah came home on noon train. Carried Daniel over to Hanks. He goes on the 9 oclock run.

Aug 23 – Laid some floor in back room. Went up to mill got pump.

Aug 24 – Laying floor. Took pump back to get it finished.

Aug 25 – Went down to M O Streators. Got five bushels wheat took it to mill. Went over to burg in Evening 11 doz ½ eggs 12¢ pr doz.

Aug 26 – Worked round house laid some floor. Theodore put in cistern pump.

Aug 27 – Put up the Doors and some partition. Went over to burg in morning after Nancy. Ethan carried Mrs Betts over to burg.

Aug 28 – At home all day. Harry Streator called here just at night got some mellon. Mrs Brown came up in Evening. Mrs Hartwell died this morn.

Aug 29 – Put down threshhold to well room door. Chored round. Went over to burg in Evening got joists for back stoop. Mrs Betts came home. Sent Alfledas trunk of.[96] Old Mrs Hartwell buried to day.

Aug 30 – Worked round put joists in back stoop. Cleaned up Barn floor.

Aug 31 – Thrashers here thrashed oats had 206 bushels. Put straw in Barn in afternoon.

Sep 1 – Jim came down and helped put in straw. Raind some. Got it all in in forenoon. Jim and Harry cut some corn. Amos Rogers girl died.[97]

Sep 2 – Put down floor on back stoop. Harry[98] and Jesse went home to day went on the 11.11 run AM.

Sep 3 – Worked on floor sum. Made trap doors to cistern. Lelah here. Hank came over got oil stove. Claud stayes all night.

Sep 4 – Had a time with granny this morning she got mad as a Cheshier Cat. Sarah and I went down to Katharines. Rained a little in morning.

Sep 5 – Very hot and dry Mercury 105 at noon in shade.

Sep 6 – Went to Kalamazoo after Frank & Hatty.[99] Very hot day. They stayed with Katharine all night.

Sep 7 – Mart brot Frank & Hat up to day. Mart stayed to dinner. Bessy very sick.

Sep 8 – Frank & Hatty left for Concord on the one oclock train. Will Brown commenced plowing to day for wheat in west lot. Hanks folks came over. Bessey sick.

Sep 9 – Worked round house and garden.

Sep 10 – Worked in shop some and chored round.

Sep 11 – At home all day. Mart and Katharine came up here.

Sep 12 – Barber and I cut corn in forenoon. Barber had Bill in afternoon to draw some wood. E. K. Haviland Died to day Ae. 81.

Sep 13 – Cut some corn and chored round. Some hot. Jeneral Ambrose E. Burnside Died to day.[100]

Sep 14 – Went over to Burg after Mrs Powers she came over stayed all day carried her Home at night. Mrs Brown came up. I cut some corn. Nancy and children went down to Mrs Browns.

Sep 15 – Rainy morning. No work to day chored round.

Sep 16 – Cut some corn. Very dry and hard. M Nancy down to Mrs Browns. Bessy sick a gain.

Sep 17 – Cut corn. Theodore down here to try his Gun he nice gun some.

Sep 18 – Sarah down to Mrs Browns. Mrs Betts went over to Burg. Ethan and Jim went down to Alvin Lees.

Sep 19 – Finished Cutting corn in fore noon. Made gun rod for Theodore. Hannah went over to Nancys. James A. Garfield Died 10 Oclock this Evening.[101] Mrs Betts came home.

Sep 20 – Went over to burg in morning took Lou over. Ethan and Hannah went to Loises. Will Brown sowed wheat.

Sep 21 – Worked round stoop some chored round.

Sep 22 – Carried Sarah over to burg in morning. Sis[102] came back with me. Worked on back stoop.

Sep 23 – Worked in shop some. Cleaned some cranberry beans. Paired on some apples. Hot day. carrie

Sep 24 – Chored round. Mr Maffit and Andrew called here. Theodore got his gun rod. Carried Mrs Betts over to Burg.

Sep 25 – Hanks folks went up to John Freers.[103] Alvin and Julia came here. Ethan and Hannah came on the 11.11 train. Katharine and Lucy came up just at night. I went to Augusta with Mr Streator to hear Burnham lecture.

Sep 26 – Had a nice shower this morning. Carried Sarah over to Burg. She and Jim went to Grand Rappids to Mrs Wm Planks.[104] Carried Jim over they went on the one oclock run. James A. Garfield Buried to day.

Sep 27 – Husked come ledle corn.

Sep 28 – Got Shingles twelve Bunches $6.00. Nancy came over. Mrs Blake and Mrs Forbush here in afternoon. Put up stagen on west side.

Sep 29 – Cut old Back House down. Not much work to day.

Sep 30 – Had a nice shower in morning. Teacher called in whilst it rained.

Oct 1 – Not much work to day. Sarah and Jim came home on the One Oclock train.

Oct 2 – At home all day. Rainy day.

Oct 3 – Cloudy no rain yet. Fixed roof some. Ed came over after Lou. Nancy sick. Went over after Mrs Betts. Old Mrs Luddington Buried to day.[105]

Oct 4 – Not much done to day not very well.

Oct 5 – Very fine day frost this morning first of the season. Worked on Herbs lap boards. Went up to J. Ridlers and over to burg. Fanny Whiting buried.

Oct 6 – Went up in woods cut some steaks. Worked on Herbs Lap Boards.

Oct 7 – Finished Herbs big lap boards. Cut out stuff for two small ones.

Oct 8 – Rainy morning. Worked round drawed two loads wood. Theodore and Alvin Holmes here.

Oct 9 – Went to Kalamazoo to get midicine for A. R. Skinner.[106] Saw Jesse Turner.[107] He had just got Home from Massachusetts.

Oct 10 – Work on cros Head for Theodore. Dont feel very well some.

Oct 11 – Made Herbs small Lap boards. Pleasant day. Ethan changed Mr Knapps Wheel. Bina Earl[108] here in afternoon. Em Allen[109] came stayed all night. Rainy night.

Oct 12 – Filed three saws for Erastus Stuart three for my self. Herb got his Lap boards. Em Allen went home in Evening. Very warm. Mrs Harry Rowland Died.[110] Rainy night.

Oct 13 – Cloudy damp day. Went down to Mr Streators got five bush wheat.

Oct 14 – Ethan carried or rather took Louese up to Put Milhams. Rainy afternoon. Carried wheat to mill. Mrs Betts went over. Mrs Harry Rowland buried to day.

Oct 15 – Rainy. Went over to mill got my grist. Sarah went over to Nancys. I am 68 years old to day.

Oct 16 – At home rainy. Hanks folks came over to Mrs Browns. I Killed Rooster. Went down to Marts in Evening very much dark.

Oct 17 – Rainy. Went over to burg. Filed saw for chroder & Olin.

Oct 18 – Went over to burg in forenoon took Hannah over. Nancy sick. Drawed some wood.

Oct 19 – Worked round at various kinds of work.

Oct 20 – Chored round until about 11 oclock then carried Sarah down to Katharines. They went to Bloomingdale to see Alfleda.

Oct 21 – Commenced shingling west leanto. Pleasant day.

Oct 22 – Finished shingling west side. Fine day.

Oct 23 – Took Mrs Betts over to burg. Nancy came over took Nancy home at night. Rainy. Mrs Betts came back.

Oct 24 – Rainy day. Went down to Marts after Sarah. Mart went to Kalamazoo after Katharine & Sarah got back 7 Evening. Stayed all night.

Oct 25 – Came home this morning. Went up to Ridlers he drew down load wood for Mrs Betts. Hannah and Lou went down to Mrs Browns.

Oct 26 – Pleasant. Drawed load wood. Put up stagen East side House.

Oct 27 – Shingled part of East wing. Put hair in two violin Bows for Ephraim Earl.[111]

Oct 28 – Put top on my new violin. Rainy day. Earl got his Bows they Play at Mr Maloneys to night.

Oct 29 – Chored round not much done. To wet to husk corn no shingle some nother. Earl brot violin Bow to put Hair in. Hank and Nancy stayed all night.

Oct 30 – Put Hair in bow and varnished new violin. Jim and Louese went down to Katharines.

Oct 31 – Not very cold. Patched corn House roof. Earl got his Bow.

Nov 1 – Jim and Will Brown drawed corn. Nice day. Ethan making machine for Hanks camry.[112]

Nov 2 – Patching cornhouse and Barn Roofs.

Nov 3 – Rainy day. Got new corn ground. Old cow over to Burg. Snowed some in night.

Nov 4 – Not much done to day. Snowey day about 3 inches snow very sloppy mud and water.

Nov 5 – Chored round as usual. Took Mrs N. B. Betts over to Burg brot Lelah back. Nancy and Claud went to Lois Skinners.

Nov 6 – At home all day. Jim at home he is done work for Harry. Ethan went over after Mrs Betts. Pleasant day not cold.

Nov 7 – Cleaned out cornhouse and chored round. Went over to Burg. Nancy and Claud came on Evening Train.

Nov 8 – Went over to Burg Sarah went over stayed. Repaired windows. Mrs Betts went down to Mrs Browns. Rainy afternoon. Paid for the Galesburg Express.[113]

Nov 9 – Worked round husked some.

Nov 10 – Shingled East side House. Bot some Shingles of Charly Town. Lucy came up. Our Knives and forks came from Toledo.

Nov 11 – Mr Ira Clark died.[114] Patched roof some. Snowed like fun in forenoon. Lucy went to burg. Rained hard in afternoon and Evening. Mary Crawford[115] came here in rain.

Nov 12 – Nice pleasant morning. Drawed some wood. Mary Crawford went home over to Nancys stayed all night. O. M. and Edna[116] called here.

Nov 13 – Mr Ira Clark buried. Mary Crawford went home to day. Lucy went to Jim Milhams.[117] Mart came up after them. Jesse Earl called here this Evening to day. Stormy Evening.

Nov 14 – Jim and Will finished drawing wood. Got some cabbages of Herb. I do not much some to day husked som corn. Went over to burg came back with Hank. He had O. M.s Horse.

Nov 15 – Worked on road in forenoon. Patched roof some. Nice day. Ethan and Hannah went over to burg in Evening. I am 800 & 17 months old to day.

Nov 16 – Worked round husked some corn.

Nov 17 – Husked corn some. Sarah went down to Mrs Browns. I went after her. Rained so hard we stayed all night. Jim up to Skinners.

Nov 18 – Came home this morning. Husked corn. Snowed in afternoon. Rained in Evening.

Nov 19 – Not very pleasant morning some snow on the ground. Old Mrs Stone[118] died this morning Em Ralphs[119] mother Ae 82. Jim came home on noon run. Rough blustrous afternoon.

Nov 20 – Pleasant some snow on ground. At Home all day. Jim went down to Mr Franklins to go to school.

Nov 21 – Chored round Husked some corn repaired manger. Put armes in Wily Beeches chair.

Nov 22 – Old Mrs Stone was buried to day at McCains Corners. I went as one of the Pall bearers, James Milham, Oreb Williams, & Nathan L Randall.

Nov 23 – Got sleigh out of cornhouse. Went over to burg Lois and Will came on 11.11 train. Not much dun. Hannah went up to Fishers. Snowed some.

Nov 24 – Worked round husked some and chored round. Went over to Hanks to dinner.

Nov 25 – Not much done no particular work. Mr Carmer and wife came over Brot Mrs Bennet over.

Nov 26 – Went over to burg brot Nancy over. Carried her home in Evening. Mrs Bennet went over to County House in Evening.

Nov 27 – At home all day. Jim and Will Clark[120] went up to Demus Jabus Harts.[121]

Nov 28 – Pleasant morning. Old Mrs Isaac Mason Died this morning.[122] Husked corn some. Fine day. Mrs Betts had a Cotillion to day on the soup Ladle. Mrs Town[123] died 10 oclock P.M.

Nov 29 – Rainbow this morning no rain much. Took Lois over to Nancys. Took Mrs Betts over to Mrs Masons Funeral. Went over after her at night.

Nov 30 – Husked some corn chored round. Fine day. Lois, Will and Ina[124] here up to Harts. Old Mrs Ives[125] Died to day at Vicksburg.

Dec 1 – Mrs Town Buried to day. D. K. Rogers Died this morning.[126]

Dec 2 – Went over to Burg in morning got meal. Husked some. Nice day not very cold no snow. Lois and Ina here Will also.

Dec 3 – Drawed corn. Fine Day. Ethan, Lou, Jim and Will Clark went down to Mrs Browns.

Dec 4 – Ethan and Lou went down to Katharines. Lucy and Delpha[127] came up here. D. K. Rogers Buried to day.

Dec 5 – Worked round husked corn &c.

Dec 6 – Drawed in corn. Not very cold no snow.

Dec 7 – Went over to burg got Nancy. Finished drawing in corn. Mrs Allerton[128] here. Carried Nancy home in Evening. Broke the Buggy.

Dec 8 – Some colder. Filed saw for Rily French one for Win Ford.[129]

Dec 9 – Worked on cradle, filed saw, dressed out stuf for cradle.

Dec 10 – Worked on Lelahs cradle. Filed saw for Rily French not very cold. Lois and Will went down to Katharines stayed all night.

Dec 11 – At home all day. Finished Lelahs cradle. Lois and Will came home. Snow some rained hard in night.

Dec 12 – Filed saw for N. L. Randall. Husk some corn. Rained in Evening not very cold.

Dec 13 – Worked round. Carried Lois over to burg.

Dec 14 – Went over to Burg in morning Hannah went over. Lois went home. Lockhart fixed Buggy Ex and thill 75 cts.

Dec 15 – Will Clark chopping. I went down to Mrs Browns got two Bushels wheat carried it to mill 1.25 or 30 cts pr bushel.

Dec 16 – Choped some grubs Nice day. Will Clark chopping. Mr Abijah Ives Died to day Ae. 75 yrs.[130]

Dec 17 – Chopping grubbs. Fine day. Ethan went to Battle Creek. Jim went to Kalamazoo to see Uncle Toms cabbin played.

Dec 18 – At home all day. Ethan took Mrs Betts over to church. Lucy and Youngens[131] here. Very fine day.

Dec 19 – Cut grubs. Pleasant nice day no snow Indian summer weather.

Dec 20 – Made Pole for Ayers Raymond. Rained some. Went up to Mr Taylors to see table. Herb Earl brot table down to get made into an Extencin table.

Dec 21 – Worked on Gunstock. Husked some corn. Rainy day not very cold

Dec 22 – Went over to Burg to Milhams Auction. Rained all day. Bid of cutter for Ethan and Jim twenty five Dollars $25.00.

Dec 23 – Went over to Burg in morning. Mr Brownell brot cutter over. He came over after ceder Tree for Christmass tree. Husked some in afternoon. Will Clark went to Kalamazoo.

Dec 24 – Went over to burg in morning to see Milham. Paid tax $5.03. Herb Earl here. No work sum not much. Husked some. Carried Hannah over to burg at night theater at M. E. Church this Evening.

Dec 25 – At home. Jim carried Mrs Betts over to Burg. Hanks folks went down to Mrs Browns. Hank Brot Mrs Betts home. I got cider Pitcher and neck tye presented by Claud an Lelah.

Dec 26 – Went over to Burg gave note for cutter. Hannah went up to Mr Flanders this Evening.

Dec 27 – Will and I choped some. Rained in afternoon. Will went down to Franklins. Rainy night.

Dec 28 – Choped round repaired stable floor some. Ed Gillis married this Evening to Miss Ida Milham.[132]

Dec 29 – Repaired stable floor. Jim and Will Clark went up to Jim Milhams.

Dec 30 – Drawed some wood on sleigh in forenoon. Will Clark went to Gasper to day. Snowed some to day.

Dec 31 – Snowey day. Not much work to day not very well. Took top off new violin. About two inches snow.


Cure for cancer one pint Skoke Berry juice put into one pint whiskey

Hugh McKee Kalamazoo Box 485


[1] Known better, and referred to, as Luke

[2] Galesburg, Michigan

[3] Martin Milham, husband of Lucy Lee, daughter of his sister, Catherine (Keith) Bradley Lee

[4] Believe Pete might be his horse

[5] His third wife, Sarah (Crawford) Keith

[6] Matilda (Allen) Brown, his daughter Nancy’s mother-in-law

[7] His mother-in-law, Nancy (Comfort) Crawford Betts

[8] His daughter, Nancy (Keith) Brown

[9] His youngest son, James Keith

[10] Neighbor, Henry “Harry” Streator

[11] Alfleda (Starr) Keith, widow of his brother, Harvey Keith. Harvey died in 1851 and the 1880 census shows Alfleda living with Luke and his family

[12] His daughter, Hannah Keith

[13] Future husband of his daughter, Louese Keith

[14] Phoenix, Michigan, where the Harris family had a general store

[15] His sister, Catherine (Keith) Bradley Lee. Sometimes he spells her name with a C and other times with a K

[16] His son, Ethan Keith

[17] Neighbor, Mary (Knowles) Barber

[18] Neighbors, Charles G. Ford, his wife, Mary Ann (Thompson) Ford, and his sister, Mary Tamer Ford

[19] His granddaughter, Lela Brown, the daughter of Hank & Nancy

[20] His neighbor and “shirttail relative,” Theodore Earl

[21] Neighbor, Richard Barber

[22] Neighbor, the son of Richard & Mary (Knowles) Barber

[23] Possibly Julia (Davis) Lee and her son, Alvin Lee. Julia (also known as Juliana), was married to Charles Lee, Luke’s first cousin

[24] Ambrose Brown, his daughter Nancy’s father-in-law; Ambrose died October 27, 1880

[25] “Young Doc Upjohn” referred to his neighbor, Henry Upjohn, who was the son of Dr. Norah Upjohn

[26] Etc.

[27] Margaret (Allen) Stinehart, Matilda (Allen) Brown’s sister

[28] Claude Brown, his daughter Nancy’s son

[29] Above zero

[30] His granddaughter, Bess Rae Recoschewitz

[31] Means perhaps “done nothing”

[32] Samuel J. York, father-in-law of his niece, Helen (Bradley) York

[33] Edward G. Wolcott, his maternal first cousin

[34] Luke uses this phrase quite often. The Oxford Dictionary gives its meaning as “vigorously or quickly”

[35] Charles Towne was Luke’s neighbor in Comstock; he would marry Luke’s daughter Hannah in 1891

[36] Charles Ira Clark, his daughter Lois (Keith) Clark Skinner’s son by her first husband, Byron Clark

[37] Charles Clark’s wife, Clara (Youngs) Clark

[38] records show that Jedediah Walker died on February 23, 1881 and is buried in Pavilion Cemetery, Pavilion, New York

[39] Neighbor and “shirttail” relative

[40] A shilling was a coin of Colonial America and varied between 12¢ and 16¢

[41] His daughter, Lois (Keith) Clark Skinner, by his first wife, Minerva Payson

[42] His granddaughter, Ina Skinner, Lois’ daughter by her second husband, Adelbert Skinner

[43] records confirm that Orrin David Schram died on March 4, 1881 and that he is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[44] Oak Grove Cemetery records show that Jane (Havens) Thomas, the wife of John Thomas, died in 1881 and a search of reveals an obituary for Mrs. John Thomas confirming the date of death

[45] Julia Allen, Matilda (Allen) Brown’s sister. Julia had breast cancer and this cradle was built for her as she found the rocking motion soothing. At times the pain would be so intense that she left fingernail marks in the cradle

[46] After Luke’s first wife, Minerva, died, Joseph & Amanda (Hobbs) Flanders took care of Luke’s son Henry until Luke remarried; it is believed that his daughter Lois went to live with Minerva’s parents during that same time

[47] His youngest daughter Louese Keith, also referred to as Lou or Sis

[48] Michigan death records reveal that Jervis D. Adams died March 11, 1881 in Climax, Michigan, and shows that he is buried in Prairie Home Cemetery in Climax, Michigan

[49] Neighbor, Nathan L. Randall

[50] Willis Brown, the son of Ambrose & Matilda (Allen) Brown

[51] A search at shows that Eunice (Brown) Corey died March 17, 1881 and is buried in the Elmwood Cemetery in Cedar Springs, Michigan

[52] Henry Brown, Nancy’s husband, and the son of Ambrose & Matilda (Allen) Brown

[53] Henry Keith, his son by his first wife, Minerva Payson

[54] Michigan marriage records show that Annette Rowland married Cyrus W. Utley on March 24, 1881 in Galesburg, Michigan. Annette was the daughter of Henry “Harry” & Delilah (Dawley) Rowland

[55] Michigan marriage records confirm that his son Henry married Florence Stahl on March 24, 1881

[56] Edwin P. Flanders, the son of Joseph & Amanda (Hobbs) Flanders (see footnote for March 8 entry)

[57] Daughters of James and Ellen (Adams) Milham, his neighbors in Comstock. James was the half-brother of Martin Milham (son-in-law of his sister Catherine (Keith) Bradley Lee, and Ellen (Adams) Milham was the sister of Charlana (Adams) Meredith, the grandmother of Cora Meredith who would marry Luke’s son James Keith in 1891

[58] Attorney Lucius C. West, who filed patents for Ethan

[59] Michigan death records confirm that Caroline (Toby) Burdick died April 1, 1881 in Comstock, Michigan, and shows she is buried in Lawler Cemetery in Augusta, Michigan

[60] Neighbor and “shirttail” relative, and father of and Theodore Earl (see footnote for January 21st entry) and Herbert Earl (see footnote for February 26th entry)

[61] Nickname for his daughter Louese; also referred to as Sis

[62] Adelbert Skinner, Lois’ second husband

[63] Ellen (Adams) Milham (see footnote to March 27th entry). No death record has been found but a search of shows that James & Ellen Milham are buried in Oak Grove Cemetery in Galesburg, Michigan, however, no dates are included. A transcript of Oak Grove Cemetery records lists Ellen O. (Adams) Milham, wife of James, born May 31, 1832, died April 18, 1884. It is possible that there was a mistake in the records and/or that the stone did not have a date or was weather worn. Since Luke’s entries are so detailed as to her funeral and that she is buried in Oak Grove I have to assume that the year of 1884 is wrong

[64] His niece, Lucy (Lee) Milham

[65] Assume this is his son, James Keith. The 1880 Census shows him living in the household of Adelbert & Lois Skinner (Jim’s half-sister) and working as a farm laborer

[66] Louese had been attending school in Chicago and staying with her uncle and aunt, Hiram & Katherine (Atcheson) Crawford so presumably she was returning for more schooling

[67] Her son’s family lived in Bloomingdale, Michigan

[68] Michigan death records confirm the date of death and shows she is buried in Ford Cemetery in Galesburg, Michigan

[69] His horse

[70] His mother-in-law, Nancy (Comfort) Crawford Betts

[71] His neighbor, Marius O. Streator, and father of Henry “Harry” Streator (see footnote to January 5th entry)

[72] Perhaps the herb Elecampane, the root of which was used to make medicine. It was used for lung diseases including asthma, bronchitis, and whooping cough and also to prevent coughing, especially coughing caused by tuberculosis

[73] Neighbor, John T. Allerton

[74] Neighbor; believe this is the second wife of Henry Potts, Elizabeth (Reed) Gillis Potts

[75] Neighbor, Georgianna (Potts) Freer, the daughter of Henry Potts and his first wife, Eliza (Marks) Potts

[76] Arthur & Caroline “Kitty” (Lockwood) Arms. Arthur was the nephew of Ambrose Brown (see footnote to January 23rd entry)

[77] Neighbor, Catherine Comings. Michigan death records confirm that Kate Comings, age 22, died of consumption on May 24, 1881 in Comstock, Michigan and shows she is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[78] He left New York on June 6, 1837

[79] Lawton, Michigan. Hank & Nancy had lived there in 1876

[80] Edna (Crawford) Allen, the daughter of Edwin and Mary (Hamilton) Crawford, was the granddaughter of Nancy (Comfort) Crawford Betts

[81] Matilda Brown’s sister, Margaret (Allen) O’Brien Stinehart Cook

[82] The 1880 census shows Margaret living in Kenny, DeWitt County, Illinois

[83] Clara and George Milham, Lucy and Mart Milham’s children

[84] Mary Ann (Thompson) Ford

[85] Thomas C. Ford

[86] confirms that Jesse Havens died on July 15, 1881; he is buried in the Galesburg City Cemetery in Galesburg, Michigan

[87] Michigan death records show that Mabel Powers, age 7, died of diphtheria in Galesburg, Michigan and shows she is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[88] The two poles between which a horse is hitched to a wagon

[89] Michigan death records confirm that John Caray died August 12, 1881 in Comstock, Michigan and shows that he is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[90] Both the Brown and Keith families, as well as several of their neighbors, were believers in Spiritualism and participated in seances

[91] An eavestrough is a roof gutter

[92] Other things

[93] Assume that since Louese had been staying with Hiram & Kate Crawford, that this is their daughter, Jessie Crawford, who was 9 years old

[94] Michigan death records show that Sarah Ann (Tyson) Ralph, age 43, died of heart disease in Charleston, Michigan on August 22, 1881 and indicates that she is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[95] Michigan death records confirm that Mamie Young, age 21, died of Typhoid Fever in Comstock, Michigan and shows that she is buried in Augusta Cemetery, Augusta, Michigan

[96] It appears that Alfleda is moving to live with her son James “Oscar” Keith

[97] A search of Michigan birth and death records reveals that Mary E. Rogers, the daughter of Amos and Mary (Batt) Rogers, was born October 2, 1877, and died from diphtheria in Comstock, Michigan on September 1, 1881; shows she is buried in the Galesburg City Cemetery in Galesburg, Michigan

[98] Luke’s July 13th entry tells that he went to pick up Harry from the train; on August 20 Jessie came with Louese when she returned home, so it is assumed that this entry refers to Harry and Jessie Crawford, the children of Hiram & Kate Crawford

[99] His grand-nephew and wife, Frank & Harriet (Root) Tomlinson, who lived in Concord, Michigan

[100] From Encyclopedia Virginia: Ambrose E. Burnside was a major general in the Union army during the American Civil War (1861–1865). Instantly recognizable for his bushy sideburns (the term itself is derived from reversing his last name), [when] Burnside … did take command of the army, he led it into disaster at the Battle of Fredericksburg (1862), perhaps the Union’s most lopsided defeat of the war. After his corps was badly defeated at the Battle of the Crater (1864) he went home on a leave of absence from which he was never called back to duty. Burnside’s dismal reputation is probably unfair, however. He was an innovative engineer but an unlucky general who was often made a scapegoat for larger failures. He died on September 13, 1881, in Bristol, Rhode Island.

[101] The assassination of James Abram Garfield, the 20th President of the United States, began when he was shot at 9:30 a.m. on July 2, 1881, less than four months into his term as President, and ended in his death 79 days later on September 19, 1881. He was shot by Charles J. Guiteau at the Baltimore and Potomac Railroad Station in Washington, D.C., and died in Elberon, New Jersey. Guiteau’s motive was revenge against Garfield for an imagined political debt. Focused on finding and removing the bullet, the doctors stuck their unwashed fingers in the wound and probed around, without applying any anesthetic. In late 19th century America, such a search was common medical practice for treating gunshot wounds. The doctors tortured the president with more digital probing and many surgical attempts to widen the three-inch deep wound into a 20-inch-long incision, beginning at his ribs and extending to his groin. It soon became super-infected and pus-ridden. Guiteau was later found guilty of murder and sentenced to death, even though he was one of first high-profile cases in American history to plead not guilty by reason of insanity. He was hanged on June 20, 1882, in Washington D.C. There is, indeed, a grain of truth to the assassin Guiteau’s claim “the doctors killed Garfield, I just shot him.” (Taken from Wikipedia and PBS websites)

[102] Nickname for his daughter Louese Keith

[103] Neighbor. Also, from Luke’s November 2, 1878 diary entry: “Moved Mrs N. B Betts over to Burg. She moved into John Freers house. Pleasant day.”

[104] Harriet (Groat) Plank, widow of William Plank. The Planks were Luke’s former neighbors

[105] Michigan death records reveal that Sally (Dunn) Luttenton died on April 2, 1881 and shows that she is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[106] His son-in-law, Adelbert R. Skinner (see footnote for April 16th entry)

[107] His maternal first cousin

[108] Believe he is referring to Albina Earl, the daughter of Jesse & Mary (Clapp) Earl (see footnote to April 10th entry)

[109] Emeretta Allen, the daughter of neighbors, John S. & Amanda Louise (Worden) Allen

[110] Michigan death records show that Delilah (Dawley) Rowland died on October 12, 1881 in Comstock and shows she is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[111] Nephew of Jesse Earl (see footnote for April 10th entry)

[112] Camera

[113] The local newspaper

[114] The father of Luke’s daughter Lois’s first husband. Unable to confirm date or place of death

[115] Luke’s wife Sarah’s sister-in-law, Mary (Hamilton) Crawford. She was the widow of Sarah’s brother Edwin Crawford

[116] Oscar M. and Edna Alice (Crawford) Allen. Edna was the daughter of Edwin & Mary (Hamilton) Crawford

[117] The half-brother of Martin Milham (see footnote for January 2nd entry)

[118] Michigan death records confirm that Eleanor (Ward) Stone died November 19, 1881 in Comstock and records reveal that she is buried in Boughton Cemetery, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Luke’s reference to her being buried at McCain’s Corners is unclear at this time

[119] Emaline (Stone) Ralph, was the aunt of D. D. Harris (Louese Keith’s future husband)

[120] His grandson, William Byron Clark, son of his daughter Lois (Keith) Clark Skinner

[121] In previous diaries Luke refers to him as D. J. Hart

[122] Michigan death records reveal that Charlotte Mason died November 27, 1881; research continues

[123] Pamelia (Hosley) Towne, mother of Charles Towne (Hannah Keith’s future husband). Michigan death records confirm that she died November 28, 1881 in Comstock and shows she is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[124] His granddaughter, Ina Mary Skinner, daughter of his daughter Lois (Keith) Clark Skinner

[125] Michigan death records confirm that Ann Marie Ives died November 30, 1881, and shows she is buried in the Schoolcraft Township Cemetery in Vicksburg, Michigan. She was the wife of Abijah Ives (see footnote to December 16th entry)

[126] Michigan death records show that David K. Rogers died in Comstock on December 1st and records show that he is buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Galesburg, Michigan

[127] Marion Adelpha York, daughter of Joseph and Helen (Bradley) York. Helen was the daughter of Catharine (Keith) Bradley Lee

[128] Neighbor, Caroline (Rapelje) Allerton

[129] Neighbor, Winthrop John Ford

[130] Michigan death records confirm that Abijah Ives died December 16, 1881, and shows he is buried in the Schoolcraft Township Cemetery in Vicksburg, Michigan. His wife Ann died just two weeks prior (see footnote to November 30th entry)

[131] At this point, Lucy (Lee) Milham had five children ranging in age from 13 years on down

[132] Michigan marriage records confirm the date of marriage; Ida Eva Milham was the daughter of Richard & Hannah (Goodrich) Milham and Richard was the brother of James Milham (see footnote to the November 13th entry) and the half-brother of Martin Milham (see footnote to the January 2nd entry)